Won't You Tell Me Goodbye?

Why Kris Has That Bi tch-face.


All is quiet at the breakfast table that morning. Every EXO member was there at the table, preparing for the leave of EXO M, but the atmosphere was absolutely tense. It was dead silent save for the sound of clanking silverware and the occasional whisper, and Kris knew why. But he chooses to ignore it because he doesn’t care and it is none of his concern. He picks up his cup and sips at it, before putting it right back down. He nibbles at his muffin before putting it down, too.

“Pass me a napkin, will you?” Kris asks, as if everything was fine. D.O widens his eyes (if that was possible) and numbly passes a napkin to Kris, and glances around the table. The rest of EXO mimic his movements, obviously unsure of how to react. Kai and Sehun sit there quietly like good little maknaes, Lay and Tao were obviously suspicious but chose not to say anything, Luhan looked like he was about to pass out, Baekhyun’s face was unreadable, and the rest of them were trying to play it cool, and act like the awkward atmosphere will die down in the next few days or so.

“Just get up and do it yourself…” Chanyeol mumbles quietly, but sharply. Kris jerks his head up just to glare at the other boy who returns his gaze with an equally menacing scowl.

Just ignore him, Kris, he tells himself, even though he feels the anger pricking at his skin.

Luhan quickly and weakly laughs. “Well, isn’t this a pleasant morning?” he says, noticing the hostility in Chanyeol’s once-happy voice. Appreciating his efforts, Kris breaks away from Chanyeol’s eyes and laughs along with the other’s nervous tittering.

“Geez, would you stop laughing?” Chanyeol groans. “Can you not see how unamused we are?”

Kris furrows his eyebrows together. How could he be so rude? “Well, I’m just laughing at his joke,” Kris snaps.

“You obviously do not know how to take a joke.” Kris felt a part of his mind snap; those words hit quite close to home. The events of yesterday came flooding back into Kris’ mind, and gnarls in the pit of his stomach, toying at his mind. The anger sparks and instantly, Kris stands up and slams his fists into the table. Luhan jumps along with the rest of the plates on the table.

“Oh. My. God,” Kris irritatingly says. But that’s all he says, because he is at a loss of words… he doesn’t know how to reply to Chanyeol’s statement. Because it was true, wasn’t it? Chanyeol had cracked a joke saying how Kris wasn’t his favorite hyung, and Kris had reacted the wrong way. Only because… maybe because… It was a joke and yet Kris freaked out, because… he was… jealous.

Kris stays silent. The whole room is silent. Kris admits he was jealous but that’s not something he could say out loud. Chanyeol smirks and gets up out of his chair, dusting off his pants. He sighs dreamily and smiles. “Well I hope you have a nice time in China, Kris,” he says nonchalantly. Kris glares at him, and then shifts his eyes down to his shoes. I just want to tell you, Chanyeol. The words are stuck in his throat and he doesn’t plan on letting it out. Tears of frustration threaten to spill from his eyes.

If only I could tell you why I behave this way, Chanyeol. But these words, my thoughts… they are too dangerous. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Chanyeol’s shadow move pass him and out of the kitchen, and the other sounds of his friends moving in and out of their chairs.




“Come on, Kris,” comes Suho’s gentle voice. He places a hand on his shoulder, and pulls Kris out of his chair. “You shouldn’t miss your flight…” Kris sniffs as quietly as possible and trails behind the other leader and out the doorway.

“Got your bags?” Chen asks, hefting up his luggage and a few other things before placing them into the car’s trunk.


“Don’t mind Channie…” Suho whispers into his ear as they walk. “He’s just, well---“

“Mad at me? I know.”

“But you know him, he’ll forgive you.”

“Not anytime soon and that’s for sure.”

“…Are you going to tell me why?”

Kris hoists his bag over his shoulder. “I don’t think I can ever tell anybody why,” he says grimly.

Suho stops the both of them and stares intensely into Kris’ eyes. He can see a sparkle of worry in them and turns away, feeling disturbed by their sincerity and hopefulness. He longs to tell someone, honestly, and he inwardly thanks Suho for caring. If only he could tell, but it might come out as a lie, and Kris doesn’t lie. The only other option for him was to bottle it up and throw it someway far in the back of his mind.

“Have a safe trip, okay?” came Sehun’s sniffly voice. He back hugs Kris and leaves and Kai gives him a pat on the shoulder. As hard as it is to believe, Kris admits to himself that he’d miss EXO K, even though for the past week they came across numerous obstacles.

