Who doesn't love pancakes?

Love Under the Sun


You eyes fluttered open to the sun's rays. You brought your hand to your side, remembering Jiyong's touch as he cradled you in bed. Your suspicions were right. Once you rolled over and saw the empty sheets next to you you knew he must have gone to work. You grazed over his side of the bed with your eyes and smiled to yourself, unconsciously playing with the ring on your finger.


A small white paper was propped up on his side of the bed, waiting for you to read. You carefully sat up in bed and unfolded the paper.



I vow to love you every day... And make you breakfast. Today only!



You laughed at the note and set it aside on the bedside table. Breakfast. This could be interesting. You rolled gracefully out of bed, made yourself somewhat presentable, and walked out of the room.


“No, Bae, I got this. Plus, it says to put the eggs in before the flour. So if I listened to you, it would have turned out wrong.” Jiyong was pushing Taeyang out of the kitchen.


“When was the last time you make pancakes? When was the last tim


e you cooked anything? You need my help.” Taeyang was trying to push his way back into the kitchen. “She won't be able to eat anything you cook!”


“Woah now. I'm a man, I can handle it.” Jiyong was raising his voice a little in defense. You were propped up against the wall, watching them battle it out, with a smile on your face. . They were completely oblivious to you standing a few feet away. Jiyong was successful in getting Taeyang out of the kitchen after a few more minutes of bickering and then returned his attention to cooking. His fingers ran up and down through his hair as his face distorted in confusion. He had no clue what he was doing. He picked up the flour and started spooning it into the bowl without measuring. After about fifteen spoonfuls, he picked up an egg on the counter and looked at it. His eyes glanced at the spoon he had just used for flour, and his hand picked it up. Your stomach gave a lurch. He is not going to do what I think he is going to do... is he? The egg was placed in the middle of the counter. Bracing himself, Jiyong lifted up the spoon and whammed it down on the egg as hard as he could. The egg was almost unaffected by the impact and made out with only a small crack. Jiyong, on the other hand, threw the spoon in the air, after hitting his hand on the table, and yelped in pain. You crumpled over onto the floor with laughter after watching what happened. You palms started sweating, and your stomach killed you from how hard you were laughing.


“I can't believe you just did that!” you screamed as you rolled around on the floor, your laugh still billowing through the whole apartment. Slowly, you regained your posture and looked up at Jiyong. His look was a mixture of embarrassment and anger. Standing in front of him, you gripped his arms and tried to steady your face. You looked him in the eyes and gave him a meaningful smile. “I want to vow to teach you hot to cook.” You had to bite your lip to keep from laughing again, but you managed to keep a straight enough face for him to know you were serious. You watched as he pouted his lips at you, clearly embarrassed. His face soon turned into a defeated smile and he pulled you in for a hug. “Come on, let's get started. I'm hungry.” You patted him on the back and pulled away from him, setting your focus on the bowl with the flour. You rolled your eyes once you saw it, and began dumping the flour back into it's original bowl. You felt Jiyong wrap his arms around you from behind and rest his head on your shoulder.


“You're so sweet.” He whispered in your ear. You smiled dumping the rest of the flour out of the bowl.


You reached for his arms wrapped around your stomach, and pulled them off of you. After placing them on the bowl instead, you ducked under him out of his reach. “Your turn.” You smirked at him. “I said I would teach you. Not let you watch me do it.” He gave you a pout, but you just laughed at him. “Come here. You have to measure.” You showed him how to fill up the measuring cup with the right amount of flour and dump it in the bowl, how to properly crack eggs, and how to stir all the ingredients together and cook them on a skillet. Once you were sure he could handle cooking the rest of the batter, you walked around the counter and sat in a stool to watch him.


“You're not gonna help me with the rest of these?” he asked feigning his disappointment.


“Um, you vowed to cook me breakfast remember? Not the other way around.” You raised your eyebrows at him but focused your attention on his ipod that was standing idol on the messy counter. You picked it up and started flipping through the music. You looked for something new, hoping you could get a sneak peak at one of his new songs but found nothing. Sighing, you placed it on shuffle and set it down waiting to see what came up. You ripped the headphones out of your ears once you heard what it was. It was your song. The song you recorded just yesterday at the studio. Your freestyle song that you sung to him, that sounded awful you were sure, yet he has it on his ipod?


“Are you being serious right now?” Jiyong looked up at you curious. “When on earth did you put this on your ipod?” immediately he dropped the spatula and ran over to you.


“Oh is it on there?” His smile was wide as he pulled the headphones from you and placed one in his ear. “I asked Youngbae to make an mp3 for me last night. I can't believe he did it already.” He smile grew wider as your voice rang out from the speakers.


“Please don't listen to that.” you pulled the cord from his ears. “It's embarrassing.” you exclaimed.


“I disagree.” he looked thoughtful as he placed the other headphone in his ear. “Now when I'm at work your voice can be my inspiration.” His smile was genuine until his nose wrinkled into discust.


“And that's why I didn't want you to keep listening.” you sighed and yanked the headphones out of his ear.


“No, no.” He looked around keeping his squished face. “Is something bu-”


“THE PANCAKES!” You screamed. You watched him run back around the counter to the stove where the pancakes were nicely charred. He scratched the back of his head looking guilty. “It's okay. We'll just tell Youngbae these ones are chocolate.”

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pipsqueak110 #1
Chapter 15: Whaaaaaa... that was such a cute story! Loved it
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 15: Aww this was sweet. Thanks for sharing
Chapter 15: AMAZIINNGGG!!!! I love you author-nim!! hahahah (* >ω<)
BigBang_VIP #4
Chapter 15: Awww this was a really great story!!! :D You should do a mini-sequel or something. It's really nice. ^^
gemmaflame #5
Chapter 15: The best fanfic Eva!
Chapter 15: beautifulll!!!! and that notes is just so romantic XD i love this :D
Chapter 14: AWWWW THAT'S SHO CUTEEEEE :D nice one!
Chapter 13: Such a sweet story! i love it! :D
Paty97 #9
Um ... I don't even know what to say. The song you wrote was really good, I seriously thought for a second that it was a famous song or something! I loved it!
¡Buen trabajo! :)
(Good work)