Chapter 12

Love Under the Sun


“Well look at the beauty GD got his hands on.” Teddy was walking towards you, a playful expression on his face. You smiled back at him, attempting to flaunt your beauty. He gave you a whistle and caused you to laugh. GD squeezed your hand a little tighter. “One lucky guy.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder.


“Alright,” he said shooing Teddy's hand of your shoulder, “we're moving on. Is the recording room open. I wanna show her around.”


“The one on the second floor is. No one's in there for another hour. Knock yourselves out. Just be careful of the equipment. I don't wanna have replace anything if you two get too wild in there.” He winked at you, ran his fingers on the brim of his hat, and walked off down the hall.




GD was pointing to all the buttons telling you what each did, but you didn't understand any of if.


“So how do you record something?” Your eyebrows pulled together in confusion.


“This button, then you can take the recording and make it hav-”


“Stop. That's all I need to know.” You smiled up at him. “Now get in there and start singing for me.”


“Whoa, demanding!” He threw is hands up in defense. “I say you get in there and sing me a little something.” You mirrored each other with your raised eyebrows.


“And ruin your career by blowing out your eardrums? I don't think you want that.” You reached your finger up and tapped him on the nose. “You first.” You pulled him out of the chair and pushed him towards the door. “Wait. How do I talk to you in there?” He sighed, pointed to a switch, and walked into the room.


Once he was in the room, you sat down in the big chair. “What do you want me to sing?” He called from the inside. You pushed another button and spoke clearly into the microphone. “Serenade me.”


You pressed record and stared at him He have a big sigh, then a nice smile. “Hmm. Serenade.” He looked as if he was thinking back and remembering a happy memory. He gave a short laugh before starting. “I told myself when I was a kid, that if I ever found someone who embodied this song, I would hold onto her forever,” he started with his eyes closed, breathing slowly, “and when I think of you, I think of this song.” He opened his eyes and looked out the tinted window at me. “I swear to you, I haven't given this speech before. You may not be the only girl I've ever fallen for, or the only girl I've serenaded, but you are the only girl I have ever met that has ever been deserving of this song and I promise you that no other girl will ever capture my heart the way you have. We promised to take things slow and I don't mind. I will wait a lifetime for you, but now that your in my grasp, I'm never letting you go.” Your cheeks were already sore long before you realized you were smiling. You were extremely touched, but your heart didn't truly ache with the feeling of love until he started singing.




You're just too good to be true 
Can't take my eyes off of you 
You'd be like heaven to touch 
I wanna hold you so much 
At long last love has arrived 
And I thank God I'm alive 
You're just too good to be true 
Can't take my eyes off of you 

Pardon the way that I stare 
There's nothing else to compare 
The sight of you leaves me weak 
There are no words left to speak 
So if you feel like I feel 
Please let me know that it's real 
You're just too good to be true 
Can't take my eyes off of you 

I love you baby and if it's quite all right 
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights 
I love you baby, trust in me when I say 
Oh pretty baby, don't bring me down I pray 
Oh pretty baby, now that I've found you stay 
And let me love you baby, let me love you”




Your eyes closed as you allowed yourself to be completely swallowed by emotion. “Congratulations, babe. You have successfully melted my heart.” You stared up at him in awe. He smiled back at you and laughed a sweet laugh.


“I've got a present for you.” His voice was still soft sounding. “Come in here and I'll give it to you.” You could hear the smile in his voice. You got your self out of the chair and found your way into to same room as him. A smile on your face, you stood right in front of him saying nothing. You didn't know what you could say. He took one of your hands and held it in his own.


“I lost. Fair and square.” The romantic tone wasn't lost in his playfulness. He just created a more heart warming environment. “I thought, 'What can I do, to make her love me forever?' I owe you a romantic date, but not just because I lost, but because you deserve one. I have never fallen for someone as fast as I fell for you and every day I fall deeper. And at this point, I'm so deep it is impossible for me to crawl out of this. I love you now, and I'm gonna tell you that everyday until you agree to love me forever. So, here's my gift for you.” He reached down his shirt and pulled out a necklace he was wearing. He held it up so you could see it for yourself. Attached to it were two rings. One silver one gold. He unhooked the necklace, pulled of the silver ring and placed it in your palm. You gripped the ring tightly in your hand.


“You've already killed me once, why do you have to do it again.” You tilted your head back and tried to keep the tears from flowing. You felt the whole situation was cheesy but he was so serious in his tone, your heart couldn't help but feel touched and your emotions couldn't help but act on their own.


He chuckled at you and pulled you close to him. “I'm gonna vow to you every day. I will never stop loving you.”


“You're so cheesy.” You said in defense of the tears streaming down your face.


