My Guardian Angel


Jihyun came back to their table and saw Shaymin having small talk with D.O and Baekhyun, who were sitting across from each other. “Well, since it’s a family restaurant and you guys are like my brothers, then the discount’s in the house!” Shaymin told them. “You’re really kind, as always.” Baekhyun smiled.

Jihyun’s face fell a little bit as she walked back to her seat. She felt jealous as she remembered that was the same words she told them; you guys are like my brothers “What took you so long?” Kai asked snapping her out of her thoughts. The food was already ready to eat on her plate. “I accidently bumped into someone.” Jihyun muttered. “Hmm, I thought something would have happened.” Kai replied. “Oppa, you worry too much.” Jihyun sighed as she saw them and felt another hit of jealousy affect her. Now she was the one in a bad mood.

While they were eating, Sehun noticed how slow she ate and how she would sigh whenever she took a bite. Sehun was being bothered at Jihyun’s expression, she didn’t seem to happy. *I wonder what happened…* Sehun thought as he took a bite off his food. He then noticed how Jihyun looked when she looked over by Baekhyun and D.O’s side, they were talking to Shaymin. *Is she by any chance… jealous or something?*

Jihyun munched on her food violently and angrily. “Yeah, you guys should come here more often again!” Shaymin said as Jihyun chomped on her food louder. *Oh yeah, whatever! You just want to see them and flirt with Baekhyun oppa again. Hahaha, whatever.*

Kai heard Jihyun’s angry chomping and saw her annoyed expression. “What’s wrong with you, sis?” She just threw him a glare since she wasn’t in the mood. “Nothing.” Kai knew there was something that was currently making her feel annoyed like that. Yet, he doesn’t know.

~ ~ ~

Finally, after they ate, they bid goodbye to their friend waitress. “Well, we’ll see you again next time! It was good seeing you!” D.O bowed politely. “Yeah, we’re going to miss you Shaymin!” Chanyeol friendly hugged her. “We’ll make sure to visit again!” Suho smiled. “Yeah, tell your parents we dropped by!” Kai said. “Till we meet again.” Baekhyun chuckled. Shaymin frowned, “Don’t say that like we’re never going to see each other again, Oppa!” Baekhyun then gave her a light friendly hug, “Haha, ok then bye Shaymin.”

Jihyun continued feeling jealous of how everyone was close to her. She was about to leave first but a voice called her, “Hey, Jihyun-ni!” She turned around to see Shaymin smiling, “It’s nice finally meeting you after Oppas talked about you! I’m sorry I couldn’t get to know more about you! Since Oppas always talk about you, I know you must be something special! Bye and take care everyone!”

Jihyun started to feel bad for thinking wrong and feeling jealous. *You’re so stubborn, Jihyun* Jihyun just gave her the usual soft smile she’d give out. “It was nice meeting you too, unnie.” She said as she bowed down in politeness. *And I’m sorry for thinking wrong.*

~ ~ ~

After they left, it was already almost 10 in the night.

“Are we going back now?” Baekhyun asked. “Up to you guys.” D.O said. Suho looked around at everyone, “Do you guys want to leave already?” Kai shrugged and looked over at Jihyun. “Why don’t we stay a bit more?” Jihyun asked. Suho smiled and agreed. “Where are we going at this late though?” Kai questioned.

“I want to go somewhere.” Jihyun and Sehun both spoke up at the same time. Sehun blushed a little bit and looked down so nobody would notice. “Uhh, where’d you like to go?” Sehun asked Jihyun awkwardly. “If it’s alright, I’d like to go to the clock tower…” She said as she looked at building up ahead.

The guys all looked at each other and shrugged. They all actually used to climb it up at night when there weren’t any more security guards. No one climbs the clock tower because it was restricted but the group of friends didn’t care, they knew how to get inside and up all the way from the tower.

They all smiled and were ready to agree but Kai disagreed, “I don’t want to get Jihyun into any trouble.” Chanyeol sighed and rolled his eyes, “Kai, c’mon, you’re being such a killjoy. What’s wrong with Jihyun?” “What if the cops see us like last time?” Kai replied feeling annoyed. “Kai, that was a long time ago. Don’t think too negative about it. There’s no security at this time.” Chanyeol replied also feeling annoyed. Even though those two were the closest, they argue a lot. (a/n: kaiyeol. lolwut.)

