Not One, But Six

My Guardian Angel


Sehun was running everywhere trying to look for Jihyun. D.O stopped to catch his breath, “Sehun, I think you may just be overreacting. Calm down.” Sehun was already frustrated and when people told him to calm down, he’d get even more frustrated, “Hyung! I can’t calm down! I know what those girls did to Jihyun! They always made her life miserable! Who knows what they could have done this time!?” D.O knew he might have gotten Sehun even angrier. *Aish…*

Sehun kept thinking of a place where she may have gone to, he then remembered the place where he and Jihyun became friends, the rooftop. D.O was still panting and tired from all the running Sehun made him do. Sehun continued running without D.O. “Yah Sehun! Where are you going?” He yelled as he continued to follow him.

~ ~ ~

Jihyun was lost of words as Kai hugged her and told her the heartwarming words she wouldn’t have expected to hear. She would have expected him to get mad at her or something but he didn’t. She was lost in her own thoughts. Confused, very confused. An insult like that to Jihyun made her weak and breakdown.

Kai’s words broke her out of her thoughts, “Can you please tell me what’s wrong?” Jihyun was still silent. Kai knew that making her tell him what happened may give her another break down and he didn’t want that, instead he just gave the warm, soft smile she always gave out. “Jihyun, whatever happens. I’m your brother and you and I both know that I’ll always be here for you. Stop thinking negatively because of other’s words that shouldn’t matter,” He said as he remembered who could have been the ones to cause Jihyun hurt, “Jihyun, do you really think I’d let you get hurt like that if I didn’t love you? It hurts me to see you like this.”

Jihyun’s negative thoughts disappeared completely from the word ‘love’. She knew better than to keep thinking negative when it hurts her own brother. So instead of being weak, she smiled.

Kai also smiled, “That’s my Jihyun!” Jihyun mumbled, “I’m really sorry.” “What for?” He asked. “Because I caused you so much trouble. I’m sorry for being so weak, Oppa.” She replied. “You’re strong, Jihyun, but even strong people still have a weakness. Can you tell me what caused you to feel like this?” He asked.

Jihyun kept a straight face on. She knew it was probably the best to tell him, yet she was too kind to tell him because she knew that her brother might not let them go, even though they made her feel so weak.

“I know who they are. It’s only obvious that those girls would be the ones to be behind this on the first day of school.” Kai continued to speak, “Yet I wonder what they said or did that caused my sister to feel like this.”

Jihyun was stunned that he knew who they were right away, although he was right that it was obvious that those 3 were the ones to cause her pain right away.

“Oppa, please don’t do anything.” She said. “Why not? They were the ones to make you feel like this. This was the most I’ve seen you get hurt. I can’t just let it by.” He responded, “What happened?” Jihyun sighed knowing the fact that she couldn’t hide anything from her brother, not that she was forced to tell him, but it was her good nature with him that she trusted him and that made her tell him.

“They told me that I was useless and I just waste your time. When I think about it, it is true…” Jihyun frowned. Kai shook his head, “Don’t think of it that way. The reason why I protect is because I want to not only because it’s a brother’s job to. I know some brothers out there don’t even care about their sister. Well, I care. So please don’t make it seem like I don’t.”

Jihyun smiled, Kai’s words were true not the ones that Chanmi, Minsun, and Yoonhae said. “I’m sorry for thinking so mindlessly.” She apologized. He sighed, “Stop apologizing already! You’re making me guilty!” Jihyun chuckled. *I’m not letting anyone else’s words that don’t matter get to me anymore.*

She thought positively now. Jihyun and Kai were just about to leave the rooftop until the door busted open. Sehun was panting hard with D.O following behind him.

“Sehun, what makes you think that she’s he—“ D.O caught himself from talking when he saw Jihyun and Kai standing. Sehun quickly went over to Jihyun and pulled her into a hug, “You don’t know how worried I was looking for you!”

They were shocked with Sehun’s sudden reaction. Part of Kai was beginning to question if Sehun had feelings for his sister. Kai shook off the thought immediately *I can’t just be the only one to be this concerned about my sister. Plus, I know Sehun’s the closest one to her. I’m pretty sure he thinks of her like a sister only.*

~ ~ ~

Soon Baekhyun and Chanyeol went to the rooftop since D.O texted them. “Hey, is everything alright?” Baekhyun asked. Kai and Jihyun both nodded. “I’m sorry for making you guys worried.” Jihyun said. “Hey! Like I said, quit apologizing. It’s only natural that us, your oppas are concerned for our sister.” Kai told her as she obediently smiled. *You’re right.*

“Yeah, you don’t only have one brother, but 6! Including Suho-hyung even though he’s not here!” Chanyeol expressed. “Yeah, Kai and Chanyeol’s right. We all care about you.” Baekhyun smiled, making Jihyun’s insides jump around.

D.O put his arms around Jihyun, “Yup, even though we argue a lot and you’re always mean to me, I still consider you like my own sister.” “See Jihyun, stop thinking you’re useless because you complete our friendship.” Kai smiled. Jihyun’s heart was warming up with all the compliments.

“Wait, who told you that you were useless!?” Sehun suddenly asked in concern. He curled up his fist in anger. Kai would let it go if his sister told him to but it was hard controlling Sehun, even his best friends couldn’t control him when he would get angry. He would usually go after whoever hurts Jihyun. He’s told off the girls before and beat up the guys along with Kai.

“Hey Sehun, calm down.” Chanyeol told him. Sehun was about to leave the rooftop and look for the three but Jihyun stopped him, “Sehun-oppa, it’s fine. I realized how much of a fool I was to believe in their words when it’s not true.” Sehun stopped and his expression softened. Kai smiled at his sister’s confidence, *That’s my Kim Jihyun! Confident and strong, just like her brother!*

Jihyun smiled at all of them, “Thank you all for giving me confidence like this. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys.” Sehun smiled, “Don’t worry, we’ll always be here for you, Jihyun.” Jihyun felt secured knowing she had 6 people who cared about her. *What was I thinking? I have 6 caring brothers. Thank you again God, for giving me not one, but six guardian angels.*

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Ugh, i realized that i messed up somewhere on ch. 2 which made ch. 3 a bit confusing. -_- But thankfully i re-read it and edited it. I'm such a bad author. :\


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Chapter 15: pls updateeeeeeeee is nice story!!!!
Update please~~~
Update please~~~
Chapter 15: OMG Chanyeols hair was noodles and we ate it? LOL nom nom nom nom.
Chapter 15: I forgive you. >< update soon!!!
D.o eomma love meeee
'Maybe Next Time'
It's the ____faceDuhizang Kreeeaaaas!