“I’m determined to make every single moment last forever."



Day 9 :

If he can, Luhan doesn’t want to wake up on this day. He’s not ready yet to say goodbye. He’s not that strong to let go of Sehun. “Luhan….wake up.” Sehun shook his body gently. “Umm? I’m awake.” Luhan smiled to Sehun. “It’s your birthday today.  Isn’t that lovely? I prepared so many things for you.” Sehun grinned. Luhan smiled a little, “Yeah, it’s lovely.” Can he actually bid farewell to Sehun when the time comes? Luhan prayed in his heart that he’ll be strong enough. Strong enough to let go.

“Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to my Luhan. Happy birthday to you!” Sehun clapped happily when he finished singing that song. “Make a wish then blow out the candles.” Sehun said. Luhan closed his eyes for several seconds and blew out all the candles. “What do you wished for?” Sehun asked curiously. “I wished for you.” Luhan said. Sehun smiled. “But I’m right here with you right now. You know I’ll never leave your side.” Sehun said. Luhan fought back the tears and managed to said, ““Don’t you have something for me? What’s my present?” Luhan tried to sound cheerful. “ME!” Sehun giggled. “Hahaha, Sehun-ah. You’re the best present I ever got in my whole entire life.”

Sehun did so many things with Luhan on that day. Luhan tried to sound energetic as always but he can’t. He just can’t. Every time Sehun did nice things to him he’ll have to fight back the tears from running down his cheeks. He doesn’t want to let Sehun see the sorrow in his eyes. Luhan wondered if Sehun can move on. “Of course he can, lots of people would be dying just to give their love to him.” Luhan mumbled. “What? What did you said just now?” Sehun turned to Luhan. “What? No. Nothing. I was just wondering where you are taking me next.” Luhan made a small smile. “Oh this last place is super special. I prepared it for you because I knew you would love it with all of your heart. Come follow me.” Sehun said happily.

Sehun brought you up a hill. It’s already 7PM when you reached up there. “Whoa, it’s breath-taking.”  Luhan said while looked around. “I know right?” Sehun giggled. Sehun prepared so many things to Luhan. He danced, he sang, he told him funny jokes. Luhan had the time of his life today all thanks to Sehun. “Sehun-ah. What time is it?” Luhan asked. “11PM.” Sehun replied.

“We don’t have much time, anymore.” Luhan said in a slow voice.

“Why? Why did you keep saying that we don’t have much time ever since the first day you came?”

Luhan took a deep breath. He has to tell Sehun the whole story now. Not much time left.

“Actually, I’m dead Sehun-ah. I died in China last week. I was brought up to heaven. They made me an angel. I begged them to have just a little more time with you. Just a little more. They agreed with it, but I was only given nine days. Nine days to make it up for you. Nine days. Can you imagine how short that is?”

Silence. Luhan started back talking in a cracked voice.

“I’m determined to make every single moment last forever. I don’t want to waste any minute without doing anything. I want to make memories with you.”

“I don’t believe you.” Sehun replied shortly.

“You have to, Sehun-ah. You have to. Remember our first day? It’s on your birthday. I brought you all over the town, stopping in every shop you want, buying everything for you. Do you still remember that?”

Sehun nodded.

“Remember our second day? The ice cream van? I made an airplane sounds when I was feeding you? When we cycled using the couple bicycle? When you asked me what do I like to do when I’m free?”

Sehun nodded.

“Remember our third day? We went into the haunted house? We shared spaghetti together? When you cried because you’re afraid of being alone?”

Sehun nodded.

“Remember our fourth day? When you drew a portrait of me and I added those wings behind my back? Is it still fresh in your mind?”

Sehun nodded.

“Remember our fifth day? Eggs are not ping pong balls, Sehun-ah. We played a video game together. That’s the first time I played a video game. Do you still remember that?”

Sehun nodded.

“Remember our sixth day? We’re playing with the water. I rented a boat at the Han River. We watched the stars together. Remember that?”

Sehun nodded.

“Remember our seventh day? We went to the zoo. You scared me off with the tiger. You’re so afraid of the elephants. I met a deer for the first time. Remember?”

Sehun nodded.

“Remember our eighth day? I brought you to a hospital for a medical check-up. Still remember that?”

Sehun nodded.

Luhan felt into silence.

“Today is the ninth day isn’t it?” Sehun whispered.

Luhan nodded.

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its not rated M, everyone. aff is crapping around. I NEVER EVEN DID TICKED THE RATED M BOX. aff is on crack =_=


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Chapter 11: *cries* oh my god i cant oh god *sniffs*
Chapter 11: I held back my tears but only when ny sister was in the room. It was such a lovely story though I thought that you should have shown the part where the get back together
Chapter 11: Sad!! I was bawling! But that's a really good fix you have there!
Chapter 4: @ybaozi OH, okay thanks, will try to work hard on my other fics after this :)
Chapter 4: It's a nice story and it has a great plot, but when i try to read it everything is all over the place. My suggestion is to follow a "cleaner" writing structure so its easier to read. Great job! =)
Hey, just a heads up, I'm unsubscribing to story's that are completed, and it's nothing personal, I'm just cleaning out my subscriptions. Ohkay~? :3