New Friends?

My Guardian Angel


School flew by fast and before they knew it, a few months already passed by.

It was a sunny morning and a male with black hair and two adorable dimples was walking to South Pacific High School with his Chinese friend that didn’t attend the school.

“Remember the girl we bumped into before, right? Are you sure it’s her?” His friend asked. “Yeah, I’ve seen her quite a few times before. I just couldn’t get the chance to talk to her since she’s always secure with guys.” The boy with dimples replied.

“Six guys? You sure it’s her? You better not be lying to me, Chen!” His friend joked. “I’m sure. But it seems like she has a few protective friends and I can’t seem to talk to her because one of them keeps throwing glares at me whenever I just pass by her in the hallway. I think she has a boyfriend, dude.” Chen said.

“She already has a boyfriend?” The Chinese male seemed disappointed. “Yeah, well, you wanted to meet her a little late, that’s your fault!” Chen chuckled. “Psh, I told you to start talking to her for me but you didn’t! It’s been more than 2 months already! What kind of friend are you!?” His friend crossed his arms and pretended to mad.

Chen shook his head and chuckled. “Hey, Romeo, your Juliet has arrived.” Chen said sarcastically. His friend continued to play being mad, “Shut up Chen. I’m know your just—“ He suddenly stopped when he heard her familiar voice nearby.

“I’m said sorry already Chanyeol oppa!!” Jihyun cried and hid behind Kai. “You kicked me on purpose! I know you!” Chanyeol shouted obnoxiously. The two were being obnoxious while Kai was just being oblivious about it and smirked while shaking his head.

Jihyun, Chanyeol, and Kai walked inside as they passed by Chen and his unknown friend. Chen and his friend were looking at the three of them. Chen’s friend managed to make a small eye contact with Jihyun as he smiled half-heartedly. *Chen wasn’t joking around with me…?”

Jihyun tilted her head a little bit trying to recognize him. She didn’t know what to do so she just responded with a small smile. *I feel like I’ve seen him before… Weird… he’s not wearing our school uniform* Chen’s friend felt a tinge of butterflies attack his stomach when Jihyun gave him her signature soft smile. His friend’s face suddenly felt a bit disappointment when he saw Jihyun talk with 4 more guys.

Sehun was throwing Chen and his friend a glare. The seven of them started to talk and Sehun shifted his attention back to Jihyun and smiled.

“See, that’s the guy that keeps giving me a mean look whenever I look at Jihyun.” Chen gave a small laugh as he referred to Sehun. “Him?” The Chinese male raised his left eyebrow and started judging Sehun. *He doesn’t seem too bad. I don’t think that’s her boyfriend… Great, now I realized that I’m like some e stalker because I don’t know her name and I’m going to her school just to see her...*

The bell rang signaling students to start going to their next class. “Hey, I’ll talk to her for you later.” Chen told his friend as he started making his way to his class. “Liar.” His friend just stated and made his way out of the school. “This time, for sure.” Chen gave his friend a reassuring smile before they parted ways.

~ ~ ~

It was the end of lunch and Sehun would walk Jihyun to her class. On the way to Jihyun’s class, a male figure with black hair and adorable dimples stopped in their way.

Jihyun and him were staring at each other for a moment. His lips curved into a smile making Jihyun’s lips curve into her soft smile. Meanwhile Sehun did not seem amused. Sehun rolled his eyes and was ready to continue walking Jihyun to her class but the male suddenly spoke up.

“Hello!” The man greeted with his adorable dimple, “I’m Chen!” *Aigoo. Ok, I hope I don’t sound creepy or awkward!! But I do admit, she’s one pretty girl! Ok, shut your thoughts Chen before hyung kills me!*

“I’m Jihyun.” Jihyun smiled with her head tilted to the right. *His smile is so cute! But still no match against my Baekhyun-oppa! ~* She thought happily.

“Nice to meet you Jihyun! I’ve umm… seem you around here. And well, I was wondering if we could uhh… be friends?” Chen said trying his very best not to be awkward. *Oh gawd, I fail. Hyung is going to kill me.*

Sehun, who was getting irritated by Chen, sent him another one of his serious stares. *Is this guy really trying to hit on Jihyun? Really, like that? Psh.*

“Ahaha~” Jihyun giggled, also trying her best not to be awkward, “Nice to meet you Chen!”

Chen felt somewhat relieved that Jihyun was approachable, yet the only problem was the boy next to her that kept glaring at him, Sehun. Chen chuckled in an awkward way as people passed by them on their ways to class. He bit his lip, not knowing what to do next. From meeting people, he thought it was common courtesy to shake hands, so he held his left hand out.

Jihyun was about to shake his hands out of common courtesy but Sehun suddenly held her hand. Jihyun gave him a weird look. “Sehun oppa? What are you doing?” She asked but Sehun ignored her question as he was turning red. “We have to go.” He boldly answered, “We’ll be late to class. Let’s go.”

Jihyun and Chen were both confused but Sehun dragged her by holding her hand to class. Jihyun gave Chen a small smile before he was fully out of sight.  *Well, there goes a chance of making another friend. So much for having a social life… Hahaha no. He seemed like a gentleman too! Oh Sehun Oppaaaa!!*

Chen was left dumbfounded and his left hand still in the air. To avoid such awkwardness, he put his left hand over to scratch his head and chuckled to himself awkwardly. *Ok... that was, well… weird.*

~ ~ ~

Once they reached Jihyun’s class, Sehun was just going to walk away avoiding Jihyun but she held his arms. “What was that all about Oppa?” She asked.

Sehun just shrugged like nothing happened and continued to make his way to his class. “Oppa!” She called out. Sehun sighed, “You’re going to be late.” And then he just made his way to class while he was tomato red.

Jihyun tilted her head. *Sehun oppa is surely a weird one.* She shook her thoughts and entered her class.

a/n: shortish-longish update, still an update~

Hehe, i'm still keeping the 'mystery guy' a mystery. x]

Ok, i tried. OTL

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Ugh, i realized that i messed up somewhere on ch. 2 which made ch. 3 a bit confusing. -_- But thankfully i re-read it and edited it. I'm such a bad author. :\


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Chapter 15: pls updateeeeeeeee is nice story!!!!
Update please~~~
Update please~~~
Chapter 15: OMG Chanyeols hair was noodles and we ate it? LOL nom nom nom nom.
Chapter 15: I forgive you. >< update soon!!!
D.o eomma love meeee
'Maybe Next Time'
It's the ____faceDuhizang Kreeeaaaas!