Oh Sehun

My Guardian Angel



“Jihyun, let’s go home.” Kai said without any emotion and pulled Jihyun and started walking. “Ouch, wait Oppa that hurts!” Jihyun flinched. She was confused at his actions, she never really saw him act that way unless someone was bullying her. In fact, Sehun did the opposite, he saved her.

“Oppa, what’s wrong?” She asked. Kai gave Sehun another look and continued to walk pulling Jihyun behind, “Don’t ask, let’s go.” “But…” as Jihyun was being pulled away from Sehun she glanced at him and smiled. Jihyun mouthed, ‘Mianhae’ and walked off.

Sehun understood why Kai did that.

~ ~ ~

When Jihyun and Kai reached home she questioned him, “Oppa, what is wrong with you!? You’re never mad unless someone was bullying me or something… In fact, Sehun helped me!” Kai got angry when he heard Sehun’s name, “Don’t get involved with him.” “But why!?” She asked. Kai look even angrier, “Just don’t, please… for me.” Jihyun grew even more confused but she didn’t want to disobey her brother. She always would follow Kai’s orders. *Oppa, what’s wrong and why won’t you tell me? You always tell me everything though…*

~ ~ ~

The next day, Jihyun went to school, same every day except she was looking for Sehun. *I know Oppa told me to stay away from him, but I’m curious…* She walked everywhere during lunch to find out about him. There was only one place she didn’t get to check since no one goes there, the rooftop. *Oh well, it’s worth a try.* She walked out of the rooftop and expected to find no one there but she saw  Sehun sitting down.

Jihyun smiled and went over to him. There was something about him that she wanted to know more about. It seemed as if she wanted to open up to him. *I know Oppa would get mad but I’m sorry.*

“Hello” She greeted. Sehun looked at her and quickly turned away, “What are you doing here?” He asked with no emotion in his voice. She casually replied, “I was looking for you.” Sehun seemed confused, “Huh?” “You know I never really wanted to be anyone’s friend but for some reason, I want to be your friend.” Jihyun said as she gave Sehun a warm smile.

Sehun tried to give her a cold mean stare to make her leave but she just continued to smile. Sehun’s face turned tender. His cold stare was broken by a mere sweet smile. His heart started quivering. *Why am I feeling this way?*

“You know, I didn’t get your name yet.” Jihyun said. Sehun was still looking away, “Listen, if you’re here to make friends with me just because I helped you yesterday, it’s fine. I don’t need friends.” Jihyun frowned, “Am I really that annoying? If so, I’m sorry. I never really opened up to anyone. I’m stupid for trying to open up to you. I’ll stop bothering you now.” She felt as if tears were about to form for no reason why and quickly left the roof top. Sehun looked at the door with guilt filling him. *She’s never wanted to open up to anybody… but me?*

~ ~ ~

Jihyun locked herself in her room all day that time. Kai knocked to call her over for dinner, “Hey, dinner’s ready.” Jihyun opened the door and went downstairs silently. She still felt sad because of what happened earlier.

Kai could read her sad expression. *I hope no one’s bullying you again. But this time, there’s no smile. You usually smile even if you’re bullied… You’re so foolish. Yet, you’re not even smiling. What could have happened?*

“Thank you for the food, Appa.” She muttered and began to eat. Even her father could read that she was sad within her atmosphere. After dinner, Jihyun and Kai would watch TV or do something together but Jihyun went straight to her room.

Their dad looked at Kai, “Yah, did you two get in a fight or something?” Usually Jihyun is only sad like that if Kai did something to upset her. Kai shrugged, “I didn’t do anything… I’ll check up on her Appa.” He said with a concerned expression and headed upstairs. *What’s wrong dongsaeng? You tell me everything…*

A knock was heard on Jihyun’s door, she stopped doing her homework and went to open it. “Oh Kai-oppa!” She said while managing to put on a smile. Kai stared at Jihyun sympathetically, “I know something’s wrong. Won’t you tell your Oppa?” She blinked at him innocently, “Oppa, nothing’s wrong I just need to finish my homework tomorrow.” Kai sighed. *I hate when you make everything harder for yourself by pretending you’re alright.*

“Jihyun…” He frowned, “I know you…” “Of course you do, you’re my brother!” She sarcastically joked. But Kai’s face was serious, “I know you more than you know yourself…” Jihyun stiffened, he was right, he knew Jihyun more than she knew about herself. “You could tell me anything, I promise.” He said.

