
Happy Endings Don't Exist

“Are you alright?” L.Joe asked and started wiping the stain off Chae Ri’s dress, she looked up and saw a pretty girl with shoulder length blonde hair and the perfect curves “Secretary Choi, you should be more careful next time” Jaejoong scolded her “Oh yes I’m sorry” she bowed to Chae Ri before walking off rudely. Chae Ri put her hand on top of L.Joe’s to stop him from trying to clean her dress, she excused herself and walked off towards the ladies room, leaving Jaejoong and L.Joe behind. “So, boyfriend huh?” Jaejoong spoke up “Yeah” L.Joe answered shortly “She’s never mentioned to me anything about a boyfriend before” “Well now you know” L.Joe said getting a bit annoyed with this guy. Then Chae Ri came back from the restroom, the stain on her dress was lighter but still visible “I think we have to go early for tonight, sorry Jaejoong” Chae Ri apologized, grabbing onto L.Joe’s arm “It’s alright, I should be apologizing, my secretary can be a bit clumsy” he said with a nervous smile. They bid each other goodbye before leaving “I don’t like that Jaejoong guy” L.Joe said on the way home “Jealous?” she boyfriend but his expression stayed stern “Lets go to your house since it’s Sunday tomorrow” she said trying to change the topic, he didn’t answer and just continued driving. When they arrived home, L.Joe went upstairs to shower, Chae Ri got the hint that he was angry so when she heard that the water wasn’t running anymore she knocked on his bedroom door, L.Joe opened the door with his cold stare “What?” his face was still cold and scary “Are you mad?” she asked cautiously, he didn’t answer so she took it as a yes “Sorry, I won’t work with someone handsome again” Chae Ri winked “Whatever” was all he said “Does that mean I’m forgiven?” still L.Joe didn’t answer. Chae Ri walked towards the door to return to her room but L.Joe grabbed her arm and spun her into him, embracing her, he whispered into her ear “Promise to only look at me and to only love me” “Promise” she said before hugging him back and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

On the other side of the world in a well hidden place, sat a man his cat’s back while the cat lazily closed it’s eyes and shifted in his lap “We’ll meet again soon Miss Jung” he said and let out an evil laugh before stopping abruptly “MINHO!” (A/N Lee Min Ho, not Choi Min Ho) “Neh Hyung-nim?” Minho appeared at the door “Send her a little….warning” he snarled, narrowing his eyes, Minho nodded and left then the man continued with his evil laugh.

Chae Ri woke up and the sky was still slightly dark, she turned to the bedside table and saw that it was 5:30am, Chae Ri turned to her left and saw a sleeping L.Joe. Chae Ri got off the bed quietly trying not to wake him up, she showered, brushed her teeth, slipped on some new clothes she left in L.Joe’s closet then went downstairs to make breakfast, while cooking there was a ring at the door *Who would be here this early?* she thought and went to open the door. No one was standing outside but there was a little box on the ground, she picked it up, went inside and locked the door “Who was it?” L.Joe was standing on the staircase rubbing his sleepy eyes “I don’t know, I opened the door, there was no one there but there was this” Chae Ri answered raising the box in her hands, L.Joe went beside her and she opened the cardboard box, inside was a smaller box with a red ribbon on it, she took off the lid of that box and inside was a singular diamond ring. Chae Ri’s eyes widened in horror and she dropped the box, pulling her hand over “What’s wrong? What is that?” L.Joe asked worried at Chae Ri’s sudden reaction, he bent down and picked up the box and the ring, examining the ring carefully he found the words ‘N&H’ engraved on the inside. L.Joe looked at Chae Ri with a confused expression and she finally found the strength to speak “That’s my mother’s wedding ring” she choked out in a frightened voice, just then L.Joe spotted a small piece of paper embedded at the bottom of the box. He put the box on the coffee table and led Chae Ri upstairs, after tucking her in and making sure she was asleep, he came back downstairs, turned off the stove and sat back down at the sofa. He unraveled the small piece of paper and it read ‘This is just the beginning Jung’ Jung? As in Jung Chae Ri? L.Joe became uneasy as he realizes someone is targeting her, he put the box with the ring and note into a safe drawer before heading to the kitchen to make breakfast.

At 8:00am Chae Ri woke up and she was calm again but still worried, L.Joe assured her that everything was going to be okay and they ate breakfast. “Who would have my mother’s wedding ring?” Chae Ri asked “Were your parents wearing the wedding rings when they found the bodies?” L.Joe asked, structuring his words carefully because this was a sensitive topic for Chae Ri “I didn’t notice” she whispered “If it’s not the police, detective or funeral organizer then there is only one person left” he said knowingly “You mean….” She trailed off and he nodded with a serious expression “But why? I don’t even know who he is!” she exclaimed getting annoyed at all the questions and no answers, L.Joe pulled her into a hug and brushed her hair soothingly “Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of this. You’re not alone” he assured her and she snuggled closer to his addictive scent. In the dark shadows of the abandoned warehouse, Minho cleaned his knife with his handkerchief. His figure was hidden in the darkness and every now and then when he turned the knife, a flash of a dangerous shine would light up the small corner of the warehouse “This is it Jung Chae Ri. Don’t expect forgiveness from me anymore” he whispered with a deep snarl coming from the back of his throat. Minho jabbed the knife down onto the ground where it made a hole in a doll’s chest, mysteriously the doll’s eyes seemed to have gotten bigger and cotton poured out of it like blood pouring out of a stabbed human “Just you wait and see”.

Sorry i didn't update yesterday but as i said i won't be able to update this fic often until Complicated Love is done. Stay tuned and don't forget to COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE<3

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Marry...HIM?! coming soon :)


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CB_Zinger #1
It was so catchy! O.O