Chapter 15

Love Under the Sun


Two years passed calmly between the two of you. Your relationship seems blossomed to its fullest, yet every morning the sun would rise and the both of you would grow even more. You smiled as you rolled around to the other side of the bed and ran into the once sleeping body. It now groaned as you steamrolled him and laughed. You lay on top of him for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and realizing the time.


“Come on, Babe. You've got an interview today. Get up.” You sat on his back and massaged his back, using your kind persuasive voice to get him out of bed. He crinkled his nose but turned his head the other way ignoring your pestering. “Omo!” You jumped out of bed and yelled. “We've got ten minutes!” you said frantically. Throwing yourself around the room, you tried to make as much noise as possible. Running out of the room you “accidentally” stubbed your toe on the door and screamed in pain. When you didn't hear any movement back inside the room, you gave a dramatic sigh and walked back into the room. Looking at the clock, you saw how wrong you had been. You had two hours before Jiyong had to leave for his interview but you KNEW how hard it would be for him to wake up and get ready, so you set it as early as you could stand it. You ripped the covers off the bed, knew it was pointless and lied back down next to him. He had become too used to your waking up tactics and chose to ignore you most of the time. A few moments of silence passed between the two of you as you debated the results of forcing him off the bed with your feet. Suddenly, you felt him roll over the top of you.


“Why can't we just stay like this?” He groaned into your neck.


“Because. You have a million fans out there waiting for you and they're all gonna be super crushed and disappointed if they find out you ditched an interview for your girlfriend whom they never knew about.” You wrapped your arms around his slender body and squeezed him tight. “You need to go and tell them that you have no girlfriend so I can hold you like this in secret without angry fangirls screaming at the door.” You smiled as you inhaled his scent.


Slowly he raised his head to look at you with tired eyes. Pinned under his body, you let your hands fall to your sides and you stared up at him with an honest loving smile. “I could tell them Gaho got sick and I just couldn't bear to leave him all alone.” He pressured you into letting him stay in bed. You smile fell into en exasperated look as you stared back into his pleading eyes. Spontaneously you lifted your head and bit him on the nose. HA! Got you You smiled to yourself as you watched him sit up in shock. “Oh?” He raised his eyebrow at you and smirked. “Is that a sign? You want to stay in bed too?” he leaned forward and scooped your back with his hand pulling you in for a kiss. You wanted to stay their and soak up his love. It warmed you into complete happiness but you knew if you caved now, nothing would ever get him out of bed. Your hands wound around his back as you gripped him lovingly, then threw him off the bed. He landed with a thud on the floor with you on top of him.


“Or you could freshen up, put on one of those fancy little outfits of yours, and make people happy by going to your interview.” You smiled, gave him a short kiss and stepped off him. He rolled on the ground silently in defeat. A faint smile was apparent on his tired face as he knew there was no chance of him winning against you.


You stood by the sink drinking a glass of water when you finally felt Jiyong come up behind you. His arms slid against your stomach as he clasped you in a loose hug.


“But I only want to make you happy.” He said as he kissed your ear. You felt his hand slid from your stomach to your hip as he tucked something into the waistband of your pants before we walked off to take a shower. You pulled the little sheet of paper from your hip and smiled.



I vow to make you always make you happy.



You shook your head and placed the paper down on the counter, reaching for a small box in the corner of the kitchen. I am so lucky to have him, You thought as happiness filled you from the inside. Opening the box you dumped the contents on the counter to sort through them. Each piece of paper that came from the box was written on with the same handwriting as the next. You picked up one and looked at it



I vow to take you to Japan! RIGHT NOW! Get packed! :)



Your smile widened at the memory of him coming home and giving this to you. You left the next day on the plane to Japan with the whole of YG family for their concert. You set that down a picked up another one.



I vow to let you have free rent. So let's go out tonight. NO PANCAKES.

This time I'm ordering for you.



This one had come earlier when you first started dating. He took you out to a super fancy restaurant that you had you've only dreamed about. You sat on the roof, just the two of you, looking over the night lights of Seoul. To prevent you from ordering pancakes he ordered your meal for you. To your delight, it happened to be the perfect thing, and one of your favorite foods. How he knew, you didn't know. If it was a guess, well, he was one lucky guesser. It was part two of his G-Dragon style date night. “Get used to it.” he said. He liked dates like these where it was just the two of you on some secluded rooftop. Although he went through a lot of work to reserve the whole top part of the restaurant, you went on these kind of dates frequently in all sorts of places and you had to admit, you enjoyed them quite a bit. This, of course, was in addition to all of your stay at home and snuggle dates. The ones that didn't require and planning or expensive splurging. Also in addition were your cooking and baking dates where the kitchen became extraordinarily messy as you explored with new foods and recipes. The really special dates came when Jiyong took you to the studio and you had your “music and dance dates.” All these memories flooded into you as you searched through the piles of vows scattered on the table. You rummaged through them until you found the one you were looking for. Picking it out you held it up to the one you had just received. I thought so. You let out a small laugh.



I vow to always make you happy

because it's about time I return all the happiness you have given to me.





Jiyong stepped out of the shower and walked into his closet. He pulled out his outfit and fitted himself until he was pleased with how he looked. He was about to go to the kitchen when he glanced at him self in the mirror. He needed a hat. Going over to his hat rack he saw what you had left for him, taped to one if his hats. The hat, coincidentally, that he wanted to wear.



Are suffering from Alzheimer already?I already got this one silly :)

Don't worry. I vow to still be there to take care of you

even when your old and forgetful.



