Kris' Favorite Place

Why Kris Has That Bi tch-face.


Kris quickly flicks the blanket off his body and rolls onto his side before stepping out of bed. He hastily ties the laces on his worn-out Nikes and, looking from side to side, steps out the door and shuts it. Kris wasn’t the quietest of people, but he tries to be. He doesn’t want anyone to wake up.  

It was this time of day again.

And he doesn’t intend for anyone to know.

Kris checks the whole entire dorm twice just to confirm that all his friends were asleep and finally escapes out the door. The cool morning breeze slaps across his face as he jogs silently through the city. The sky was still a shade of dark blue; not many people were out yet.  So far, everything was under control and Kris would find himself sitting in that very same spot he has been at for the past few years he’s lived in Korea. When promoting in China with the rest of EXO-M, he finds himself longing to be back in this spot of his.

He keeps on jogging, but then stops.

What was that noise?

He jerks his head to look behind him but sees nothing. It was probably just an animal. But his heart speeds up anyways and he hastens his pace, eager to lose whatever was following him (or was anything even following him?).

Forget about it, Kris. Just run.

He runs and runs without slowing down until he feels himself sprinting and becoming breathless. But he was almost there. He was so close to one of his favorite spots in the whole entire world. I need to work out more often, Kris says to himself. If I’m already this tired, then I really need to work out. And maybe I can work more on my abs too.

For the fangirls.

Kris laughs at the last part. No way would he lift his shirt up for his fans. They can just keep on hoping and wishing and screaming, which never fails to amuse him.

Finally, Kris sees his destination and speeds up even more. His lungs hurt and his legs are searing with exhaustion, but he was so close, so close, so he keeps on sprinting. He arrives at the park and considerably slows down, before stopping completely when he clambered onto the top of a hill.

There we go. Kris grins and pants and laughs. Here he was. He flops down and sits crossed-legged and waits.

The sun should be coming up any moment now.

“Wow, hyung,” says a deep voice, startling him. “I didn’t know you liked watching sunrises.”

“W-what the !?” Kris cries, jumping onto his feet and flinging his arms out as a means of self-defense. A shadow casts over him and he gapes at the sight in utter shock. “CHANYEOL!?”

Chanyeol grins his derpy little smile and pushes Kris back down onto the grass and then sits daintily next to him.


“C-chanyeol…” Kris bares his teeth in frustration and slaps his forehead. Everything comes rushing at him all at once and Kris feels SO stupid and lame and scared and everything else in between. That was no animal following him. It was just Chanyeol. Just Chanyeol. (Why him, of all people?) Chanyeol waves and shrugs.

“So every morning you wake up this early, to watch the sun rise?”

Kris’ shoulders sag and he sputters out a response. “Yeah. But how did you find out? I made sure everyone was--”

“I wasn’t even in my room. I saw you getting out of the dorm. I always do. So this time, I simply followed.”

They sit in silence for a few seconds—which feels like hours to Kris—before Chanyeol laughs. Kris stares at him, confused.

“But that’s cool, hyung. I didn’t think you’d like things like this.” Kris feels his heart beat faster as he hears the admiration laced into the other male’s words. “I like sunrises, too.”


Silence drapes over them as they both notice the sky changing into multiple hues. Pinks, oranges, and yellows streak across the sky as the sun slowly rises, causing Kris to hold his breath. The clouds are a golden color, and he hears the birds chirping steadily in the distance. It all feels too good. Suddenly, a weight is felt on Kris’ hand, and he snaps his attention onto it, ready to perform some Kung Fu Panda action Tao had tried teaching him months before. Kris stares.

Chanyeol had his fingers folded across his and squeezes it.  Of course, Kris’ heart just had to speed up now, of all times.

He’s holding my hand.

Kris has a mini-panic attack and feels his face flush a strange shade of pink. Quickly, he diverts his gaze back onto the brightening sky, and says nothing.

Kris doesn’t lie to himself.

He was practically dying right now.

But he doesn’t want anyone to know.  So he says nothing.  


Chanyeol didn’t remove his hand throughout the whole sunrise.





a/n: Oh my gosh, thanks for the sweet comment and subscribers, haha. <3 You guys rock. It makes me feel happy people like my first fic asl,fjlkajflaksjf 


And I know, this chapter was a bit dumb. The story is going slow atm, but I intend for it to go faster soon. I just want to develop Kris' personality more. owo 

Thank you for reading<3 (and pelase do comment, lol. asjhjashfl make me feel loved<33 xD)

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I feel SO terrible, lol. I WILL UPDATE TODAY OR TOMORROW, I'm just suffering from a huge writer's block. Sorry lol.


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Chapter 10: Please please update soonnnnn author nim!
It's been.... like 3 years.... and I'm still waiting ....please.... update..soon.... I am running out of life..
To hell with social life.....
I shall wait. =_=
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 10: this is so damn good <3 update soon please <3
akahashi #4
Chapter 10: Ahh.. Baekyun.. Why do you make things difficult enough for Kris? Hahh..
Chanyeol.. I don't know what to say.. Just update more, okay?
ChocoAikocream #5
omg kris T_T
just tell chanyeol already >w<
Loving #6
Oh no kris :(((( why won't you just tell him!!
meow96 #7
T.T oh gosh so sad
onkeyslove #8
need krisyeol moments so so much