
It's All Lies [Secret Love~ Sequel]

The clothes that the couple wore last night was left in the corner of the room. The two were on the bed, cuddling to feel each other warmth. RaeHee woke up from the brightness of the sunlight. She look over at the sleeping Himchan and cares his face and kiss his lips

"I'm being in my sleep" RaeHee gasped and jerk her hand back. Himchan opened his eyes and laughed "Yah that's not funny, you scared the living hell out of me" RaeHee hit him over the head "Omg I'm being by a abusive " he pretend to be scared "Yah shouldn't be use as a joke!" Himchan pull RaeHee on top of him, straddling him "Yeah whatever. By the way RaeHee I love the view from down here" Himchan smirk and RaeHee realize that they were both .

RaeHee moved to the other side of the bed and hide under the blanket. "No need to be shy, I saw everything last night" Himchan chuckle and got off the bed to find RaeHee her clothes and he saw the broken picture frame "Hey RaeHee were you that mad at me that you broke our first picture together" RaeHee turn over to take a look but saw the Himchan and went back to hiding "Now you're just being too shy" he once again laugh at her "It's embarrassing" "Like I said we both saw each other last night no need to be shy" Himchan saw his boxer and put it on and grab his shirt to give it to RaeHee "Here my shirt, put it on" he hand her the shirt "Why your shirt?" RaeHee look at it "Because it's big enough to cover your whole body, at least you want to only wear bra." he smirk. Himchan point to the broken frame "So what happened" "I accidentally hit the nightstand and it fell. I didn't have time to clean it up yesterday" RaeHee explain "Oh okay then".

The couple got off the bed and headed towards the kitchen "RaeHee I'll give my manager a call first so he'll know where I'm at, okay?" "Yeah whatever" Himchan went back to the room. Raehee thought of making pancake but it's too much work so she simply crack an egg and make eggs with bacon. Himchan went up behind her "Mhh yum bacon~" and start cheering by himself "Himchan you're happy for no reason" "I have my reasons for being happy.hmm... Let's see. B.A.P are having a one month break before our showcase and I got to 'bang bang' last night". "Ew please stop being a ert and grab your plate and go sit down and eat like a normal human being." RaeHee handed him the plate "I'm not a human though, I'm a Matoki" Himchan start to eat "Please go kill yourself now Himchan" RaeHee laughs "Seriously Matoki?" she continue to laugh.

"RaeHee are you going to be busy this month?" Himchan asked out of the blue "I need to ask RiChan-Unnie but why you're asking" Himchan suddenly smile "I want to go to America" RaeHee start to choke on the bacon "Oh Rae you bad girl, stop choking on the meat" Himchan smirk "Oh Himchan you're disgusting, making those kind of joke but what were you saying about America and why the hell would you want to go there?!" Himchan slide a mail towards RaeHee "You high school is having a reunion, I want to go" "Nope we're not going" "Wae?!" Himchan whine "Because...SangRi(Raehee's friend from Secret Love) might not go" Himchan look at RaeHee as if she were dumb "Your a , just because your friend might not go?!" "I won't know anyone if I go, I was a loner in high school" "Lies, I saw your high school pictures while I was on the phone with manager-hyung" RaeHee glare "You what!?" "I saw all those pictures, you have a lot of friends and what with those annoying looking boys, your exs?" RaeHee throw a piece of bacon at Himchan and tried to get it in his mouth but fail "Don't go looking through people belongings". "So when will SangRi-shi comes home, I'll beg her to go to America" "Soon" RaeHee give up on arguing with him about pointless things.

RaeHee P.O.V

SangRi came home and Himchan ran to greet her "Hey SangRi-shi!" "Oh hey Himchan-shi..what are you doing here?" SangRi awkwardly asked him "He and I are together again" I answer "Omg congratulation!" "SangRi-shi can you go the reunion?" Himchan asked "Oh about that I asked the head of the hospital and he said I could take a few weeks off and go there" both Himchan and SangRi look happy except me who doesn't really care "RaeHee I'll get to go to America with you plus I'll get to meet your mom, your whole family!" He ran up to me and hug me "My whole family doesn't live in the State, most live in Thailand" then I thought of something "Hey Himchan won't you have a problem going in the airport?" he an idol after all "Don't worry, the fans won't know I'm leaving the country but if they do recognize me then I'll announce to them that I'm dating you" he smiled "Isn't that great?" he asked "No, I'll be kill by your fans" I'm starting to get scared. "Enjoy!" he said.


This is kinda short..I think but enjoy lol I was going to end this but i think some of you wont be happy so im dragging this longer >_<

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im gona start working on a one shot sequel for this story now...idk i will it will come out good tho :)


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Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwweeeeeeee! The ending was so cute! <3 Loved the story but everytime HimChan hurt I was like OMFG! Again! I was so going to come into the story and kick HimChan's .... ! Loved the ending the most wig the twins! Sorry for writing so much :)
kawaii_girl21 #2
Chapter 14: Awww, they're so cute together! I wish there was more to this. Like a oneshot of their family life. <3 I LOVE IT ~
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
omg they're such a cute little family :3
but now i'm sad because this story has come to an end :'(
i'll miss it!^^
lileewd #4
Awww they seem sooo cute..I still absolutely love this story even though its done ^_^
HECK YEAH! u should i love this story! PWEASE continue it! <3
Luv u authornim! ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
:'( now it's over
i'll miss your story
the end was so cute
lileewd #7
Yayyyy!!! The couple is NOW a happy family :) You should make a sequel, that would be soo soo awesome..but, you don't have to do it now because you might be preocupied....I really loved this story eventhough it was short because a lot of things happened....KUDOS & THANK YOU for this magnificent story w/ B.A.P ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
they should marry someday in the futur!
haha yongguk at the end^^
update soon ;)
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
OMG OMG OMG OMG... OMG... i don't know what to say :D
but i liked the chap^^
update soon :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
drama baby, drama :D
i hate Sunja!! but now she's hopefully gone
OMG what will Himchan say?!
can't wait for the next chap^^