Audition Part 2

Love Under the Sun


        You walked in with the man and led him to the center of the room. You could tell he was worried, but he was trying to overcome his fear. Mission completed you walked to the back of the room to stand against the wall by the judging table. GD finally looked up from his papers.

        “Before you start, I need you take off your shoes.”

        “What?” The short little man questioned with worried face. “No shoes?” He looked down at his feet. “Why?”

        “In the music video you won't be able to wear them. So we need to make sure you can do your stunts without them.” Taeyang was the one who responded.

        A little hesitantly the man untied his shoes and took them off placing them to the side. Getting the go ahead from GD, he climbed a tall later in the back and stood on the platform looking down at the padding below. Taking a deep breath he jumped off the platform and rotated in a perfect triple twist. His landing was near perfect on the mat without shoes.

        “That was very good. Thank you.” They asked for a few small stunt moves on the ground, and then dismissed him, sending in the next person.

        Jonghyun. You tried to wave at him as he walked in, but he didn't even acknowledge you. He followed the same routine as the man before him. The same hostility you felt earlier still had a strong presence. Jonghyun didn't climb the latter however and instead attempted a double back flip from the ground. Once he landed successfully, you looked down and shook your head.

         “There's no way he can make that again.” You said out loud to yourself. He had been practicing that move for the longest time and never did it successfully. Surely this time was just luck. You looked up from you silent laughter to see all of Big Bang staring at you. You jumped off the wall and put your hands to you mouth in shock. “I am so sorry!” You eyes were wide as you tried to apologize. “I wasn't supposed to stay!” you turned quickly and tried to walk away before you heard Daesung at the table.

        “Could you do that again for us?”

        You stopped in your tracks a looked at back at your boyfriend. He won't be able to make it. You're sure of it. Did you just sabotage his chances of making into the video? You know he didn't hear you when you said it, but he still wasn't acknowledging you.

        “Again?” he asked. The satisfied look he had on his face before was now replaced with worry. This time around when he attempted the stunt, he fell on his back. Embarrassed and frustrated, he got up and stormed out of the room.

        “You can stay.” TOP said out loud as he flipped over a paper in front of him. GD looked back at you with a smile on his face and slid over in his seat a little bit so he was only taking up half of it. Was that for you? You were holding back a little. You wanted to sit down next to him, but you didn't know if you should.

        “Come sit.” He smiled at gestured for you to sit next to him, sharing the chair. Your heart threatened to crash out of your chest, but you went and sat next to him anyway. 

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pipsqueak110 #1
Chapter 15: Whaaaaaa... that was such a cute story! Loved it
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 15: Aww this was sweet. Thanks for sharing
Chapter 15: AMAZIINNGGG!!!! I love you author-nim!! hahahah (* >ω<)
BigBang_VIP #4
Chapter 15: Awww this was a really great story!!! :D You should do a mini-sequel or something. It's really nice. ^^
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 15: The best fanfic Eva!
Chapter 15: beautifulll!!!! and that notes is just so romantic XD i love this :D
Chapter 14: AWWWW THAT'S SHO CUTEEEEE :D nice one!
Chapter 13: Such a sweet story! i love it! :D
Paty97 #9
Um ... I don't even know what to say. The song you wrote was really good, I seriously thought for a second that it was a famous song or something! I loved it!
¡Buen trabajo! :)
(Good work)