Detective Baekhyun

Why Kris Has That Bi tch-face.

Chapter 9

{Detective Baekhyun}


“Hey, what do you think of Kris hyung?” Baekhyun asks suddenly. Chanyeol shifts around and whips his head backwards, only to find an innocent-looking smile plastered on the other’s face.

“W-what? Kris?” he asks, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Now this was a surprising question; why was he asking him now?

They were all (EXO K) gathered in the practice room currently, practicing all of their moves for all the upcoming events and stages. Although they were all supposedly top-notch and had completely memorized the steps, Chanyeol was still afraid he’d trip over his own two huge feet. Which was Chanyeol’s absolute nightmare. He practices the moves so often it was like a ritual, but he cannot predict the future. He can imagine it all in his head, though… the lights, the intense heat, the pain, the headache, the deafening screams. His eyes, not really able to concentrate on anything. The music would continue blaring from speakers above, his bandmates dancing with sharp movements and precision. The fans would be screaming and holding up banners, and when it would be his turn to dance in front… he would trip. He would crash down, like a redwood tree. He could imagine it all. It frightens him.

And what if he missed some of the steps? What if he danced to the wrong parts? He wasn’t the best of dancers, he knows that. So this was the kind of thing that usually settled in his mind whenever he was alone. There were many things that would settle into his mind. Especially Kris… the elder’s y face would often pop up into his mind, and he would smile because he loves that y face of his. But thinking about these kinds of things hurt Chanyeol. They hurt his huge, fragile heart. He wasn’t always happy. Chanyeol might smile despite all things, but sometimes the happiest people alive are usually the ones that felt the most pain.

“Yeah, the tall one,” his friend says blankly. He studies the shorter’s catlike eyes; they were devoid of any emotion. Chanyeol grimaces. Since when did Baekhyun have such a good poker face? 

“Nothing much. If you’re talking about why we fought then…” Chanyeol thinks, scratching his chin.

“No, just Kris in general.”

“Oh,” Chanyeol says. He tries to think to find an answer to his friend’s question, but the more he thinks the more his head hurt. And his heart, too. Kris’ tall, commanding stature. Kris’ sharp, pretty facial features. His lips, his nose. Kris’ precious, slightly gummy smile… oh, that smile. Although Kris may not smile often, that’s just what makes his smile all the more special. There were just so many things he had to say about the leader, but it saddens him to think about Kris. He thought Kris liked him. But I guess not, considering our little “fight”… is it even a fight? It was so small, so pointless. It was a complete joke, and he didn’t understand why Kris cares who Chanyeol’s favorite hyung was. “He’s tall, handsome, kinda weird,” he says finally (and carefully).

“OH, handsome you said?” Baekhyun says quickly—almost excitedly.

“Y-yeah? But doesn’t everybody think that?” Chanyeol steps back. Baekhyun is grinning quite widely, and he didn’t know why. It scares him a bit. Especially because the topic is about Kris, and everybody knew that Kris and Channie were not on speaking terms at the moment.

“Not really?”

“But… why are you asking me this?”

“I asked Kris what he thought of you too, so don’t get suspicious or anything. I really just wanted to know your thoughts on each other, considering your little spat earlier,” Baekhyun lies smoothly, although Chanyeol had no idea. Everybody files out of the room, signaling that practice was over, and Chanyeol stares after them.

“Oh.” Baekhyun smiles and grabs Chanyeol’s arms, hustling him out of the room.


For some reason, Baekhyun is being awfully clingy today. Chanyeol doesn’t know why, nor does he ask, but he can’t help but wonder. Of course he enjoys his friend’s company, but today (why today?) the boy follows him like an over-excited puppy. Chanyeol really doesn’t feel like talking right now, because he would rather be submerged in his thoughts because there was just SO much to think about. Because 1) Suho seems to always perk up when Kris’ name is mentioned, even if he was standing on the other side of the room, 2) Why  did Baekhyun bring up Kris back during practice, and 3) Why was Kris the center of attention all of a sudden, and why did he keep thinking about him?

