Handsome Business Partner

Happy Endings Don't Exist

*Beep Beep Beep* Chae Ri slammed her hand down on her alarm clock and lazily got up, it was 7:30am. The time she’d usually get up for work but today was Sunday so it was her day off. She got ready within an hour and ate her breakfast, when she was done she sped off to L.joe’s. Instead of letting herself in she pressed the doorbell and waited for him, soon he opened the door still in his pjs while rubbing his sleepy eyes “What do yo- Oh, come in babe” he said in a croaky voice then closed the door behind her, she was about to open and say something but instead he sneezed then coughed a bit “Are you sick?”  Chae Ri asked her boyfriend worriedly, he just smiled but then sneezed again “You need to go to bed, lucky I came over” she said before tucking him into bed “Stay here, if you need anything just call me. I’ll go make porridge now baby~” Chae Ri sang as she walked out the door, leaving it open so in case L.joe needed her, she’d hear him call. After she finished making the porridge, she set all the side dishes along with it onto a small table and made her way back to L.joe’s room “Baby get up to eat” Chae Ri called out as she reached the door, L.joe was sitting on his bed smiling at his adorable girlfriend in a pink apron. Chae Ri hasn’t cooked in a long time since she was wealthy and had maids and chefs to cook for her but before she was rich she had to work hard and make her own food so she was quite experienced “You look so cute in my apron” L.joe commented as Chae Ri set the table down on the bed in front of him “You look cuter in it” she said back and gave him a peck on the lips. L.joe started eating and he had to tell her that this was the best porridge he had ever tasted, having Chae Ri cook for him always made him happy because his mother wasn’t with him anymore and his father was always overseas doing ‘business’, his girlfriend was really the only person who ever looked after him besides himself.

“Eat some too” L.joe said as he lifted his spoon to Chae Ri’s mouth “Baby you’re sick, what If I get sick too? Who will look after you then?” L.joe just laughed and ate it himself. She watched him eat and every time his hair got in the way, she would brush away his bangs. She loved L.joe so much, she first met him when they were 15, they met when Chae Ri finished working and was leaving the little noodle shop. L.joe came and said he was hungry and no other place was open so he asked if she could make him something quickly before closing up, it wasn’t Chae Ri’s shop so she was worried she’d get in trouble but since he looked so cold she made him a bowl of noodle. He thanked her and paid twice as much as the normal price, after that day he came to that noodle shop a lot, not just because he wanted to eat noodles but because he wanted to see Chae Ri. They then became friends and that led them into a relationship. Chae Ri smiled to herself at the memory, through all these years the person who supported her and kept her going was L.joe. He finished eating and she cleaned the dishes. Chae Ri went back into L.joe’s room and he was still sitting on his bed, when he saw her he opened his arms out and she crawled into them, she sat in his lap as he rocked her back a forth with his chin resting on her shoulder. Suddenly Chae Ri’s phone rang, she reached into her bag and pulled out her phone and answered it “Hello?” on the other line Secretary Kang spoke to her about a new business partner she was going to meet tomorrow “Okay” she responded then hung up “Who was it?” L.joe asked “Secretary Kang, he said I’m meeting some business partner tomorrow” Chae Ri answered him “I hope this one isn’t gay, the last business partner you had almost rapped me when I went to visit you” L.joe said shuddering at the thought. Chae Ri laughed at his silliness and leaned back against his body then L.joe yawned “Go to sleep, you need rest” Chae Ri said and got off his lap “But I don’t want you to leave” he said, his lips forming into a pout, she giggled at his cuteness then went to the other side of the bed and lay down “I’ll stay here with you” she assured him and L.joe snuggled close to her and fell asleep. The next morning Chae Ri woke up and saw L.joe beside her. She watched the sleeping angel, his long lashes, sharp nose, flawless skin, defined jaw line and soft blonde hair, he was just so perfect but then she remembered something…THE BUSINESS PARTNER!

Chae Ri showered, brushed her teeth, blow dried her hair, got dressed into yesterday’s clothing and made a quick cup of coffee. L.joe came downstairs after waking up to find his girlfriend not by his side, he found her in the kitchen hurriedly drinking her coffee to keep awake “What’s wrong?” he asked “I’m late and remember I have to meet that business partner today? Will you be okay without me?” she asked all in one breath “I’ll be fine, you go before they leave” he said, she quickly gave him a kiss on the cheek and dashed out the door. When Chae Ri arrived at the company building, she threw her keys at the chauffeur boy and ran inside. She got changed into something sensible and walked towards the meeting room where she would meet the business partner. Chae Ri skidded to a stop in front of the meeting room door and fixed herself before calmly entering, when she came in she saw a man seated on the seat beside her usual seat with a lady standing behind him. The man stood up and turned around, Chae Ri was star struck. He had big, dark brown orbs, a sharp nose, thick lips, jet black hair and a very defined jaw line, his skin seemed to gleam in the room’s light and he was tall and muscular “Being late is not a very good first impression but I’ll let a pretty girl like you pass” he said with a charming smile, his voice wasn’t very deep but that didn’t make him any less attractive “I’m Kim Jaejoong, your new business partner for the Spring Project” he said holding out his hand for her to shake, Chae Ri finally came back to her senses and shook his hand “Jung Chae Ri, pleasure to meet you” she said with a smile no where near as good as his. They sat down and discussed about the Spring Project, showing each other designs and agreeing on which ones to present at the show.

And so Jaejoong enters the drama =D COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE!!!


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CB_Zinger #1
It was so catchy! O.O