


Day 6 :

“We should clean the house compound, Sehun-ah. It’s too dirty.” Luhan complained. “What? Why? There’s no one will come to our house either way.” Sehun said, his head is still resting on the pillow. “But still, let’s clean it together. I know you’ll never clean it all by yourself.” Luhan said. “No, I’m not going out. The weather is too hot.” Sehun said and he looked away. “You better come with me or else I’ll beat you up.” Luhan ran to the bed and start gripping Sehun from the back. He started to lock Sehun up using his legs and he said, “You want to come with me now or not?” “You’re too weak, I’m still not going.” Sehun teased. Luhan get on top of Sehun. He’s trying hard to lose from Luhan’s grip. Luhan moved closer until there’s only a little inch before his lips touching Sehun’s and whispered again, “You want to come with me now or not?” Sehun stared at Luhan for a while and kissed him lightly. This caught Luhan off guard. He slipped down the bed, landed hard on the bed. Sehun laughed while helping Luhan to get up and said, “Okay now I’ll come with you.”

“Stop playing with the water, Luhan! You’re making a big fuss over here.” Sehun said while trying hard to protect himself from getting wet. “Stop it Luhan! Seriously, stop it! We’re done already, put that hose down.” Sehun said. Luhan shook his head and stick out his tongue in a protest gesture. “You better stop playing before I lose control.” Sehun threaten. Luhan is still spraying the water everywhere. Some of it splashed Sehun on the face. He wiped them off and said, “Luhan! You’re totally dead if I caught you!” Sehun started to chase Luhan all over the house’s compound. “Oh my goodness, stay away Sehun. Stay away before I splashed you with water some more.” Luhan said while running away with that hose in hand. “Not this time.” Sehun said. He caught Luhan and start hugging him too tightly until Luhan eventually gave up because he’s out of oxygen. “Okay okay. You win. Now stop squeezing me.” Sehun let go of Luhan. He desperately gasped for oxygen. “You should never ever do that again.” Luhan said breathlessly. “Aww come on. It’s not like I’m going to kill you. I’m just having fun with you.” Sehun said teasingly and started to spray Luhan with the water hose.

“Why are we here?” Sehun said. He looked around, this is Han River but its night. What does Luhan wants to do here at night. “I rented a boat for us. See.” Luhan pointed to a boat. Surely riding a boat at night is not dangerous here in Han River since they’re streetlights everywhere so it won’t be dark. Luhan helped Sehun to board the boat. Luhan rowed the boat in silence. When they reached the centre of the river, Luhan stopped rowing. “Look above you.” Luhan said. Sehun looked up. They’re millions of stars above them. “It’s beautiful.” Sehun whispered. “It is right?” Luhan smiled. Sehun looked back down. “Why did you bring me here?” Sehun asked. Luhan took Sehun’s hand and kept it locked with his. “Because I want you to know that I’m like the stars above you. I’ll always shine on you, leading you towards your happiness. Every time you feel alone, just look at the stars. I’ll be the one that’s shining so brightly just for you.”

Day 6 ended

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its not rated M, everyone. aff is crapping around. I NEVER EVEN DID TICKED THE RATED M BOX. aff is on crack =_=


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Chapter 11: *cries* oh my god i cant oh god *sniffs*
Chapter 11: I held back my tears but only when ny sister was in the room. It was such a lovely story though I thought that you should have shown the part where the get back together
Chapter 11: Sad!! I was bawling! But that's a really good fix you have there!
Chapter 4: @ybaozi OH, okay thanks, will try to work hard on my other fics after this :)
Chapter 4: It's a nice story and it has a great plot, but when i try to read it everything is all over the place. My suggestion is to follow a "cleaner" writing structure so its easier to read. Great job! =)
Hey, just a heads up, I'm unsubscribing to story's that are completed, and it's nothing personal, I'm just cleaning out my subscriptions. Ohkay~? :3