The two siblings went outside to get fresh air. Kai looked at Jihyun’s expressionless face and he could definitely tell there was something wrong. The two never really had serious conversations but if they did, they were always there to talk to each other.

Kai finally spoke up, “What’s been bothering you?” Jihyun looked down and sighed, “Oppa…” “Hmm?” Kai tilted his head. “Mianhae…” She apologized. “What for?” He asked. “Because you told me to stay away from him but I disobeyed you…” Kai’s eyes widened. *Jihyun has never disobeyed me…*

“I know you’re mad at me right now but I was just curious.” She muttered, “And I wanted him to be my friend…” Kai looked at her, “Jihyun, he’s dangerous, you can’t hang around him!” “Why!?” She questioned. Kai took a deep breath and told her about Sehun.

- - - - -

Kai was in his second year of middle school while Sehun was a grade younger. Kai was known for his good looks and his calm & welcoming personality. Sehun the opposite of Kai, he was known, but from dark rumors which is why he didn’t have any friends. Kai was good with everyone in the school except for Sehun. One day, Kai and his friend decided he wanted to make friends with Sehun. He went over to Sehun since he’d always be alone. Kai knew how it felt to always be alone since he knew about how his sister didn’t like communicating with others but him.

“Hello there!” He greeted with his hands out. Sehun looked at his hands and looked away. *Wow he sure reminds me of Jihyun when she’d reject people to become her friend...* Kai thought. “You remind me of someone I know, she’s stubborn like you.” He chuckled. Sehun’s hands were crossed and it seemed like he didn’t care what Kai was talking about.

Kai’s friend who was waiting by the rooftop door, Chanyeol, noticed something with Sehun, something he had. Chanyeol gasped and quickly pulled Kai away from Sehun, “Stay away from him Kai he’s dangerous!” Kai quickly backed away and looked at Chanyeol with a confused expression.

“He carries a knife…” Chanyeol said in a frightened tone. *It was true… he did kill his own--* Chanyeols thoughts were interrupted with a terrifying glare from Sehun. Chanyeol quickly took Kai and left the rooftop. There was always a rumor that Sehun always carries a knife and was the cause of his mother’s death.

- - - - -

Jihyun’s mouth dropped after hearing the story, “He can’t have done that…” She remembered the sorrowful look on his face earlier. “That’s why I tell you to stay away from him!” Kai exclaimed. Jihyun frowned, “But I wanted to be his… friend.” She knew how it felt to be alone like him, that’s why she wanted to make friends with him. Kai sighed, he knew that she never wanted to make friends with anyone until Sehun so he felt bad but he didn’t think it’ll be safe for her to befriend him. *I’m sorry…*

~ ~ ~

The next day at school Jihyun passed by Sehun in the hallway. She wanted to talk to him but she remembered what her brother told her. She saw that sorrowful look he had on his face.

At lunch, Jihyun decided to go to the rooftop. *I know you’d get mad at me Oppa, but I’m sure Sehun is a good person. No one gives him a chance… He reminds me of myself…* she opened the door to the rooftop and saw Sehun standing on the edge of the rooftop.

*No one in this world cares about me, yet why am I alive? I have no reason to live. Everyone thinks I killed you Eomma when I only tried to do the opposite. I should just die since I wasn’t able to protect you…* Sehun thought as a tear escaped his closed eyes.

Jihyun’s mouth dropped as she saw him ready to jump, “Noooooo!!” She screamed. 

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Ugh, i realized that i messed up somewhere on ch. 2 which made ch. 3 a bit confusing. -_- But thankfully i re-read it and edited it. I'm such a bad author. :\


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Chapter 15: pls updateeeeeeeee is nice story!!!!
Update please~~~
Update please~~~
Chapter 15: OMG Chanyeols hair was noodles and we ate it? LOL nom nom nom nom.
Chapter 15: I forgive you. >< update soon!!!
D.o eomma love meeee
'Maybe Next Time'
It's the ____faceDuhizang Kreeeaaaas!