“See you.”

“Yeah, see you, Baekhyun,” Kris says, smiling at his friend’s simple English. Baekhyun grins and flashes him a quick thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd of his bandmates and managers.

Where is he? Kris thinks, standing on his tip-toes to be taller than everything else around him. And why am I looking for him? I shouldn’t care, because I don’t care. Kris strains his neck and looks for his friend—no, bandmate as of now—and eyes the mass of people, flashes of colors and bodies blinding. After a while, Kris gives up and sighs, because it’s obvious Chanyeol would not come out to see him leave. No surprise there, right?

“Why do I care…” Kris mumbles.

“He actually told the rest of us a goodbye back in the dorm,” Luhan says suddenly, sympathetically laying a hand on Kris’ arm.


Kris frowns and lifts his head up once more and—Oh! There he was. Kris feels his heart soar and he reacts without thinking. The corners of his mouth curl up into a wide smile and he felt his arm twitch to wave. But he stops himself, because Luhan is intently gazing at him.

“T-there’s Chanyeol…” Kris grumbles, slipping a glance at Luhan. The other boy had his eyes turned away from him, luckily, and Kris could feel the pink blooming across his face. Why oh why is he feeling this way. Something catches his eyes and he turns. His face instantly turns into a scowl as he notices Chanyeol hugging and laughing with the other EXO M members. And not him. WHY?

Because Chanyeol is mad at him.

Kris doesn’t realize he was glowering in the other’s direction because Chanyeol catches his eyes and returns his stare with a frown, before turning his back around. No, wait! Kris wanted to yell. But—

“Let’s go go go!” Xiumin smiles, bouncing his way to the car with Luhan behind him. Luhan bats his eyelashes and grabs Kris’ hands and drags him into the car.

“C’mon, Krissy.”

As he settles himself into the backseat, he notices the way the rest of EXO waves at each other. Except Chanyeol, who had his back turned all the way and probably about ready to leave. Kris feels his spirits and hopes sink, as well as his heart. Mood completely dampened, Kris turns away from the window and pretends to be interested in the hem of his shirt.




Chanyeol stands helplessly, far away from the other members. He has no interest in waving goodbye and smiling, because he is not happy. A sad Chanyeol does not smile. His hand shifts to his heart and he clutches the fabric of his shirt around it, eyes fluttering closed.

He digs his nails into the palm of his hand, hoping to draw a little blood to ease his mind.




As the car rolls away, the members finally erupt into a frenzy of words and chatters, but Kris just stares blankly out the window.

Sadly, what Kris didn’t know was that Chanyeol’s eyes were b with tears, and he had only turned around to hide them from him.




a/n: Wow, it's been a while since I last updated, huh? ^^ Sorry for the late chapter; I was having a huge writer's block with this chapter. This chapter... well, idk, I kind of like it (I wish I could write better, too, lol) but it's a bit, weird? IDK, but I planned out the rest of my story on my notebook so it will be more organized, and I plan on having at least 4-5 more chapters. 

UGH I'm getting so frustrated with this story, LOL. Do you guys like it? xDDD Well, I hope so.

Hmm, I just viewed what my story looks like on the Krisyeol tag, and wtf, Does it show up as Why Kris Had That ___-Face as the title? That never showed up before.. does it look like that for everyone? :x 

*edit: I had to space out the words as of now. >.> sorry if the title looks stupid now. xP

Whatever, I should stop talking D.O_____O

Thanks for subscribing... please do comment and let me know what you think<3


and oh, I might be messing around with the format a little, and changing the chapter names, so yeah. xD 

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I feel SO terrible, lol. I WILL UPDATE TODAY OR TOMORROW, I'm just suffering from a huge writer's block. Sorry lol.


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Chapter 10: Please please update soonnnnn author nim!
It's been.... like 3 years.... and I'm still waiting ....please.... update..soon.... I am running out of life..
To hell with social life.....
I shall wait. =_=
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 10: this is so damn good <3 update soon please <3
akahashi #4
Chapter 10: Ahh.. Baekyun.. Why do you make things difficult enough for Kris? Hahh..
Chanyeol.. I don't know what to say.. Just update more, okay?
ChocoAikocream #5
omg kris T_T
just tell chanyeol already >w<
Loving #6
Oh no kris :(((( why won't you just tell him!!
meow96 #7
T.T oh gosh so sad
onkeyslove #8
need krisyeol moments so so much