Jihyun bit her lip and sighed. *I knew I was just going to get in the way of their fun. I shouldn’t have bothered to come along…* “Let’s just go home then.” She softly spoke.

Kai and Chanyeol stopped quarreling and looked at Jihyun. Kai looked at Jihyun’s face and saw through her weak smile. He would have wanted to go but he was just an over protective brother that didn’t want his sister to get hurt. Yet, he wanted her to be happy. Every time Jihyun would show her weak smile to Kai, that would be like his weakness and he’d end up feeling bad.

Kai sighed, giving up because of his soft spot for her, “Fine, we’ll go up there…” Jihyun’s face suddenly lit up in surprised, “H-huh? Are we really?” Kai nodded, “Yeah, anything for my little sis.” “Yay, thanks Oppa! You’re the best!” She exclaimed happily and ran over to friendly hug him. Chanyeol felt some sort of jealousy towards their close relationship. *If only…*

The seven of them decided to sneak inside the clock tower to get to the top of it. When they entered through the back door, Jihyun looked around and saw seats like those in churches. In fact, the whole place did look like a church.


 (a/n: Just pretend it looks abandoned or something, like it looks old. xD)

“This place looks like a church…” Jihyun said as they continued walking, “Are you sure it’s alright to be in here?” “I never said it was alright to be in here.” Kai muttered, “But you are right, this place was a church before.” “Oh… what happened?” She asked curiously.

“Before this place was a town square, there was only this church. Until the year of 1997, this place became vacant and well, abandoned. So they decided to make this place an attraction in the year of 2000.” Baekhyun spoke up as if he knew the whole story behind it.

Jihyun nodded her head trying to understand more of what happened. “How weird, the year of 1997 was when I was born…” “Weird right?” Kai snickered, “You must have been born with bad luck, sis.” He said teasingly making Jihyun frown. “That’s not a nice thing to say to your sister Kai.” Baekhyun told him. “I was kidding.” Kai said. “Hmph, you’re still mean oppa!” Jihyun said lightly punching him in a playful way.

They reached the stairs to go all the way at the top where the bell should have been, but in this case, it was a clock. “Be careful climbing up now, clumsy.” Kai said in a teasing way but was serious. Jihyun crossed her arms and went up the stairs last but before Sehun since she was supposedly “mad” at Kai.

Jihyun kept a mad face on as she was walking up the stairs not watching her steps. “Watch your step.” Sehun muttered. “Yeah yea—“ She said but almost ended up shrieking because she almost slipped and fell up high but luckily Sehun caught her on time.

“Haha, I told you to watch your step babo.” Sehun chuckled a little from Jihyun’s face which was turning red. *Thank goodness I was there to catch you… I’ll always be... Even when you're falling for someone else...* Sehun thought.

“What are you two still doing there?” D.O asked as he looked back to them. His eyes widened at how Sehun’s hands were Jihyun like he was about to carry her.

“She almost—“ “I almost—“ They both spoke up at the same time and this time Sehun was also turning red. They quickly fixed their position. D.O’s mouth fell in confusion. “What’s going on?” Everyone else looked back at Sehun and Jihyun. Both felt awkward and instead of explaining the situation and making everything more awkward for them than it already is, they both just replied nothing and continued walking up. This time, Jihyun was looking down at the stairs making sure to watch her steps.

As they finally reached the top, Jihyun was quickly astonished from the sight she saw all the way from the top of the clock tower. *This is so… beautiful.*


Kai looked at his sister’s amused face with dropped to an ‘O’. He chuckled lightly and shook his head as he lifted her chin with his hand as he stood next to her. “What was that all about?” Jihyun asked.  “Your mouth was hanging, flies might go inside.” He replied sarcastically. Jihyun shook her head and continued to sightsee.