Along with it was the two promises he made to make you happy. This made him smile. A smile that rarely left his face whenever you were on his mind, which, was always. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He had had it for about a month now and was trying to find the right time to give it to you, but he got nervous every time he tired. Haven't we already vowed to love each other forever? Why would this change things? His mind wondered and his smiled fell slightly. Maybe it's because she said no to Jonghyun all those years ago. His thoughts kept him busy until her heard your voice coming into the room. He quickly shoved the box back into his pocket and turned to look at you.


“If I touch your hat are you gonna get all defensive?” You asked walking into the room reaching out towards his hat.


“Oh come on. I'm not that bad.” He smiled lovingly at you as you adjusted his hat. Of course he wouldn't let any one touch his clothes other than himself, but you came along and somehow knew exactly how he liked it.


“Pssht. Yeah you are.” You returned his gaze and placed your hands on his shoulders. “I wish I could come with you.”


“I wish you could come with me.” He paused looked at your smiling eyes, thinking he was joking, and made up his mind. “I want you to come with me.”


You raised your eyebrows and smiled unexpectedly. “Me to”


“Come with me today.” He leaned forward to meet your eye level. “Come to the interview with me.”


You sighed and thought about it but didn't really want to go out. You had plans of going back to bed after Jiyong left. “I don't know, babe, I don't really want to put on some kind of disguise and pretend to be your stylist in training or something. I'm not rea-”


“No. Come as my girlfriend.”


“What?” You looked up in shock. “But then everyone will know ab-”


“I think we should tell them.” His words came with complete confidence.


“Are you serious? This is so sudden. We can't just tell them. What about YG? What about your fans?” You started panicking a little. You mind closed out the possibilities and only thought about situation this would put GD and his career in.


“Baby.” He held your face in his arms and searched your face. “I think we should tell them.”


“But why now?” You questioned returning his gaze.


“I don't think it's fair to keep lying to them for so long.” He looked as if he wanted to say more but nothing came from his mouth. You watched him silently, waiting for his troubled face to return to yours. Finally, when it did. His eyes were pleading and hopeful. “We should get married.”


You smiled at the confidence in his voice and gave a short chuckle. “I think so too.” Your smile grew with your answer.


His eyes widened with joy and he gripped your shoulders tighter. “You're serious? You want to get married?” His smile was so wide you couldn't help but match it.


“Yes!” You placed your hands on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. “I really want to marry you.” You waited for a response but when none came you became suspicious. “This is actually happening right? You're not just saying things? You want to marry me too?” You searched him earnestly.


“Oh!” Jiyong dropped his hands and pulled the box out from his pocket. He felt himself blush a little but felt better when he saw your smile. “Yes, I want to marry you.” He said firmly as he opened the box and displayed the ring. “Can we make it official? Be my fiance?” He pulled the ring out and held it out to you. You raised your left hand and watched as he slid it onto your finger. It was a beautiful silver engagement ring.


“It's vintage but it seemed like the perfect thing for you.” He slid it on slowly. “And I was right!” He smiled and pulled you in for a hug. “I love you so much.” You smiled as you hugged him tighter.


After a few minutes, a loud ring tone broke you apart and Jiyong looked at his phone. It's Youngbae!” His voice smiled as he answered excited to tell someone the news. “We're getting married!” He yelled into the phone as soon as he answered and danced a little where he stood. You watched him entertained when his smiled dropped suddenly. His energy suddenly dropped as realization hit his face. It wasn't Youngbae on the other line, it was YG and he wasn't too happy with the sudden news.


Jiyong gave you a look that explained it all and before the man on the phone could finish yelling at him, he hung up. “Well, it appears as though we are late.” He said quickly yet casually. Before you could say anything he approached you and tugged at your shirt. “Take it off and put this one.” he handed you a light pink dress that was quite fancy for your taste but still stunningly gorgeous. “Come on, beautiful.” He lifted your chin with his fingers and gave you a passionate kiss. “We need you looking extra beautiful today for we have an extremely important announcement to make.” He gave you a smile, another kiss, and soon enough the two of you were off to tell the world that you were getting married. Off to spread the news that the famous G Dragon was no longer single and never would be. Off to experience the pressure of your public relationship and bear the burden of giving up your private life. Off to experience the greatest love you've ever felt with the man you will always love. You were off and there was no coming back. Your future was blurry and always would be but if you knew anything, you knew that as long as the sun came up each day, the two of you would last forever.  

So I finished it! :D Thanks for reading. Sorry. I didn't proof read this so there's probably a lot of errors. Sorry if it is unreadable. Anyway. If you commented on this story, you motevated me to finish it. AND I DID!!! :D so thank you!!

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pipsqueak110 #1
Chapter 15: Whaaaaaa... that was such a cute story! Loved it
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 15: Aww this was sweet. Thanks for sharing
Chapter 15: AMAZIINNGGG!!!! I love you author-nim!! hahahah (* >ω<)
BigBang_VIP #4
Chapter 15: Awww this was a really great story!!! :D You should do a mini-sequel or something. It's really nice. ^^
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 15: The best fanfic Eva!
Chapter 15: beautifulll!!!! and that notes is just so romantic XD i love this :D
Chapter 14: AWWWW THAT'S SHO CUTEEEEE :D nice one!
Chapter 13: Such a sweet story! i love it! :D
Paty97 #9
Um ... I don't even know what to say. The song you wrote was really good, I seriously thought for a second that it was a famous song or something! I loved it!
¡Buen trabajo! :)
(Good work)