
My Guardian Angel


Kai rubbed his eyes to see if he was just seeing things. Next thing he knew the two of them were gone. “Hey Kai, let’s go we have the same class this year!” D.O chirped, snapping Kai from his thoughts. Kai suddenly put on the ‘overprotective brother’ mode on, “Wait, what about Jihyun?” “Calm down. Your sister’s fine.” Chanyeol said, “She survived middle school, I’m sure she can survive high school. Let’s go.” Kai sighed *you’re right. Sometimes I just overreact too much. Jihyun will be fine since she’s with Sehun right?*

~ ~ ~

“Room A7 right?” Sehun asked as Jihyun nodded, “You know you don’t have to do this. I can go find my class by myself, I’m old enough, you’ll just be late for your next class, Oppa.” “It’s fine, I’d rather be late for my next class then have you get lost knowing how clumsy you are.” He chuckled and ruffled Jihyun’s hair.

As they continued walking the halls, people kept staring at them. “Isn’t that the Ice Prince, Sehun? Who’s that girl?” People asked each other loud enough for Sehun and Jihyun to hear. Since Kai and Sehun were close friends now, Sehun was of course part of the popular crowd that he cared less about. Whenever Sehun wasn’t around his friends, he’d always have a cold aura that intimidated and/or attracted people.

“I see you’re quite popular, huh Oppa?” Jihyun chuckled, “Or shall I say Ice Prince?” “Oh shut up.” Sehun turned red. The two finally reached Jihyun’s class room. Jihyun gulped. *So this is it.* She turned to look at Sehun and thanked him, “Thanks for walking me all the way here, Oppa! I hope you’re not late or anything! See you later for lunch!” With that Jihyun walked to the classroom leaving Sehun’s heart beating 10x faster. *Such simple words from Jihyun always make me feel this way. Get your thoughts straightened, Sehun!* He thought mentally slapping himself to wake up. “Jihyun!” He called out before she before she opened the classroom door, “I’ll meet you here for lunch, ok? You better wait for me!” She smiled softly and nodded, making Sehun’s heart beat 20x faster.

Jihyun went inside the class awkwardly. She was hoping she’d make a good first impression since this year she was more willing to open up. The board said to sit anywhere. Jihyun looked at a good place to sit and try to make new friends but she ended up noticing the familiar faces in middle school that she didn’t want to see so she decided sitting in an empty seat all the way at the back to seclude herself from everybody. When Jihyun made her way to her seat, there were whispers from girls that she kind of expected. Jihyun took a deep breath. *I think high school is just going to be the same as middle school.*

~ ~ ~

Time went fast during class, before she knew it, it was already time for lunch. Jihyun felt kind of lost as she went outside the classroom. *Hmm, where could Sehun-oppa be? He said he was going to meet me here.* She wondered. The crowd in the hallways went by fast during lunch leaving Jihyun wandering alone in the hallway.

Jihyun looked down while walking slowly yet not even knowing where her destination was. Jihyun stopped her tracks when she saw 3 pairs of feet, then looking up to meet the owners’. To Jihyun’s surprise, it was none other than 3 three girls who always wanted to make her life like hell. Chanmi, Minsun, and Yoonhae.

“Fancy meeting you here Jihyun,” a smirk plastered on Chanmi’s face, “Alone.” “Yeah, Jihyun, wouldn’t you be with your ‘oppa’ right now?” Yoonhae questioned as she eyed Jihyun’s features up and down, “You never change, you’re still the same, ugly.” Minsun spat, “I know right? I can’t believe someone as ugly as you is Kai’s sister.”

Even though Jihyun has heard insults like ‘ugly’ she wouldn’t really mind it. But when her insult was used along with her brother, she couldn’t help but get hurt. Jihyun would usually be strong and smile through it but her eyes started watering.

“Yeah, you’re so useless.” Chanmi crossed her arms, “Someone like you isn’t even worth being Kai’s sister. You’re just wasting his time whenever he saves the useless you. Don’t you feel bad? He could be doing better things with his life, but no, someone like you is in it.”

With that, a tear dropped from Jihyun’s eyes. Since it was true that he always helped her out, she couldn’t help but think it was true, the fact that she was just useless to him. No one’s ever told Jihyun such cold words that made her so insecure about herself. She didn’t mind being called ugly, but being called unworthy to become her brother’s sister, would definitely bring tears to Jihyun. Those words just made her want to just disappear from Kai’s life.

“Aww look. You made the poor baby cry. Let’s go before her heroes magically show up, stupid Princess.” Minsun rolled her eyes and walked passed Jihyun. Yoonhae looked at her up and down before passing her by, “You act like some princess, well you’re not. There’s no such things as an ugly princess.” Chanmi chuckled and bumped her shoulders while she passed by, “You a princess? You’ve gotta be kidding me. Hah.”

The three giggled as they enjoyed Jihyun’s misery. They left her all alone in the empty hallway, crying. Jihyun tried wiping her falling tears *Stop crying! Stop being so useless! Stop or you’re really unworthy to become Kai-oppa’s sister. Aish, I really am useless...*

~ ~ ~

At the cafeteria, Kai, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and D.O already got their food and headed to their table. Kai looked around and felt uneasy to where his sister was. *Jihyun, where are you?* He started walking around their group’s table anxiously. Chanyeol noticed Kai’s agitated behavior, “Hey, what’s with you?” Kai bit his lips to keep himself from feeling worried, “Well, you know, Jihyun’s here now with us but I don’t know where she is right now. And knowing her clumsiness, she’d get lost or something, ugh.” He seemed really frustrated.

