Anger Is Something I Can't Control

Why Kris Has That Bi tch-face.


Kris does not stalk.

Nor does he spy.

But he happens to just see out of the corner of his eyes what he thinks he shouldn’t be seeing, or things he shouldn’t be hearing. (And no, Kris hopes you’re not thinking of anything strange/erted). But all in all, he sees things he doesn’t want to see.


“Just open your mouth.”

Baekhyun indignantly huffs and scowls, but his eyes sparkles with a smile which spoke otherwise to his actions. He sighs and shakes his head.

“Please, tell me why you’re trying to shove a piece of bacon in my face.”

Chanyeol scoffs. “I dunno, Bacon. Because you’re getting waaay to skinny and I fear for your health?” He mocks innocence and continues to relentlessly shove bacon into the other’s face. “Now… will you just. Eat. IT.” Chanyeol grunts while attempting to slap Baekhyun with a strip of bacon.

“Yes, because bacon is soooo good for my health,” Baekhyun hisses, trying to keep his mouth closed and as far away from the greasy edible heart attack as possible. After a while, he grudgingly accepts and laughs out loud as the taller male cracks a victorious grin and jumps out of his chair.

Kris sighs deeply as he hears Chanyeol’s chair being knocked to the ground and the frantic scurrying to prop it back up. Folding the novel in his hand closed, he turns around and sighs again. Why doesn’t he play with me like that? Am I not worthy of his bacon? Am I too Kris to be around? Why always Baekhyun? And why never me? Kris lets his shoulders sag. His heart ached a bit.


Out of the corner of his eyes and sees Baekhyun laughing with Chanyeol and he couldn’t help but feel hurt at how happy they seem. He was glad they were having fun… but Kris hasn’t ever seen Chanyeol that happy around him. Thinking this way isn’t healthy, Kris knows. But didn’t Chanyeol like Kris, too? And now that he’s thought of that, Chanyeol doesn’t seem to smile as much when around him. As if, Kris’ presence brings down his mood… and his bubbliness… but why? What is wrong with me!? Kris inwardly cries. He subconsciously bites his lips twirls with a stray lock of hair curling around his neck. He remembers all the times Chanyeol hung around Baekhyun. They were so happy together. They always clung to one another. When it was just Kris and Chanyeol though... it was awkward wasn’t it? His mind drifts to a time when they were alone; just the two of them in the room. Chanyeol was completely silent. He was sitting down on a chair, waiting for his make-up to be done. Kris, on the other hand, was leaning against a wall, and adjusting his mike. He fiddles with the end of it and waits for Chanyeol to speak, but he never did. The air was unsettlingly awkward and tense, and Kris used to believe it was a comfortable silence that blanketed itself around them. But only now did he realize how uncomfortable Chanyeol looked around him.


So Chanyeol doesn’t like me. He likes Baekhyun. He likes everybody better than me. I’m his least favorite member in EXO.


I’m too y? (Well I can’t help it…)


I’m too… uptight?




He stands up abruptly, causing a loud screech to echo across the room as his chair rolls back. Kris storms out of the room, not caring what Chanyeol and Baekhyun did.

They were Baekyeol after all, weren’t they?

And Kris doesn’t care.

…he tries not to care.




Baekhyun stares at Kris’ upturned chair, even long after their tall friend left the room.

“Is Kris okay?” he asks Chanyeol, who in return just shrugs.

“Beats me. Kris is usually moody in the morning, I guess. Waking up is apparently not his thing.”

Baekhyun pouts and shakes his head. No, he noticed how Kris seemed annoyed when he came in the room. So was Kris mad at him? Baekhyun frowned at the thought. No, he shouldn’t be. He mentally lists all the things he and the leader did the past week, which was close to nothing (other than talking and eating).  So why should he be mad?

“Let him be,” Chanyeol suddenly says, placing his hand on Baekhyun’s shoulder. He jumps and shakes the other off.

“No…” Baekhyun frowns. There was something wrong, but he wasn’t the type to pry for more answers.

He’ll just wait.




“Kriiiiiiiiiiiiiis!!” Baekhyun cries, pounding and swiftly opening the door to Kris’ room.

Kris digs his head into his pillow and could feel the frustration bubbling inside of him. UGH, the loudness. SHUUT UPP.

“Whaat?” he irritatingly asks, shooting Baekhyun glares… and oh. Baekyeol to the rescue, he adds, eyeing Chanyeol curiously. He feels Baekhyun gingerly place a hand on his forehead, and then to his cheek.

“Are you okay, hyung?” he asks, continuing to touch Kris’ face and then cupping his face. Kris quickly swats the other’s hands away.

“Yes, yes, why?” he snaps, but even he can hear the annoyance in his own voice. He notices Chanyeol shrinking in the back and he doesn’t know if he should be proud or disgusted by his actions.

“You just seem off today,” Baekhyun firmly says.

“No… I’m, fine. I swear. It’s nothing. My head hurts.”

“Then do you want an aspirin?”






“Hmmm, another pillow? A blanket?”


“Well do you want any-“

“I just want you guys to get out!” he snaps, putting his hands to his ears and leans back into his pillow groaning. God, I shouted at them. But anything to get that dumb Baekhyun to shut up. He sees Baekhyun flinch and grins smugly, making sure to hide it from them. He was starting to hate Baekhyun. But then, he notices how Chanyeol wasn’t even in the room anymore. The other male probably retreated back to the kitchen.  

And I scared Chanyeol away. God… I’m such an idiot. Darn it! He groans again.

“So go!” Kris growls, raising his tone and voicing out his irritation. Chanyeol’s gone now, so whatever. He can feel the anger boiling in the pit of his stomach and the frustration fueling his actions. He doesn’t feel like stopping. He balls his hands into fists and bites into his lips hard. The metallic taste spills over his tongue and he it all up.  He feels terrible and angry and he doesn’t want to stop but he can just imagine the confused, worried looks he’ll get from his band mates later.


Kris sits in silence for a while.

The clock reads 8:13 A.M.

Craning his neck, he looks at the small blood droplets on his pillow. He sighs at the unwanted mess he created.

He looks up.

Baekhyun was gone.


He lets his head fall back onto the pillow.




a/n: Okay, long-ish chappie? xD It was 1,100 words or so. 

I'd like to say this is where the story gets going lol! More in the present, then other chapters. 

Thanks for the subscribers and comments. God, you guys are so quiet. Comment more, please! XD It's what keeps me going, mostly. I'd like to know what you guys think. 


Thanks for reading! Byeee xD 

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I feel SO terrible, lol. I WILL UPDATE TODAY OR TOMORROW, I'm just suffering from a huge writer's block. Sorry lol.


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Chapter 10: Please please update soonnnnn author nim!
It's been.... like 3 years.... and I'm still waiting ....please.... update..soon.... I am running out of life..
To hell with social life.....
I shall wait. =_=
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 10: this is so damn good <3 update soon please <3
akahashi #4
Chapter 10: Ahh.. Baekyun.. Why do you make things difficult enough for Kris? Hahh..
Chanyeol.. I don't know what to say.. Just update more, okay?
ChocoAikocream #5
omg kris T_T
just tell chanyeol already >w<
Loving #6
Oh no kris :(((( why won't you just tell him!!
meow96 #7
T.T oh gosh so sad
onkeyslove #8
need krisyeol moments so so much