Rest Well My Dear

Happy Endings Don't Exist

It has been 2 weeks since L.Joe proposed to Chae Ri, they decided to put the wedding on hold because they were both very busy with work. Chae Ri cancelled her booked date at the restaurant and everything else she planned was to be held back until she needed them. Sa Rang continued making visits to her company and they went out to discuss work most of the time, the project was coming together well and now and then Jaejoong would stop by to check on things. L.Joe wasn’t around a lot because of his schedule and the mysterious killer also stopped sending the gifts, Chae Ri thought he ran out of things to send so she didn’t bother to investigate. She sat in her office doing the usual, Sa Rang didn’t come over today because she was working on the designs with the graphic company, there was no need for Chae Ri to be there since Sa Rang could handle that herself. Chae Ri worked away completely forgetting about the time, when she took a glance at the wall clock it was 10pm. She took off her glasses and rubbed her sleepy eyes before packing up and heading home. The streets were empty and the street lights dimly lit up the road, Chae Ri ignored the howls of stray dogs and concentrated on the road. She was afraid even though she was in a car, the alleyways looked dangerously threatening, pushing all her thoughts aside she pressed harder on the pedal to get home faster. Chae Ri quickly unlocked her front door and locked it again after she was safely inside her home, she took a shower then snuggled into bed. Chae Ri missed L.Joe, he’s been so busy lately that he hasn’t had any time for her, soon she fell asleep.

The next morning was Sunday and Chae Ri wasn’t meant to go to work but since she had nothing better to do she went anyways, she hated being home alone, it made her think of the mysterious killer still on the loose. On her way towards her car she received a phone call from L.Joe “Yobeseoyo?” “Hey babes how are you?” “I’m good, it’s really lonely without you around though” “Naww, I’m free this Wednesday!” “Really? I’ll ditch work and we can go on a date” she exclaimed happily, he agreed then hung up. She arrived at the company and threw the chauffeur boy her car keys before entering the company with everyone bowing to her as usual, everyone was surprised when Chae Ri actually paid attention to them and bowed back, she was so happy to see L.Joe again after a whole week of not seeing him that she wasn’t being herself. “You seem happy today Miss” Secretary Kang greeted her “Yes I am” she smiled at him “Secretary Choi was going to come over and discuss some things with me but since now you’re here I guess she can speak to you instead” Secretary Kang told her “Okay, tell me when she arrives” Chae Ri said before entering her office and instead of handing her coat to a secretary she hanged it up herself. Everyone was concerned with Chae Ri’s abnormal behavior but Secretary Kang told them to go back to work and mind their own business, after about 10mins Sa rang arrived at Jung Corporations. They did the usual and discussed more about the project, they even skipped lunch without realizing, suddenly Chae Ri’s desk phone rang “Excuse me” she said to Sa Rang before picking up the phone “Jung Chae Ri of Jung Corporations here” she said through the speaker, after a few seconds of silence the phone slipped from Chae Ri’s hands and fell onto the floor “Is something wrong?” Sa Rang asked as she walked towards Chae Ri and picked up the phone, she put it to her ear but the other line was already dead, she placed the phone on the desk and looked at Chae Ri’s pale face. Everything was happening in slow motion for Chae Ri, it seemed as though the world had stopped after that phone call, she turned her head stiffly towards Sa Rang before dashing out of her office.

Chae Ri ran out of the company and to the parking lot, she heard Secretary Kang calling after her but she ignored everything, nothing mattered at this moment. She blocked out her surroundings and drove towards the hospital in full speed, not afraid of the police chasing her on her tracks, she couldn’t hear the sirens of their cars, she couldn’t hear the beeping of car horns. Chae Ri parked her car in a random spot before rushing out of it without even locking the car “LEE BYUNGHUN!” she shouted to the front desk lady who was startled by the sudden noise “Room 7-701” the lady stuttered, without a thanks or any thought, Chae Ri ran to a door with the numbers ‘701’ on it. When she found it the doctor was exiting the room “What’s wrong? What happened? How is he?” she threw a bunch of questions at the doctor, he shook his head with a solemn look on his face “I’m sorry but we tried our best” he said, at that very moment Chae Ri felt her legs weaken, she felt the life being out of her and everything became a blur “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE SORRY? YOU’RE A DOCTOR, IT’S YOUR JOB TO SAVE LIVES!” she screamed at the doctor shaking his shoulders violently, tears streaming down her face, Secretary Kang rushed in on time to stop her from physically abusing the doctor. Still with that solemn look on his face the doctor walked away, Chae Ri kicked opened the door of room 701 and rushed to the body completely covered with a white cloth, she grabbed the white cloth and pulled it off of L.Joe. The sight in front of her made her heart stop and she fell to the floor on her knees, Secretary Kang looked away with tears stinging his eyes, Chae Ri took L.Joe’s hand and leaned her head on the edge of the bed sobbing helplessly “Byunghun ah” she managed to croak out “I’m sorry miss but-“ a nurse came in and was going to say something but Chae Ri cut her off “LOOK!” she raised her hand with the wedding ring on it “WE WERE GOING TO GET MARRIED! I HAVEN’T SEEN HIM FOR A WEEK! WE WERE GOING TO GO OUT THIS WEDNESDAY!” she shouted at the nurse and the nurse hung her head low before walking out.

Chae Ri continued to sob by the bed, holding onto L.Joe’s freezing cold hand. She his hair and caressed his face “Wake up Byunghun-ah. What about our date this Wednesday? What about our wedding? How can you just lye here when I’m crying. Aren’t you going to hug me and tell me everything’s gonna be okay?” she spoke to the lifeless L.Joe on the hospital bed. Chae Ri picked up the white cloth, took one last look at him before pulling the cloth over him again “Rest well my dear” she said, pecked him on the lips then covered his face completely. Chae Ri limped out of the room and towards the hospital exit, she left her car and just walked around the streets of Seoul, not caring where she was headed to. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks and she ignored all the by passers giving her strange looks, she continued to walk leading to nothingness. The reason for her existence was now gone so why bother?

Lols, sorry for killing L.Joe but i had to do it. The tag does say 'sad' afterall. I cried myself while writing this hope you guys didn't :) COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE<3


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CB_Zinger #1
It was so catchy! O.O