
Why Kris Has That Bi tch-face.


Chapter 10


“I hate him. I hate him hate him hate him,” Kris angrily mutters, holding his face in his hands.

“Who do you hate?” Chen genuinely asks as he walks into his and Kris’ shared room and sets down one of the plastic cups in his hands. “Bubble tea?”

Kris waves him off. “Nah,” he distractedly says, flicking his hand in the other’s direction. Chen furrows his eyebrows and looks at Kris, whose eyes were practically glued to the laptop in front of him. But instead of enjoying whatever was playing onscreen, Kris looks horribly angry. Chen studies  him for a moment; the light of the screen brightens up the leader’s face with a blue-ish tint in the dark room while shadows dances around him as the video on the screen plays along. Kris’ arms were folded across his chest and he glares seriously at the footage, his signature -face plastered.

“What are you watching?”

“Nothing.” Kris continues to watch the screen until it suddenly ends, and he slaps his laptop shut with more force than necessary.

“?” Chen asks.

“NO!” Kris quickly says, blushing. “It was just a performance by EXO K, okay? I wouldn’t watch… , okay. That’s…”

“Okay, I get it Kris. I know you wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, alright. I’m just… gonna go now…” he says awkwardly, glancing at his laptop one last time before disappearing. Chen stares at the disappearing back of his leader and stares at the laptop intently, and then stares one last time at the doorway where Kris once stood and then quickly bounces into a chair. He grabs the laptop and opens it back up, browsing Kris’ web history. Is this what he was watching? Chen thinks as he clicks on a link to Youtube and it opens up immediately. He was more than curious to know what the other was watching. And why was he so angry, too? And who did Kris say he hated again? The video flashes onscreen and Chen stares intently at it, glaring at it too in hopes of feeling what Kris felt. This was obviously some fancam, Chen notices, since the screen was shaky as hell (which annoys Chen to no end) and numerous heads and hands obstructs the view. Chen sees all the familiar faces of his friend onstage… Kai, Sehun, D.O, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and Suho. After a while, Chen lets out his breath that he was unknowingly holding in, and wipes at his eyes. He really misses his friends sometimes. The screen only displays the whole group for a while, until suddenly the camera zooms in the middle of the line. In other words, zooming in onto Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

“Oh?” Chen murmurs to himself, pursing his lips in confusion. He turns up the volume and then he gets it. Something in him finally clicks, and he frowns. The fans were all screaming ‘Baekyeol’, ‘Baekyeol’, ‘Baekyeol’. Baekyeol? Kris is mad about a split-second Baekyeol moment? But those little moments happened daily, but only since the two were such close friends. He thinks for a moment. Either Kris was mad about the Baekyeol moment, or he was mad at Chanyeol. But it was obviously because of the Baekyeol moment… right?

Chen thinks. And thinks. And thinks.

Something was obviously up with the leader.

But Chen didn’t care, really.

It’s none of his business, and he lets go of all suspicions he currently had.

It’s Kris’ life, not his.




Kris idly stands in the shower. He lets the warm water pour at his aching muscles, and he lets the water trickle down his eyes, his cheeks, his jaw. The room is completely dark. No moonlight, no nothing. He doesn’t want light. He doesn’t need light. He doesn’t need to see his broken self. He stands there, because he doesn’t know what else to do. He didn’t have to put any consideration or thought into this, but he knows he’s a lovesick fool. It hurts him. He never thought he could be this way. So weak, so helpless. He thought he was the strong one, the one who was thick as steel and hard as rock. Shouldn’t he be the person others could go to for love advice? Shouldn’t he be the tall, handsome, cold man who could get any girl he pleased? Isn’t that what others thought of him? He should be able to help others with love, but how could he do that when he can’t even handle his own feelings? Anything could mess with his heart. His feelings were often victims of manipulation and jealously did not help him either. Why does he care so much for Chanyeol anyways? Why does it matter who the other boy hangs out with? Baekhyun knows Kris’ dilemma and his feelings, but yet the other keeps on hanging around Chanyeol, clinging on to him. What the was Baekhyun trying to do? Was he really trying to get Kris to be jealous? Does he really want to be beaten senseless when Kris gets back?


Baekhyun doesn’t. It’s all in Kris’ head. He raises the temperature to the water, and tilts his head back, exposing his neck to the soft deluge. Baekhyun is just doing what he always did. But in Kris’ eyes, he always thought there was something more between the two, but he knows there isn’t. He tries to convince himself but he just can’t help but feel jealousy. He wants to think there was nothing between them; there was no Baekyeol. But the way they perform fanservice so unknowingly and easily… it makes Kris’ heart hurt even more than it should.  His feelings were too complex and complicated; no one would ever understand them. He could never tell anybody this; it was impossible to put his heart into words. He stands there under the pounding of the shower, but he hates getting all prune-like and disgusting so he silently shuts it off. After a while he just stands there, but why was water still running down his face? He steps out, wipes his face, flicks on the lights, and stares. Two blood-shot eyes stare back at him, and he sighs.

He was only just crying, something that happens regularly nowadays.




a/n: Okay.

1. Sorry for the late-ish update; some relatives came over. 

2. The story will be picknig up now, so sorry if this was a lame-o chapter. I already have the next chapter all planned out~

3.101 subscribers, yay! C: Thanks everyone<3 


5. BYE

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I feel SO terrible, lol. I WILL UPDATE TODAY OR TOMORROW, I'm just suffering from a huge writer's block. Sorry lol.


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Chapter 10: Please please update soonnnnn author nim!
It's been.... like 3 years.... and I'm still waiting ....please.... update..soon.... I am running out of life..
To hell with social life.....
I shall wait. =_=
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 10: this is so damn good <3 update soon please <3
akahashi #4
Chapter 10: Ahh.. Baekyun.. Why do you make things difficult enough for Kris? Hahh..
Chanyeol.. I don't know what to say.. Just update more, okay?
ChocoAikocream #5
omg kris T_T
just tell chanyeol already >w<
Loving #6
Oh no kris :(((( why won't you just tell him!!
meow96 #7
T.T oh gosh so sad
onkeyslove #8
need krisyeol moments so so much