Words from Jung Jihoon

QLTY; Qualified Life To Yearn

The next day after the announcement, the six girls came to Rain's room just as promised. They are excited to be informed about their debut.

Nayoung knocked the door 3 times.
"Come in," Rain's voice said. Nayoung opened the door and the six girls came in. Surprisingly, Rain is drowned in sweat as he wiped it with his towel. (Now let's take a time and imagine Rain's sweaty body asdlejdilu *crazy*) The girls looked at him in confusion.

"Sit down," Rain ordered. The girls obeyed him and sat down. Then Rain himself sat down too as he reached his bag and took out a folder of papers.

He offered it to the girls and Aerin took it. They examined the papers in confusion.
"That is the lists of your songs," Rain said. The girls widened their eyes.
"We are going to have this many songs for our debut album?" Miyeon asked. There's probably around papers in that folder.

Rain shook his head slightly.
"No, it's just for back-ups. And you are going to have a mini-album for debut," Rain explained. The girls sighed in relief. And they are super excited at the use of the word 'debut'. "You are going to start recording next week. And you are moving into the dorm three days from now. You are going to meet your managers that day too."

"Managers?! Guys or girls?" Jinsu quickly asked. The other girls laughed at her enthusiasm over managers.
"Who knows.. Just see for yourself," Rain smirked. Jinsu is drowned in the imagination of handsome managers oppas that she can't even hear him.

"Seonsaengnim, can we call you oppa?" Youngrin suddenly said. All eyes immediately turned to her and silence fell to the room. Crap, shouldn't have asked.
"Sure, I'm going to be with you often from now on. Better drop the formalities," Rain chuckled. The girls loosened up and especially Youngrin who sighed in relief. "But call me seonsaengnim when we are practicing." Rain continued and the girls nodded.

"Oh, by the way," Rain said. "Since I'm going to enter the army soon enough this year, MBLAQ is going to help training you."

The girls widened their eyes once again.
"MBLAQ, as in.. MBLAQ?" Heeyoung asked in disbelief.

"Yes, us!" a voice suddenly said as the door bursted open. It was none other than MBLAQ themselves, and the one talking just now was Joon. "Be honored, girls." Joon said, looking proud.

The girls stood up and clapped cheerfully. To be mentored by MBLAQ too is unpredictable.

"Don't be such a show-off and just come in," Rain said and MBLAQ members quickly obeyed. They entered the room obediently. "So, girls, I believe you know them already. Study your songs and get ready to start recording by next week."

Rain stood up but he remembered something.
"By the way this is your debut title song," he said as he pointed to the paper in front.
"지금은 때가?" Aerin read the title out loud as Rain nodded. All the girls crowded around Aerin to read the lyrics.

"Woahh it's cool," Jinsu said awed by the song. Their first title song ever.
"What what?" Joon said as he creeped into the crowd of girls. Seungho quickly hit him in the head and dragged him back to MBLAQ. "What did I do?!" he cried.

"Once again, study the songs carefully," Rain said. Suddenly he smiled. "And congratulations."

The girls clapped and stood up.
"1, 2, 3," Nayoung counted. "Thank you very much!" the girls said bowing together.

Rain left the room, leaving the girls and MBLAQ together.

"Youngrin-ah~" Joon playfully called out. Youngrin turned to him and smiled. Joon spread his arm wide and Youngrin ran to him.
"Oppa~~" Youngrin said as she hugged him. It looks like the scene of siblings reunion but.. they are not siblings.

G.O quickly separates them from each other, looking at Joon with disgust.
"What are you doing, you ert. She's like 8 years younger than you," G.O said.
Joon pouted, "Whyyy~ she's my sister!" he said as Youngrin laughed.

On the other side, Mir is creeping next to Miyeon.
"Hello!" Mir said. Miyeon jumped a bit and turned to him. "You are the main rapper right? Can I hear you rap?"

"Who's the leader?" Seungho shouted. Nayoung raised her hand and walked towards him. "Now, I have a few words of wisdom for you."
Nayoung nodded and Aerin followed her right behind.

"Heeyoung-ah! Can't believe you are finally debuting," Thunder said. Heeyoung blushed and nodded slightly. "Feels like it's just yesterday we had a photoshoot together."

Everyone is talking to MBLAQ members, except Jinsu who is left dumbfounded. She looked around, she don't know anyone from MBLAQ. Then she just decided to run to Youngrin.
"Youngrin-ah~" Jinsu whined to Youngrin. "I'm lonely~"
Youngrin chuckled and ruffled Jinsu's hair, introducing Joon and G.O to her.

Then suddenly a loud gasp came from Mir, and everyone turned to him.
He looked very shocked. "Hyung, her rap is good!" Mir said pointing at Miyeon, who is just laughing.
Mir shot her a look, trying to look serious. "We are rivals!"
"Challenge accepted!" Miyeon said confidently.

"So, both of you are the two oldest, right?" Seungho asked, Nayoung and Aerin nodded. "I have a few tips for you two to handle the kids."
Nayoung raised her hand again before talking, "But oppa, Jinsu is one hardest kid to handle."
"That is precisely why I'm giving you tips," Seungho said.
"Why do I have to too?" Aerin carefully asked to not offend Seungho.
"I think.. it takes more than the leader to handle a kid like Jinsu," Seungho chuckled. "Now here's the thing.."

The two groups continued to chat not knowing the time. Three days from now and they are moving to the dorms. A week from now and they are recording the tracks.

QLTY's life has just begin.

Woohoo~ :p Hope you like the chapter~ Next would be the dorms and managers! And I've finished writing the lyrics for the title song *lol* it would be in english, like a translated one x) Look forward!

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Chapter 19: it make me feel so many emotions!
hey again. thought i would mention it once more just in case. lol
had a name change and is the creator of Chiu Nayoung~ =]
hey just wanted to let you know that i've changed my username!

was "bunnyxwarrior" or "ilovepeachbooboo" and now am "LuminousStardust"
This is aegyostrawberry new account ^^
I will be going on a quick hiatus ^^
Chapter 28: Aww, it's not lame! I thought you did a very good job. It was a little rushed though XD. But I understand that you were trying to show us how hectic their schedule is ^^. Rofl, I love that 'eww, stop being everyone's umma' comment XD. She can't help it Miyeon! Lol. I look forward to the next chapter ^^.
Chapter 28: it's not lame!
it was good, and wow, really hectic! :O
and ohh can't wait for goodbye stages~
it's okay about Yoo Seungho though~
the wait is worth it! =]
Hey ^^ I thought I would let you know that im deactivating this account soon
and so ill subscribe and comment with my other one :3
Chapter 27: QUALIFIERS~!!
That's a great fan club name :3
I can't wait to see the variety show :3

Good luck author nim~
Chapter 27: ohhh yay an official QUALIFER NOW!!! xD
anyways, this is a good pace for the story~
i like it, you're doing a good job!!
will check out your new story. =]