Happily Ever After

Happy Endings Don't Exist

Chae Ri parked her car and looked to her side, on the passenger seat lay 2 bouquets of white roses, She smiled before taking them and stepping out. The sun shone brightly in the sky but it was windy, she made her way through the rows and rows of graves until she reached two beside each other. Chae Ri kneeled down in front of the bigger one and brushed away the dead leaves “Umma and Appa, how are you guys? Sorry I haven’t been visiting often because I’m very busy with the company” she placed the bouquet of white roses on her parent’s grave “I brought your favorite mum”. Chae Ri then turned to the smaller grave beside her parent’s, “My beloved husband, how have you been?” she the picture of L.Joe on the grave and tears slipped down her cheeks “It’s nice to know you’re doing good. I’ve been lonely without you, I miss you so much” she said and placed the other bouquet on L.Joe’s grave “I will come visit you guys again” Chae Ri kissed L.Joe’s picture and stood up to head back to her car. The wind blew her hair and she felt a slight shiver run down her spine *They’re with me* she thought and drove away.

A man stood behind a tree, watching Chae Ri’s car disappear into the distance, he walked up to her parent’s grave and took off his hat then bowed to the grave. He placed flowers on L.Joe’s grave, put his hat back on and walked away. Chae Ri was driving while trying to fish her phone from her bag but she couldn’t find it, she pulled over and checked her bag again but her phone wasn’t there *I must’ve left it at the cemetery* she drove back and walked through the rows of graves again towards her parent’s and L.Joe’s. When Chae Ri got there she saw there was also a bouquet of yellow flowers on L.Joe’s grave beside her white roses, she looked around and saw the figure of a man retreating behind some bushes. Smiling to herself, Chae Ri picked up her phone on the grass and made her way back to her car *Thank you Minho Oppa*. Suddenly her phone rang “Yobeseoyo?” she answered “Chae Ri-ah want to have lunch with me and Eunji?” the other line asked “Neh, at the usual place? Okay” Chae Ri hung up and drove to a restaurant, she got out of her car and a little girl ran towards her “Unnie!” the little girl jumped into her arms and Chae Ri picked her up “How is Jaehyun today?” she asked and the little girl beamed at her. Chae Ri entered the restaurant and Jaejoong stood up waving at her with his wife “Jaehyun-ah you shouldn’t run away like that” Eunji gave Jaehyun a stern look “Sorry mummy” the little girl replied before they all sat down and ordered lunch.



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CB_Zinger #1
It was so catchy! O.O