D.O pat his back, “Don’t think too much about it. I’m sure she’ll be fine. She might have met new friends or something, you know?” He smiled, “Think positive, bro.” “Hmm, or she could be with Sehun. They are close, aren’t they?” Chanyeol said. Kai felt a bit relieved remembering he did see Sehun with her in the morning. That’s until he saw Sehun come inside the cafeteria, alone.

Kai saw the tense look on Sehun’s face and his instincts immediately knew there was something wrong. He quickly rushed to Sehun. “What happened? Have you seen Jihyun?” Kai asked with his protective brother instincts. Sehun frowned and shook his head, “That’s the thing, I can’t find her. I was supposed to meet her at lunch buy my teacher dismissed us a few minutes later.” “Aish.” Kai said feeling frustrated.

Their other friends looked at Kai and Sehun’s concerned expression and quickly went to them. “What’s going on?” Baekhyun asked. “Jihyun’s missing.” Sehun answered. D.O, the positive thinker replied, “Hey, I’m sure she’s just fine. She probably got lost around the school from her clumsiness or something.” “She was supposed to wait for me!” Sehun said, distressed, “I didn’t see her by her class! The worst part of it was I saw the 3 devils in the A-hallways laughing. I hope they wouldn’t have done anything or else.” Sehun made a fist. All of them knew about the three girls who always targeted Jihyun since middle school. They all exchanged concerned glances and looked at Kai, who was squishing his hair in agitation. *Jihyun, where are you!?*

The 5 of them searched around the school’s campus for Jihyun in pairs. Baekhyun was with Chanyeol. D.O was with Sehun. Kai was by himself looking everywhere he could. He wanted to call Jihyun’s phone but she didn’t have one because she didn’t want her father to spend money on her. *Stupid Jihyun, I hate how you’re so stubborn! It doesn’t matter how much a phone cost, as long as you’re freaking safe! Pabo, where are you now!?*

Kai looked everywhere and was about to give up until he thought of one more place he hasn’t checked, the rooftop. He remembered how that’s where she told him she met Sehun. He ran to the rooftop as fast as he could hoping she’d be there. There was never really anyone that hung out in such a secluded area.

Kai opened the door to the rooftop roughly hoping that Jihyun would be there. He heard crying and looked to his side to see Jihyun sitting with her arm wrapped around her knees.

“Yah pabo!” He called as she suddenly stopped. “What are you doing here?” Jihyun mumbled. “What do you mean what am I doing here? What are you doing here!?” He shot at her because of frustration. Jihyun didn’t answer. *They were right. I just cause my brother problems…*

“Hey, I’m talking to you!” Kai walked over to Jihyun. “Please just leave.” She muttered. “Leave? Why would I leave you? Hey, like I said before and I’ll keep having to repeat it if I have to just so it gets to your stubborn mind, I’m never going to leave you.” Kai said. The words made Jihyun feel better yet she still felt useless.

“I’m so sorry Oppa.” She spoke. Kai was staring at Jihyun, while her head was still buried in her arms, “What are you talking about? Why are you suddenly apologizing? Can’t you just face me?” Jihyun shook her head, “I’m too embarrassed to face you.” Kai was bewildered, “What are you talking about?” “I can’t face you…” She mumbled.

Kai never saw his sister like this. He knew something big must have happened that got to her. “Jihyun, please look at me.” “But I don’t want you to see me like this.” She replied. Kai sighed, “Stop being stubborn and making things hard for me. Talk to me so I’ll understand. Jihyun, I’m your brother. I care about you, and you know you can tell me anything. I know something’s wrong. So stop being immature and look at me.” Through Jihyun’s tears, was full of lost thoughts. *He’s right, I’m just going to make everything harder on him… I’ll just face him even in my imbecilic state.*

Jihyun wiped her tears and looked up at Kai with her eyes swollen from crying. Kai felt guilty and sorry that he couldn’t protect. He felt like he failed as a brother. Right when Jihyun got up, Kai quickly pulled her into a hug, “Jihyun, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t shield your tears.”

Jihyun didn’t hug back but instead pulled away, “I should be sorry.” Kai grew confused of his sister’s actions, “Huh?” “Oppa, am I useless? Do I just get in your way? If so, I’m really sorry for getting you worried because of me… I’m sorry for being such a bad sister.” She said as tears starting falling again.

Kai frowned and shook his head and wiped her tears, “What made you think this way!? You’re not useless. You’re my sister and you have a purpose in this world, that purpose to complete our family even though we don’t have a mother. Stop thinking such nonsense! You remember you even told Sehun to stop thinking about how useless he was. Please stop thinking like this, it hurts me to see you cry like this… specially if it’s because of me. You’re annoying and a bit bossy, but you’re not a bad sister. No matter what anyone says to hurt your feelings, you’re still going to be my sister whether you like it or not! You’re Kim Jihyun, you’re family, and you always will be.”

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Ugh, i realized that i messed up somewhere on ch. 2 which made ch. 3 a bit confusing. -_- But thankfully i re-read it and edited it. I'm such a bad author. :\


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Chapter 15: pls updateeeeeeeee is nice story!!!!
Update please~~~
Update please~~~
Chapter 15: OMG Chanyeols hair was noodles and we ate it? LOL nom nom nom nom.
Chapter 15: I forgive you. >< update soon!!!
D.o eomma love meeee
'Maybe Next Time'
It's the ____faceDuhizang Kreeeaaaas!