Chapter 6

Love Under the Sun


      “Hey, will you meet me in my dad's office? There's something I want to talk to you about?” Jonghyun's voice was finally sounding on the other line, but this was not what you wanted to here. His dads office? But Big Bang is filming over there. And if Big Bang is filming, GD is gonna be there. You didn't know what to do about that. You didn't think you were ready to see him yet.

      “Uh yeah.” You squinted your eyes in regret. “I'll be there in twenty minutes.”

      “Great.” You could hear his smile. “I've got something for ya.”

      “Cool. See ya in a bit then.” you put down the phone and moaned. Shoot. You breathed deeply to calm yourself. In than out. I won't have to see him if I go quick. You nodded to yourself, and then headed out the door.


      Step by step, you crept down the hallway ninja style, peaking in every door before passing it. With what seemed like an hour, you finally made it to the office. One deep breath of relief, and you opened the door.


      Roses? Is this a joke? Are those actual roses? Is that...Jonghyun? I'm sorry, is he wearing a suit? The office you once knew, was an office no longer. It was a blur of red and black. Rose petals scattered the floor in a romantic attempt to capture your heart, and Jonghyun stood across the way by the window smiling at you. His suit was new and shiny with no wrinkles or loose threads. He ran forward and embraced you, breathing into your ear, sending shocks up your body. You remembered GD's breath sweeping past your ear, but you shoved the thought out of your mind.

       “I heard you were moving, and I have a solution.” He pulled away and looked at you in the eyes. “Let's get married.” Your heart failed you yet again, and wouldn't let you move. He pulled out a classic black box from his coat pocket and lowered himself onto one knee. His eyes seemed honest, and his actions were genuine, but your heart was beating out of nervousness, not love. He was proposing to you. You've wanted this for the longest time. So many benefits. But could you have changed your mind so easily? Were you ready for this? Marriage? He was talking to you, but you were listening. Your own thoughts were louder than his words. Is this why he hasn't been returning my calls? I can't believe I'm being like this. Why am I waiting? Why can't I just say yes? You thoughts buzzed from ear to ear.

      “No.” Was the harsh word that came from your mouth and hit Jonghyun like a knife to the heart. You looked at the ceiling trying to hold back your tears. “I'm sorry, I think.” Don't say it, you're not even sure of yourself yet! “I think I like someone else.” It came out of you before you had a chance to stop it, but you don't regret saying it. The minute the words came out of your mouth, it reassured you of your feelings and Jonghyun suddenly didn't have your heart anymore. It was taken over by someone else. Someone new. And weather your new feelings now would last or not, you knew you couldn't marry someone with a split heart. “I can't marry you. I'm so sorry.” You looked around the room. Anywhere but him. The window, the flowers, the door. You could see out the door into the empty hallway, until something moved. A shadow on the wall. Someone had been watching you this whole time. Standing outside the door, waiting for your answer.

      “It's one of them isn't it.” He stood up. You could sense the anger in his voice. “Of course it is. They're famous and charming.” He spit the words at you, disgusted, but you still couldn't respond. “I'll be famous one day. Then you'll regret this. I'll be famous and charming and everything you'd ever want.” He dropped the ring on the ground and stormed out of the office, leaving you there in tears.

      You let them fall freely as you looked ahead of you. Three years. Three year relationship gone down the drain and you're probably never going to see him again. You hurt him bad, and you knew it. But you didn't want to lie to him, or yourself for that matter. Your heart was set on someone new. That someone who looked at you from the office door. Nothing but a smirk on his face.

      “Hmm. Famous and charming.” His melodic voice rang out. “I wonder who that could be.”

        “Spying on me on me, are we?” You didn't look at GD, but for some reason you were happy he was there.

       “So my magic really worked on you?”

       “You're really gonna brag about it now?” You finally met his gaze returning the smirk.

       He walked over and hugged you from behind wrapping his arms around your waste pulling you close. He held you there for a while, resting his head on your shoulder. He picked you up and swung you in a circle, forcing a small giggle from you.

       “You know, I don't think it's gonna work out if my girlfriend is living in Japan. We might have to make other arrangements.” You could tell he smirk was growing.

       “Well, if you can find your girlfriend and nice place to live, she might be able to convince her parents to move on without her.” That sounded nice. Girlfriend. You leaned your head back to rest under his chin. You didn't know what got into you, but you couldn't resit soaking up this moment. Your heart was beating comfortably now.

        “I'll find you a place” He whispered in your ear and kissed your cheek. “Thanks for falling for me.”

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pipsqueak110 #1
Chapter 15: Whaaaaaa... that was such a cute story! Loved it
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 15: Aww this was sweet. Thanks for sharing
Chapter 15: AMAZIINNGGG!!!! I love you author-nim!! hahahah (* >ω<)
BigBang_VIP #4
Chapter 15: Awww this was a really great story!!! :D You should do a mini-sequel or something. It's really nice. ^^
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 15: The best fanfic Eva!
Chapter 15: beautifulll!!!! and that notes is just so romantic XD i love this :D
Chapter 14: AWWWW THAT'S SHO CUTEEEEE :D nice one!
Chapter 13: Such a sweet story! i love it! :D
Paty97 #9
Um ... I don't even know what to say. The song you wrote was really good, I seriously thought for a second that it was a famous song or something! I loved it!
¡Buen trabajo! :)
(Good work)