
Happy Endings Don't Exist

Chae Ri woke up, it was dark and she couldn’t see anything, her head felt heavy and she found it hard to breathe evenly. She remembered everything that happened before she fainted and tried to take in her surroundings but everything was pitch black, her hands and feet were tied together and she was sitting on the floor, just then the door slammed and she heard approaching footsteps “Whose there?” Chae Ri asked in a shaky voice “It’s me” the person whispered beside her ear “Jaejoong?! Thank god, I have so much to tell you. Sa Rang is evil, she’s working with my parent’s killer and she murdered L.Joe” she let out all in one breath, Jaejoong chuckled and Chae Ri became confused. The lights , Jaejoong was just a few inches away from Chae Ri, Sa Rang stood in the middle of the room in a short black and pink dress that pressed against her body and her hand was playing with a gun. Over in the far corner, hidden in the shadows was a figure of a man sitting on an armchair while a cat on his lap and another man standing behind him at attention, Chae Ri became scared and wondered what the gun in Sa Rang’s hand was for but then she remembered about L.Joe and all her fears disappeared to be replaced with anger “What do you want!” she shouted at Sa Rang who smirked. Jaejoong stood up and walked beside Sa Rang, Chae Ri saw that he also had a gun stuck in his belt “You look like a in that dress” Chae Ri commented trying to store some time while she was succeeding in slowly untying her hands behind her back, Sa Rang sent her a glare and warned her to shut up or she’d shoot “Oooooh Choi Sa Rang is angry” Chae Ri continued to tease “It’s Kim Sa Rang, ! And shut the up” she snarled. Chae Ri just needed one pull and the roped would slip right off but she left them or it’d be too obvious, usually in a situation like this she’d be very frightened but the thought of Sa Rang murdering L.Joe pushed her to be brave and find a way to escape. The man standing in the shadows stepped out and Chae Ri felt her heart skip a beat “Minho?” she whispered, his face stayed blank “Why are you with them? Why would you choose evil?” Chae Ri spoke disappointed in her once best friend. He paid no attention to her and continued to stare blankly.

“Play time is over” the man sitting on the armchair spoke “Jung Chae Ri, Jung Nam Won and Jung Chae Hee were all fated to die within my grasp” he let out an evil cackle and Chae Ri felt unpleasant tingles run down her spine “You killed my parents” she said, anger obviously displayed in her voice “They deserved to die, I only did the lord a favor by sending sinners to hell” he whispered the last part dangerously. Sa Rang had an amused expression and she continued to spin the gun in her hand which was the only thing Chae Ri feared at the moment “Now I have the honors of sending the last sinner to hell” Sa Rang said with a wicked smirk. “Aren’t you going to slip your hands out of those?” Minho finally said something, Sa Rang gasped and raised her gun towards Chae Ri, she closed her eyes and waited for the pain *BOOM* the sound of a gunshot was heard but she felt nothing. There was a loud thump before Sa Rang cursed “Dammit” she hissed under her breath and Chae Ri opened her eyes to see Jaejoong sprawled on the floor, blood pouring out from his chest, Sa Rang was about to shoot again when Chae Ri quickly pulled her hand out of the rope, grabbed Jaejoong’s gun from his belt and shot Sa Rang instead. The bullet hit her arm and it jerked backwards causing her gun to slip from her hand and she fell to the floor in agony, police sirens started sounding outside, “What’s happening?!” the man in the armchair raged, Minho took a glance at Chae Ri and for a moment she saw guilt in his eyes. He aimed carefully before shooting the man in the armchair and made a run for it, Chae Ri was too shocked to do anything, she just sat there before pulled Jaejoong up and patting his cheeks in an attempt to wake him up but it was useless. The police stormed in and arrested Sa Rang, paramedics took Jaejoong away and confirmed the man in the armchair to be dead, Chae Ri sat on the edge of the ambulance van with a blanket wrapped around her. She watched the passing scene of policemen and paramedics rushing everywhere with blurs of blood here and there, “Is this all of them? Was there anyone else at the scene?” a policeman officer asked Chae Ri *Minho!* she thought then answered “No, that’s all of them” he nodded and walked off.

A week has passed and Chae Ri stayed at home the entire time, Jaejoong didn’t die and he is still being treated in the hospital, police were still investigating how Sa rang could’ve shot both Jaejoong and the man in the armchair since Chae Ri said there wasn’t a fourth person. They came to her house often to ask questions but she denied them all and said she didn’t know, she wasn’t charged for shooting Sa Rang because she didn’t die and was now going to serve 10 years in prison for murder and kidnapping. It was Sunday and finally after all this commotion came the time for L.Joe’s funeral, Chae Ri really didn’t want to attend this but she had to, she was the only person left related to him. They settled the coffin down and tears streamed down Chae Ri’s cheeks, the black veil over her head covered her face and she didn’t bother to wipe away the tears, everyone placed a flower on his tombstone and soon it started to rain. The crowd dispersed into different direction towards their cars, when everyone was gone Chae Ri fell on her knees in front of his grave and bawled under the rain. “It’s time to go for the papers now miss” Secretary Kang said to her and helped her up. Chae Ri signed the papers her lawyer had given her and she was now officially L.Joe’s wife, Secretary Kang tried convincing her not to marry a dead man but Chae Ri still dedicated her life to L.Joe. If she couldn’t spend it with him then she wouldn’t with anyone else.

Next chapter will be the last! I have completed Complicated Love, if you haven't checked it out, please do ^^ COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE<3 

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CB_Zinger #1
It was so catchy! O.O