At the moment, Chanyeol was sitting down on the floor of their dorm, laughing and talking with Sehun and Kai while Suho nags D.O to flush the toilet every time (a/n: lol wth).

“Shut up,” Sehun laughs at Chanyeol’s lame joke, although his lisp made it sound like ‘thshut up’.

“Chanyeol, you’re coming with me to the smoothie shop,” Baekhyun appears suddenly, grabbing Chanyeol by the arm.

“Hey, what gives?” Chanyeol asks, slightly annoyed. He yanks his arm back but stands up beside Baekhyun anyways.

“Smoothie shop? No bubble tea?” Sehun frowns. Kai laughs besides him, leaning in a bit closer than necessary.

“Thmoothie thop?” Kai laughs, exaggerating the boy’s lisp. Sehun blushes, flicks the other boy’s arm, and pouts (Chanyeol grins; they are so adorable). Kai shrugs him off and smiles widely.

“Yep, the smoothie shop. Now let’s go,” Baekhyun says.


“Yeah, and why just Chanyeol? What about me?” Sehun asks.

“What about me?” Kai adds.

Baekhyun pales slightly, “I don’t have enough money to feed all 3 of you, okay?”

“I can pay?” Sehun offers cutely.

“I can pay,” Kai says with finality.

“Um, no,” Baekhyun groans, quickly trying to fabricate up a believable lie. “The last thing I need is for us to be mobbed by overly-attached, imaginative fangirls. Stay home and play, okay? I don’t want to bring a whole party there, anyways.” The pair look at him for a bit, before turning away.

“Fine,” Sehun sighs.

“Fine,” Kai says, disappointed. Sehun flashes him a look, but Kai just stares confusedly at him. Without a second glance, Baekhyun hooks his arm with Channie’s. Baekhyun drags Chanyeol away, after getting Sekai’s approval.

“B-bye!” Chanyeol calls after his friends, confused over his kidnapper’s behavior.


“Baekhyun?” he asks, after they enter the smoothie shop.

“Sit,” the other commands. Channie complies and sits up straight in his chair. “I’ll go get drinks. What do you want? Strawberry... mango… Ah, it doesn’t matter,” he mutters to himself. He briskly walks over to order, and Chanyeol is left alone.

Okay, so things happened a bit quickly. Too quickly for Channie to understand, but he sorts it out in his mind anyways and a question bubbles up to the surface of his curious brain, after he grasps the situation he was in. What the heck is Baekhyun’s problem today? One moment he was happily talking with the other members but then Bacon goes and abducts him to take him to a smoothie shop. And why did he seem a bit distracted? For some reason, he thinks it’s because of Kris. It was a small feeling, and Chanyeol didn’t know why. It scares him, too. Why did Kris revolve around his thoughts so much…

“Okay, here yah go!” Baekhyun chirps, setting down a smoothie in front of Chanyeol’s face.

“Thanks,” he murmurs, sipping at his drink. Mango and pineapple.

Bacon studies his face for a while, before drinking his own. They drink together in a strange silence… Chanyeol shifts around uncomfortably, and eyes the smoothie shop instead as an attempt to distract himself. It was a cute, small little joint at the corner of the block, but despite being cozy, it was quite modern and fresh, as the walls were painted with a lively lime and a blinding orange. The tables were glass or made of cherry wood, the chairs pink and white and made of plastic, and various couches and beanbags were scattered throughout the shop as a means for seating.  He catches the sight of a girl staring at him, and blushes. The girl giggles, covering with her hand and he knows that she recognizes him. He waves a little, pulling down his baseball cap.

“What did you want?” Chanyeol asks finally. Baekhyun breaks out into a wide smile, and looks straight into his eyes before speaking.

“Whaaat, can’t a friend bring his friend out for a drink?” he beams.  

“Not really,” Chanyeol blinks. “You’re acting a bit strangely…”

“That’s because I wanna know why you two got into a fight,” Baekhyun says, emphasizing the words ‘you two’. Chanyeol’s brain immediately clicks, and he thinks. He ponders, but he really can’t surface with an answer.

