You’re filled with errors but as you learn, you can get stronger



Day 4 :

“Can you help me clean my room?” Sehun asked when he woke you up? “Um? Huh? Why so early, Sehun-ah?” Luhan said sleepily. “Because then we can go out together. You like going out with me right? Now get up!”

“When is the last time you washed all these things?” Luhan asked. “Never did.” Sehun replied. “What? Never? That explains how stinky it is.” Luhan said, covering his nose. “You’re lying. I just bought this last month and you’re sleeping with me together all these days, so why didn’t you complain about this the days before?” Sehun defended himself. “Okay okay. You win. We better finish this off fast because I can’t wait to go out.” Luhan did a surrender sign with his hands.

“Do you know what the highest tower in this whole wide world is?” Luhan asked, when they’re in the arts room. “No, what is it?” Sehun asked curiously. “The tower of my love for you!” Luhan said and happily. Sehun laughed. “Aww, that was so sweet.” Luhan smiled widely. “Now stay put so I can draw you.” Sehun said. Luhan is back to his position of being a statue. After finished drawing, Luhan went to Sehun to check it out. “Whoa, it’s amazing.” Luhan said in awe. “But you have to add this.” Luhan took the sketch pad from Sehun and started to draw something. When he handed back the sketch pad, Sehun realized that Luhan drew a pair of wings. “Why did you draw that?” “Because I’m an angel. I’m an angel that’ll always protect you, forever.”

“What do you want?” Luhan asked. “Hmm, can you buy anything for me? Anything?” Sehun asked. Luhan nodded. “Then, I want you!” Sehun said. Luhan laughed, “You already have me, Sehun-ah. Half of my heart is already yours.” Luhan said. Sehun smiled and said, “Yeah, I know that.” “Do you want to play some basketball?” Luhan asked. At first Sehun declined on playing it because he said he’s not good at it but Luhan insisted that he could teach Sehun how to play. “I told you I’m not good at this.” Sehun said as he went back to sit at the bench. “But at least you tried, that’s good enough.” Luhan said and ruffled Sehun’s hair. “I hate basketball.” Sehun said. “Why?” “Because back then those boys who plays basketball are labelled as the ‘popular guys’ and they’ll always tease how I’m not one of them.” Sehun pouted. “You don’t have to be a popular person.” Luhan said. “Yeah I know but it still hurts me okay.” “You’re filled with errors but as you learn, you can get stronger.”

Day 4 ended

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its not rated M, everyone. aff is crapping around. I NEVER EVEN DID TICKED THE RATED M BOX. aff is on crack =_=


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Chapter 11: *cries* oh my god i cant oh god *sniffs*
Chapter 11: I held back my tears but only when ny sister was in the room. It was such a lovely story though I thought that you should have shown the part where the get back together
Chapter 11: Sad!! I was bawling! But that's a really good fix you have there!
Chapter 4: @ybaozi OH, okay thanks, will try to work hard on my other fics after this :)
Chapter 4: It's a nice story and it has a great plot, but when i try to read it everything is all over the place. My suggestion is to follow a "cleaner" writing structure so its easier to read. Great job! =)
Hey, just a heads up, I'm unsubscribing to story's that are completed, and it's nothing personal, I'm just cleaning out my subscriptions. Ohkay~? :3