Marry Me?

Happy Endings Don't Exist

After dinner it was time for Chae Ri to receive her present, L.Joe was getting nervous because this wasn’t going to be just a normal birthday present, he stood up and took out the cake from the fridge then lit it up with candles. Setting it on the dining table he then turned off the lights and the candles on the cake lit up the room, L.Joe made his way next to Chae Ri’s chair and kneeled down on one knee, she looked down at him confused but smiling. L.Joe pulled out the Tiffany & Co ring from his pocket and opened up the box “Will you spend the rest of your life with me Jung Chae Ri?” he asked gazing into her eyes, Chae Ri’s eyes widened and tears started b at the corners “Omo L.Joe!” she exclaimed and let out the breath she just realized she’s been holding, Chae Ri didn’t know how to respond, of course she wanted to marry L.Joe but right now they were only 19 and she has a company to look after while he’s still pursuing his career “YES!” she shouted and jumped at him forgetting about all the consequences. He gladly hugged her back, they spent the rest of the night eating cake, watching random shows and admiring her ring. Chae Ri knew that it was going to be difficult being L.Joe’s wife but she was willing to go through it, they were in this together right? They love each other and that’s all that really matters.

The next day, Chae Ri drove to work as usual and when it was 10am she went out to a restaurant to meet Sa Rang for more business talk. Chae Ri turned off her phone before entering the restaurant and spotted Sa Rang. They talked about important things and Sa Rang was trying to waste as much time as possible but Chae Ri didn’t notice that and just continued to answer her, when Chae Ri finally noticed they’d been talking for 2 hours she tried ending the discussion. Sa Rang smiled at her success while watching Chae Ri leave the restaurant, she then returned to her car and dialed a number on her phone before throwing it on the passenger seat beside her and plucking in her earphones “So how did it go?” the person on the other line asked “Well, she didn’t suspect anything” Sa Rang said proudly “Good, we shall make our move soon. Just give them a little more time for more memories” the other line chuckled evilly and Sa Rang smirked.

Chae Ri went back to her office and found Jaejoong waiting inside “Oh hello” she greeted when she entered, he stood up and smiled then followed her to her desk “This is the deposit money for this project, I came here because Secretary Choi isn’t allowed to handle the money” he said placing an envelope on her desk. Chae Ri opened it and took a look at the cheque then nodded approvingly before Jaejoong left her office. Chae Ri continued working and got to go home early, she arrived at L.Joe’s house at 4pm since he said he wanted to go to the amusement park, he can be such a kid sometimes but that’s why she loves him “Ready?” he asked as he walked out and locked his door. Chae Ri nodded and they were off to the amusement park, playing around like little kids, running around and trying every ride. L.Joe was dizzy when he got off the spinning teacups “C’mon even 5 year olds handle it better than you do” Chae Ri said playfully punching his chest, he chuckled, she went to buy cotton candy while he sat down and tried to get rid of the dizziness. They went on more rides and Chae Ri was especially scared of the haunted house, after that they played at the little game booths and L.Joe won her a teddy bear that was almost as big as her. Chae Ri bought bunny ears headbands and wore them with L.Joe, he pulled her into a photo booth and they snapped random photos, adding smiley faces, love hearts and glitter swirls everywhere. It was a fun afternoon and Chae Ri forgot all about work and just relaxed, after that they went to the beach and walked along the sandy shores, running away from the approaching waves now and then “Look a full moon” Chae Ri pointed to the brightly shining full moon, L.Joe smiled and ruffled her hair, they held hands with their shoes in the other hand. They sat down on the sand and Chae Ri stared at the sky, L.Joe wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her on the forehead “Did you have fun today?” he asked and she nodded enthusiastically like a little kid “That’s good” he said before joining her in gazing at the stars. She cuddled the stuffed bear while he cuddled her and they sat in the cold but refreshing breeze.

Chae Ri spotted a pretty orange and white seashell nearby, she could’ve sworn it looked like a love heart, she picked it up and admired it. L.Joe took the seashell from her hand and used a stick to scratch something onto it “What are you doing?” she asked curious, after he finished he showed her the seashell that had the words ‘BH+CR=4EVER’. Chae Ri laughed and took the seashell from his hand, she started digging a hole in the sand then placed the seashell inside and covered it with sand again, she started making funny hand gestures before saying “20 steps from the shore” L.Joe smiled at her and kissed her temple before helping her up. They made their way home after leaving their mark on the beach, the next day Chae Ri didn’t go to work, instead she went to the wedding planner building and reserved a date for the restaurant. She wanted to choose the attire today too but L.Joe was busy and couldn’t make it so they’d have to wait till next time. Chae Ri made her way back to the company and worked the rest of the day off before going home and receiving yet another gift from the killer. This time it was her father’s kiering, she put it in the draw with all the other ‘gifts’ oblivious of the little note stuck on the bottom of the box.

I decided to make this a short fanfiction since i'm running out of ideas and the plot of this story was short to begin with anyways COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE<3

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Marry...HIM?! coming soon :)


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CB_Zinger #1
It was so catchy! O.O