You could feel his body rumble against yours as he laughed. “Your turn.” He stated, pulling away from you and looking you in the eyes. What? What were you supposed to say. Everything he just said, summed up exactly how you felt yourself. What more was there to say. That you would promise to love him forever? Well that was easy. You were sure forever wouldn't be long enough for the amount of love you already had for him. You hadn't known him a long time, but you felt like you had. You felt as though you were already a couple that's spent four lifetimes living with each other and loving each other.


“Um. Ditto?” You said, still choked up with your tears.


His laugh filled the room again. “Oh come on. Am I the only romantic one?” He voice was now completely playful. “Serenade me.” He put a pair of headphones on your head, kissed you softly on your forehead, and walked out to the recording studio with a smirk on his face. You stood there in front of the microphone with your thoughts all jumbled.


“I can't think of any song to sing right now that can serenade you the way you did to me.” You sighed, trying to lose the smile on your face but it only grew as you remembered the song he had just sung. His voice came over the speaker to you, prompting you to sing.


“Improv, Honey.” His voice was overly confident.


You scoffed at him. “I can't just make one up. I need at least a base. Give me a word to start with.” You called out to the studio.


“Baby.” Was the response you got.


“Classic.” You rolled your eyes, took a deep breath and started your own serenade. “I sit here thinking to myself, 'there's one man out there who knows my heart and he just proved it to me today by taking my feelings out of it and putting them into one of the most emotional monologues I've ever heard.' I don't really know how to say what I feel but I've heard that when you feel this way, this way that's indescribably to most exciting and painful feeling of all, there's one phrase that sums it all up. So this is an original song.” You had to laugh to yourself at the thought. “That I've been mentally preparing in my head for the past thirty seconds. I don't know how it's gonna turn out, but if it turns out bad, than all I can say is, 'I told you not to let me in here.'” I took a deep breath and started singing.




“Baby, you don't have to vow to me to love for eternity.

I know that you feel the same just the way you look at me.

I can feel you in my heart even when your not around

And that's because you took apart all my tattered memories.



You tell me that you love me and you give me pretty things.

But nothing really matters except the symbol of these rings.

You don't have to vow to me to love me for eternity

Because I already know that this love is never ending.



I love you, I'll say it again. I love you. I mean every time.

I think you know how much it means to me for me to call you mine.

And every time I say it to myself I'm on a permanent high.

You took me up into this place, I think it's called cloud nine.

I've found my bit of heaven let me say it one more time.

I love You.

The end” You smiled when you finished, satisfied in your work. You took at deep, shaky, breath and where about to let it out, when you found yourself being pushed against the wall. Your head was being held by both of Jiyong hands as he dived his lips as yours, kissing you with so much force, your body felt numb. You didn't need to invite him into your mouth, because his tongue was already there. The smile on your face wouldn't leave, no matter how hard you tried. You kissed him back, just as rough, but were so breathless after a few seconds, you both had to pull away. “I was that good, huh?” You kissed him quickly and pulled back, still trying to catch up on you breath.


“God, I can't even tell you how much I love you.” Before anything else could be said, you were the air out of each other once again.


“As much as I love watching this. There's work to be done.” A voice buzzed in your ears but you didn't really hear it until GD pulled away from you.


“Can't you see where busy.” He sounded annoyed, shouting over his shoulder, but smiled and kissed you again anyway. You pushed him off you and laughed looking up at the sudden intruder. Seven was standing by the door, with one disapproving eyebrow raised. Slowly, GD released your head, turned towards Seven, bowed, and pulled you out of there, a giant smirk on his face the whole time.



Soooo. Thank you sooooo much for reading this guys :) and subscribing and commenting. Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but this one is pretty long so hopefully it can make up for all the missed days! Anyway, you guys are awesome! Keep commenting and tell me what you think. Any advice? anything you want to see?

The first song is one of my favorites songs called "Can't take my Eyes Off You" By Frankie Valli. So if you get the chance, LISTEN TO IT :D

The second song, I completely made up.... So whether you like it or not, It doesn't matter, cause GD liked it haha :)

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pipsqueak110 #1
Chapter 15: Whaaaaaa... that was such a cute story! Loved it
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 15: Aww this was sweet. Thanks for sharing
Chapter 15: AMAZIINNGGG!!!! I love you author-nim!! hahahah (* >ω<)
BigBang_VIP #4
Chapter 15: Awww this was a really great story!!! :D You should do a mini-sequel or something. It's really nice. ^^
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 15: The best fanfic Eva!
Chapter 15: beautifulll!!!! and that notes is just so romantic XD i love this :D
Chapter 14: AWWWW THAT'S SHO CUTEEEEE :D nice one!
Chapter 13: Such a sweet story! i love it! :D
Paty97 #9
Um ... I don't even know what to say. The song you wrote was really good, I seriously thought for a second that it was a famous song or something! I loved it!
¡Buen trabajo! :)
(Good work)