“Hey, why don’t we sit down?” Suho offered as he took the first seat. Baekhyun sat down next to him and enjoyed his view, “This place sure does bring back memories.” Chanyeol nodded his head and sat down next to him, “It sure does.” D.O sat down next, “Oh gosh guys! Remember the first time we came here!?” “Yeah, you were too scared to sneak in, D.O” Kai chuckled sitting next to him. Sehun sat down next to Kai and smiled, “I miss this place a lot.” “I know... This was like our hangout sanctuary. We began to build the best of our memories here.” Suho smiled as he began to reminisce the memories they had of the place.

From behind, Jihyun was standing there feeling left out. The boys were talking about their memories they had back then at the town square and Jihyun didn’t want to interrupt. She just kept quiet like she was not there. She felt sad and had the urge to go back. *I shouldn’t be here…*

She quietly sighed to herself quietly and was about to turn back until Kai’s voice spoke up. “Where you going?” “Huh?” She asked as she turned back. “Come sit.” Sehun and Kai both said as they scooted and made a space for her in the middle. “How come you look sad?” Kai asked noticing the small frown on her face.

Jihyun quickly beamed a smile, “I’m not sad, silly!” “Don’t lie.” Kai boldly replied. Jihyun frowned as she felt the attention of everyone on her which she didn’t like. “Mianhe. I should have just stayed home.” “Why are you apologizing? We wanted you here.” Sehun replied. Jihyun shook her head, “I shouldn’t have come. I realized that you six wouldn’t need to have someone, specially a girl like me here. I just feel like I’m getting in the way…” “Why are you saying this?” Kai questioned in confusion.

Jihyun sighed, knowing she always would give in whenever her brother would ask, “Just that you guys seem fine without me. I don’t really have a reason to be here… You’re all having fun, you know…” She bit her lip. They all felt began to feel bad.

Kai ruffled his sister’s hair, “You’re silly. Stop thinking like that already. We brought you here to have fun. I’m sorry if we made you feel left out. But now, we’re here to create memories with you! Even though earlier it seemed that I didn’t want you come, I really did. I’m glad you did. I seem like a killjoy but I’m not, you know I’m not and I just want to keep you protected. The more of I thought about it, it was dumb because I wasn’t going to be the only one to keep you secured, but your other Oppas. Like we said, we’d always be here for you dongsaeng.”

Jihyun bit her lip shyly not knowing what to reply. Sehun pat her back in comfort and smiled, “Don’t be sad anymore.” “It’s not cute when you’re sad.” Baekhyun muttered. A curve quickly formed on Jihyun’s lips making her smile. *Thanks everyone…*

Everyone began talking about random things with the beautiful sight in front of them.

“You know, our group doesn’t have a name.” Suho said. “I know, what’s a badass name for us?” D.O thought, “How about Swag kings?” “No!!” They all said at the same time. “Ok…” D.O frowned as Jihyun began to chuckle.

“What do you thinks a good name for us?” Kai asked Jihyun. She stopped laughing and thought deeply, “How about EXO?” She said out of random. D.O chuckled by himself, “Psh! That’s weirder than what I said!” “Actually no,” Suho replied, “That sounds good but what does EXO stand for?” Jihyun just shrugged, “It was a random thought I had, Excellent Oppas” Everyone laughed but not making fun of it.

“You know, that does sound good.” Suho nodded his head in approval. “Yeah, I agree. Its meaning is really cute.” Baekhyun grinned as he made eye contact with Jihyun sending her butterflies. “Yeah, sounds awesome!” Chanyeol fisted up. Sehun smiled, “Excellent oppas, huh? Thanks.” Kai shook his head but smiled in approval, “You’re silly, excellent dongsaeng.”

Everyone was approving of the name ‘EXO’ but D.O. “What about Swaggers!?”

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Ugh, i realized that i messed up somewhere on ch. 2 which made ch. 3 a bit confusing. -_- But thankfully i re-read it and edited it. I'm such a bad author. :\


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Chapter 15: pls updateeeeeeeee is nice story!!!!
Update please~~~
Update please~~~
Chapter 15: OMG Chanyeols hair was noodles and we ate it? LOL nom nom nom nom.
Chapter 15: I forgive you. >< update soon!!!
D.o eomma love meeee
'Maybe Next Time'
It's the ____faceDuhizang Kreeeaaaas!