It's All Lies [Secret Love~ Sequel]

Its been couple weeks since the news between you and Himchan were out. The B.A.P members are working hard on their new album and you were just...studying how to be a good mother. The BABIES would sometimes send some cute baby toys for your baby.

The BABIES are mature and accept the fact the Himchan is in love and becoming a father. Many BABIES are still by B.A.P's side and being supportive like they were but theres also couple of BABIES who couldn't accept the fact and left the fanclub. You kept apologizing to B.A.P for the lost of fans but they didn't blame you, they blamed themselves for not being good enough but that was not true.

Himchan told you to set up the wedding and everything before your stomach gets any bigger, you both want you to be in a good shape for the wedding that's why you are getting marry soon.

You went to RiChan-unnie, you asked her if you could use the wedding that you model from before. The beautiful pink dress that you love, Himchan seem to like it too.

 "So RaeHee, you really are getting marry, huh?" RiChan asked in excitement "Yeah, Himchan wants to" you are having a second thoughts about the dress, "RiChan-Unnie, I think I won't need the dress anymore". "Huh? Why not?".

"I want to do my wedding in Korean way, I want to wear hanbok" RiChan laughed at your statement "What?" you felt embarrass "Nothing, it's just cute. Your not even Korean" RiChan said "But I love Korean culture and Himchan is Korean plus he was named Traditional-dol" You laugh, imaging Himchan playing the korean instruments at the wedding  . "Fine, just invite me to your wedding too".

You went home and called Himchan about the wedding procress. "Himchan, I'm doing the wedding in Korean traditional way" you speak through the phone "Wae?" Himhan asked "Do you not want to?" you asked. "No it's fine, just do it your way. I like it. By the way, I told my mom that I let you do the wedding planing and she scolded me" you laugh at his complains "She said I should be there helping you but as you can see I'm working hard for our family. So my mom will help you out with the wedding, okay?" He told you "Yes! I gets to meet your mom again".


The day have come, the wedding. There weren't many people, you like it this way. Your family, Himchan's family, B.A.P's members, and friends. [A/N I don't know much about Korean wedding OTL..I won't go in details]
The  ceremony is over, you and Himchan are officially husband and wife. Everyone cheers loudly for both of you, they were also some reporters who came. Himchan let them takes pictures and all, he wanted the BABIES to see his happiness. 

Himchan went over to his relatives, leaving you alone to talk with the members and Yongguk have brought Jieun and Hyosung, why? You weren't sure either. 

"Noona congratulation" Zelo said and hugged you "I'm a married women, don't come hug me" you joked "Noona your jokes is still not funny" Daehyun said coming to hug you too. 

You saw Yongguk and Jieun happily chatting with each other, you went up to him and fake cough "Seem like this oppa of mine is getting marry soon too" you said making both Yongguk and Jieun blush "RaeHee, it's not like that" Jieun freaked out "Yah, RaeHee, are you not giving this oppa a hug?" Yongguk parted his arms and you went to hug him "RaeHee, takes good care of Himchan, Kay?" you nodded, smiling "Himchan is a , you already know but he is serious in love with you". You saw in the corner of your eyes that Hyosung was glaring at you.

You didn't think much about t because Himchan came and hugged you from behind, cutting you out of your thoughts. "How my lovely wife doing?" "I'm doing fine but what was taking you so long?" you asked "I was having a conversation with my parents".

The lovely time at the wedding came to an end when you have to depart with your family and friends. You finally gets to live with Himchan and live like a wonderful family that you hoped for. 

First thing Himchan did when you arrive at the new house, he kisses you and carry you to the bedroom. You expected  him to do it with you tonight but he stopped and changed his clothes.

"Himchannie, why did you stop?" you asked in confuse "Your pregnant, dummy. I don't want to harm the baby" he answer. "Ah..right" you wanted to spent the night loving each other but that can't happen with the baby in you. "RaeHee, don't worry about it. When the baby is born, you won't be getting any sleep" Himhan smirked.

"Yah! You ert" you throw a pillow at him. He climb on the bed and lay next to you, he tuck your hair behind your ear and move his face close to your face. You closed your eyes and wait for the kiss, Himchan passionately kiss you "RaeHee, I love you, I'll love you forever" he look deeply onto your eyes.

You knew your life will be peaceful from now on, maybe not but you were happy to be married to a guy that you love dearly and with your first child coming into your life soon. You couldn't ask for anymore, you have everything.

Thank You Everyone Who Been Keeping Up With This Story, It Finally Came To An End. Sorry For Ending It This Way Though lol :> Thank You Again! 

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im gona start working on a one shot sequel for this story now...idk i will it will come out good tho :)


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Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwweeeeeeee! The ending was so cute! <3 Loved the story but everytime HimChan hurt I was like OMFG! Again! I was so going to come into the story and kick HimChan's .... ! Loved the ending the most wig the twins! Sorry for writing so much :)
kawaii_girl21 #2
Chapter 14: Awww, they're so cute together! I wish there was more to this. Like a oneshot of their family life. <3 I LOVE IT ~
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
omg they're such a cute little family :3
but now i'm sad because this story has come to an end :'(
i'll miss it!^^
lileewd #4
Awww they seem sooo cute..I still absolutely love this story even though its done ^_^
HECK YEAH! u should i love this story! PWEASE continue it! <3
Luv u authornim! ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
:'( now it's over
i'll miss your story
the end was so cute
lileewd #7
Yayyyy!!! The couple is NOW a happy family :) You should make a sequel, that would be soo soo awesome..but, you don't have to do it now because you might be preocupied....I really loved this story eventhough it was short because a lot of things happened....KUDOS & THANK YOU for this magnificent story w/ B.A.P ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
they should marry someday in the futur!
haha yongguk at the end^^
update soon ;)
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
OMG OMG OMG OMG... OMG... i don't know what to say :D
but i liked the chap^^
update soon :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
drama baby, drama :D
i hate Sunja!! but now she's hopefully gone
OMG what will Himchan say?!
can't wait for the next chap^^