Announcement from Rain Oppa

QLTY; Qualified Life To Yearn

Did you realize that I deleted author's notes and application form? LOL, moving on! I'm sorry if your character seems out of character :(

July 1st, 2011

It was a lovely and peaceful day at J.Tune Camp's girls' training room. They were practicing diligently so that they can debut as soon as possible. There are only 13 girl trainees at J.Tune Camp right now.

"Ah, yah!! Don't play around! You're distracting me over here!" Aerin, the umma said. She was scolding Jinsu, who is running around like a little kid. Jinsu replied her by tucking out her tongue, boiling Aerin's anger.

Then someone poked Aerin's shoulder, and it was Hani.
"Don't bother her, Aerin unnie. Let's just concentrate," Hani said assuring. Aerin calmed down and took a deep breath.

Nayoung chuckled at Jinsu's silliness, but still managed to stay calm and continue her practice. Meanwhile, Jaein is in deep concentrate in her practice, as if she's in her own world.

"I'm hungry," said Hyemi out of nowhere. The other trainees immediately turned to her with weird eyes. "What?"
"Uhm, you just had snacks around 10 minutes ago, unnie," Youngrin said.
Hyemi shrugged, "Err yeah, I'm still hungry."

All the trainees laughed at Hyemi's gluttony.

"Unnie? Tamah unnie?" Youngmi said, trying to wake Tamah from her daydream.
Tamah jumped, "What? Is Rain sunbaenim here?"

"Yeah, I'm here," said a deep voice. All the girls jumped from shock except Hana who is laughing hard. Turns out the voice was hers, imitating Rain. She laughed together with Miyeon, they even high-fived.
"YAH!" All the girls yelled. Hana and Miyeon are still laughing hard, even rolling.

"Hey, we are not getting anywhere if it continues like this," Heeyoung said, pouting.
"Indeed. What if Rain sunbaenim really came here?" Jaerin said, pretending to shiver.

"Yeah, what if?" a deep voice called out again. This time the girls all frozed, knowing that this is the real voice of the ultimate emperor. They turned around to find Rain, hands on his waist. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

The girls stood up straight.
"We are t-t-training!" the girls stuttered. Rain glared at them one by one as they looked down, afraid.

Rain sighed and loosened his position.
"I don't know why I chose 6 of these girls," Rain whispered. "Anyway, girls, I want to announce something."

The girls looked up to him in hope. They have a feeling of what he's going to announce about.
"Yeah, this is what you think of," Rain said, smirking. "I'm going to choose 6 of you to debut in a group."

The girls squealed and cheered hard. They jumped everywhere.
"Okay girls, stay calm. I'm going to announce it now," Rain said. He cleared his throat before continuing. "The group is going to be called QLTY or Quality, debuting approximately one year from now."

The girls stiffened and nodded. This the time they have been waiting for. The time to decide their future.
Rain eyed them one by one, "The first member of the group is..."

Ta-dah! :P The revealment of the members is going to be in the next chapters, in the form of articles. Oh, I have chosen some of the applicants, but you have to wait for them one or two days from now~ The first member is of course my character, and I'm going to post it tomorrow :] Look forward~!

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Chapter 19: it make me feel so many emotions!
hey again. thought i would mention it once more just in case. lol
had a name change and is the creator of Chiu Nayoung~ =]
hey just wanted to let you know that i've changed my username!

was "bunnyxwarrior" or "ilovepeachbooboo" and now am "LuminousStardust"
This is aegyostrawberry new account ^^
I will be going on a quick hiatus ^^
Chapter 28: Aww, it's not lame! I thought you did a very good job. It was a little rushed though XD. But I understand that you were trying to show us how hectic their schedule is ^^. Rofl, I love that 'eww, stop being everyone's umma' comment XD. She can't help it Miyeon! Lol. I look forward to the next chapter ^^.
Chapter 28: it's not lame!
it was good, and wow, really hectic! :O
and ohh can't wait for goodbye stages~
it's okay about Yoo Seungho though~
the wait is worth it! =]
Hey ^^ I thought I would let you know that im deactivating this account soon
and so ill subscribe and comment with my other one :3
Chapter 27: QUALIFIERS~!!
That's a great fan club name :3
I can't wait to see the variety show :3

Good luck author nim~
Chapter 27: ohhh yay an official QUALIFER NOW!!! xD
anyways, this is a good pace for the story~
i like it, you're doing a good job!!
will check out your new story. =]