
Why Kris Has That Bi tch-face.


“Oh, my god. What?” Kris asks irritably, dropping his spoon into his cereal bowl which clanks loudly. D.O. glares at him from the side and glances at Kai, who also glares at Kris. Together they stand side by side, glaring at him. Crossing their arms, and shoulders touching, they glare at Kris who glares right back at them with all the venom he could muster in this time of day (it was 6 in the morning). He sighs and goes back to eating his soppy cereal but Kai and D.O. are still casting a murky shadow before him and it feels strange to eat when two guys are giving him death looks. Kris glances up at them and they are still making the same faces at him and Kris sighs loudly and rudely but they don’t budge.

This has been happening to Kris for the past 4 days now.

All of EXO K hated him. Why?

Because he yelled at Baekhyun.

And supposedly, Baekhyun cried himself to sleep that night, wondering what he did to make him so angry but Kris does not care at all because it feels good knowing that Baekhyun was crying because of him and Kris got the sick satisfaction of knowing that he had control and power over the younger vocalist. But at what cost? All of his bandmates heard about this, and were giving him the stink face.

Well, not everyone.

Luhan wasn’t, and neither was Lay. Xiumin and Chen could care less and Tao was ignoring him (surprisingly).

“Oh, Jongin, Kyungsoo, leave him alone.”

Kris looks up and smiles gratefully at Luhan, his savior. Luhan beams at him and bats his eyelashes and then smiles sweetly at the EXO K members.

“Just let me deal with Krispy here, okay? Run along now. And go do whatever you like to do. Shoo,” he says, and of course, Kai and D.O. cannot argue because Luhan is Luhan and Luhan always gets what a Luhan wants. So they leave without a word. After a while Luhan sighs and pulls up a chair in front of Kris and looks him up and down. He fiddles with his fingers and tilts his head, as if he were judging Kris. Then he shifts his position, now propping up his chin with his hands and tilting his head the other way. A few seconds later he tilts his head back the other way. Luhan cannot sit still, Kris thinks.

“Y-yes?” Kris asks. Why was Luhan looking at him like that?

“Why were you so mean to Baekhyun?” he says, finally. Not at all expecting the question, Kris just gapes at Luhan.

“W-well, I… I…”

“Did he do something bad to you? Because if he did, I’ll go and scold him. But if he didn’t, tell me what happened. We can’t really afford to fight right now, because we have limited time together as one, or as a whole. I don’t want to spend our rare times together in a big, awkward mess, but rather how we usually are. Remember the times before we debuted, and we had so much free time? EXO M and EXO K became EXO again, and we would hang out together. I miss everyone’s smiles. I want to see everyone happy.”

Kris sighs after hearing Luhan’s lengthy monologue and silently agrees with him. Before he knew it, he would be back up in a plane heading to China and without his brothers. That made his heart ache, and he turns to Luhan and nods glumly.

“Okay. But… I didn’t do anything wrong!” Kris says, letting his ego take control of him. Luhan stands up and flicks his arm before saying,

“Alright, Krispy. If you truly believe that, then tell it to Baekhyun. Because I don’t really believe you.” And with that, Luhan leaves the room and leaves Kris to himself and his now mushy cereal. Kris slumps down into his chair and thinks about the things to come if he apologizes to Baekhyun. But… he didn’t want to. But why? Why did he get so upset?

Why can’t I just go and apologize?

…Because Baekhyun is annoying and he’s always with…


No! No no no. So what if Kris has a bit of a thing for Chanyeol, but that’s not why he doesn’t want to apologize, right? Kris has this nagging feeling which tells him not to apologize, which he doesn’t understand. He knows he should. But something is pulling him back.

And upon seeing Luhan’s almost teary eyes made Kris feel guilty… really guilty. He didn’t want Luhan to be sad, because Luhan is an angel (most of the time).






“Knock, knock,” Kris says, slightly opening the door to Baekhyun’s room. He hears a quick shuffling and sniffles and Baekhyun flops out of bed and onto the floor before staring up at Kris with his curious and almost scared eyes. It’s obvious he had been crying for his eyes were rimmed red and tissues were scattered near the wastebasket near the door and this makes Kris feel even worse about himself. “Can I come in?” he asks softly.

Baekhyun nods.

Kris enters and quietly clicks the door shut before shyly glancing at Baekhyun, who was playing with the fuzz of the carpet on the floor. He feels the way the bed sinks under his weight as he carefully lowers his body onto it.

“Errr, what’s up?”

Baekhyun shrugs.

Kris scratches his neck.

“Um, you don’t look too good,” he starts again, awkwardly. Baekhyun looks up and Kris is relieved to see amusement flash in his eyes, even if it was only for a split second.

“Yeah, I know…” Baekhyun begins, his voice trailing off. He clears his throat and shrugs once more. “I’ve been in my room for the past 4 days.”

“I’m sorry.”

He crosses his legs together and sits up, staring at Kris now.

“Okay,” Baekhyun nods.

“Okay?” Kris asks, furrowing his eyebrow. “I… I guess I apologized. But maybe I didn’t make myself clear. I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, I heard. But…”


“I won’t accept your apology.”

Kris feels his heart drop to the pit of his stomach.

But!” Baekhyun quickly adds smiling at Kris’ crestfallen expression, “On one condition.”

Kris has hope again. “Okay, anything,” Kris gleefully says. He misses the way Baekhyun devilishly grins. Baekhyun breaks out into a huge smile as soon as Kris looks at him hopefully and he rushes over to his hyung’s side. Baekhyun has been thinking about the incident for the past few days and he had some suspicions he wanted to clarify with Kris. He clasps his hands together, and Kris is scared because he looks so overjoyed now. It was creeping him out.

“Why were you so mad at me? Was it because of Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asks giddily.  





a/n: Sorry for not updating in a while, guys. I'm busy this week and I've been seeing an awful lot of doctors. :P 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the story so far. Because holy crap almost 70 subscribers!! *jumps ups and down and blows kisses* XD Please subscribe and comment guys, it means a lot to me! 

Happy reading! :D

and I apologize for any typos, because I typo a lot. XD 

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I feel SO terrible, lol. I WILL UPDATE TODAY OR TOMORROW, I'm just suffering from a huge writer's block. Sorry lol.


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Chapter 10: Please please update soonnnnn author nim!
It's been.... like 3 years.... and I'm still waiting ....please.... update..soon.... I am running out of life..
To hell with social life.....
I shall wait. =_=
Krisyeolsdaughter #3
Chapter 10: this is so damn good <3 update soon please <3
akahashi #4
Chapter 10: Ahh.. Baekyun.. Why do you make things difficult enough for Kris? Hahh..
Chanyeol.. I don't know what to say.. Just update more, okay?
ChocoAikocream #5
omg kris T_T
just tell chanyeol already >w<
Loving #6
Oh no kris :(((( why won't you just tell him!!
meow96 #7
T.T oh gosh so sad
onkeyslove #8
need krisyeol moments so so much