“Why?” he frowns. “Even I don’t know.” There were a lot of possibilities, but he didn’t want to believe some of them.

“Do you mind telling me your thoughts?”  

“I guess… I think…”

“Start from the beginning.”

“Okay, well… you were there. I was joking when I said this, but, I don’t think Kris knew. I said that I liked Luhan the best, as my hyung, and… uhm, he took it the wrong way I think?” Chanyeol recalls, glancing at Baekhyun’s still, serious expression before continuing. “So he looked really mad, and I told him it was just a joke. It really was a joke, that’s all it was. I never intended to make him mad, but he was mad and I knew I said something that wrong so I tried to apologize to him. I told him ‘sorry’, and he looked really sad for a moment. Then his face went blank and then it went from blank to sad again and then to pain and then he turned away from me and left.” Baekhyun nods, signaling for him to continue. So he continues, trying to remember it clearly. “And he left… but I told him it was a joke. I was kidding, for God’s sake, but he didn’t even look at me. That kinda pissed me off, since I was only fooling around, and I tried talking to him but he always ignored me. And I’m like, fine, go ahead and give me the cold shoulder because I guess I will ignore you too. I speculated with some theories I had in my mind to why he could be mad, but they seem really silly. I’m guessing you want to hear it so I’ll tell you, don’t worry. But the question is, why did he seem to care so much—“

“Because he’s jealous,” Baekhyun interrupts. Chanyeol blinks back, surprised at the other’s outburst and by how much he had said to him.

“Excuse m—“

“Yeah, he’s jealous. That’s what I think. It’s gotta be,” Baekhyun nods. “Listen, Channie… there’s so much to tell you but I can’t. I’m sure I know why he was jealous. I honestly just brought you here to try and see if my own suspicions were right, and they look pretty accurate as of now mind you, and I really believe I know what’s going on around Kris’ head right now.” Chanyeol abruptly stands up.

“You do!?” he half-screeches. Baekhyun stands up too, and heads for the door of the smoothie shop and opens it. “What can’t you tell me? I wanna know!” he demands. The reason of why Kris overreacted to his little joke was killing him. There were so many possibilities, and just the fact of Baekhyun knowing kills him. He needs to know now. And he doesn’t really understand why he needs to know, but whatever. He assumes he just cares for Kris.  

Baekhyun giggles. Like a girl. And then he puts his fingers to his lips. “I’m not telling~!” Baekhyun sings skipping away from Chanyeol. Chanyeol stares at the back of the other, because damn he acts and looks like such a girl, before chasing after him. He needs to know. He needs to know now, and badly, too.

“TELL ME!!” 




a/n: okay, sorry for the late-ish update, but at least it's twice as long as my other usualy chappies. and sorry it's  boring too. XD I really wanted to add Channie's thoughts into this whole mess. ;u; 


i am so frustrated with this story lol 

and lol i like sekai XDDD 



(lol, I'm just joking, but I seriously would love some more comments. More comments make me feel better lkjedflsdjg XDDDD)



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I feel SO terrible, lol. I WILL UPDATE TODAY OR TOMORROW, I'm just suffering from a huge writer's block. Sorry lol.


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Chapter 10: Please please update soonnnnn author nim!
It's been.... like 3 years.... and I'm still waiting ....please.... update..soon.... I am running out of life..
To hell with social life.....
I shall wait. =_=
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 10: this is so damn good <3 update soon please <3
akahashi #4
Chapter 10: Ahh.. Baekyun.. Why do you make things difficult enough for Kris? Hahh..
Chanyeol.. I don't know what to say.. Just update more, okay?
ChocoAikocream #5
omg kris T_T
just tell chanyeol already >w<
Loving #6
Oh no kris :(((( why won't you just tell him!!
meow96 #7
T.T oh gosh so sad
onkeyslove #8
need krisyeol moments so so much