It's All Lies [Secret Love~ Sequel]

The plane land safely at the airport and the passengers are leaving the plane. "RaeHee, can I use those hat and glasses" Himchan asked "Why?" Himchan just took them "The fans".

Without knowing those two fans were stilling following you. When you and Himchan came out of the plane there was many people shouting out Himchan's name. You look at Himchan in fear, "Just act natural and we won't look suspicious" he whisper to you.

You walk through the crowd without people knowing a thing but all the sudden someone yell out "That guy over is Kim Himchan with his girlfriend" you look back in shock but Himchan kept making you walk ahead, he also covered your face from the camera lights.

There were many questions being asked by fans:
"Himchan-oppa who's that girl?"
"You guys are not dating right?!"
"Is she really pregnant?!"

"Oppa, Your not the appa, right?!" but one comment from a fan make you feel little bit better.
"Himchan-oppa, your girlfriend is so pretty. I hope you guys are truly dating"

You were still in shock to even hear the rest, they even know about the pregnancy. You knew you shouldn't have come back with Himchan, you knew fans will found out. Himchan snap you out of your thoughts "Don't worry RaeHee, I won't let the fans hurt you or the baby. I'll quit" he push you in the car and he follows.

"Himchan, you can't be serious?! I can't let you do that!" you don't want to ruin his dream, he worked hard for this. "Can't we work this out somehow..." you look at Himchan face for answers "We could just tell them that the pregnancy was just a rumor and about us dating...just say we broke up" you shake Himchan's arm for him to say something.

"No! RaeHee, I can't just lie like that." he look at you and hold your face in his hands "It's like lying that I love you", he kiss you passionately on your lips "The fans will understands".

Himchan brought you to the B.A.P's dorm, the members ran up to you and asked if you were okay. They know about the news. "Alright just forget about this Kim Himchan right here" Himchan was grabbing attention from the members. 

"Himchan how can you let this happened?" Yongguk asked, not so pleased "It just happened, there was Fangirls on the plane with us and they heard our conversation" Himchan explain. 

"So RaeHee-noona is really pregnant?" Youngjae asked and touchs your stomach, Himchan nodded. "Oh great Himchan! What will the CEO say and will the BABIES accept this?!" Yongguk asked 

"...Hyung..can't we not fight and just think of a way to fix this" JongUp said, he didn't want to see s fights "JongUp is right, you two should not fight about this" You said.

The B.A.P's manager came and brought everyone to TS building. "Himchan, this problem is big so I think we should set up a live chat and the fan will be able to watch it" the CEO said, you were scared that you got brought here.

The camera was set and ready, you will not be in the video because you thought it will be better this way. They started filming "We're B.A.P, Yes sir!" the B.A.P members greets. "Today we have some important matters to tell you BABIES and hopefully you guys will continue supporting us" Yongguk said and continue by Himchan

"Today at the airport...many BABIES had showed up because you guys wanted the truth." Himchan look uncomfortable "The purpose of this video is to tell the truth" Youngjae told Himchan that he will be talking for him because Himchan couldn't get the words out. 

"Couple of fans had spotted Himchan and a girl together on the plane. Most of you are wondering who that girl was" Youngjae looked at you and continues, "The truth is she is Himchan-hyung's girlfriend...and our close friend" 

Yongguk took over "Her name is Kang RaeHee. I hope you BABIES will understand this and not harm RaeHee. The reason that we thought that we should tell you the truth is because BABIES are important and we think you guys have the right to know about this".

Yongguk look at Himchan and you, "There is also another thing that you guys are mostly likely concerning about, the pregnancy rumors." He look at Himchan again.

"Himchan and RaeHee loves each other enough to start a family together. RaeHee is pregnant and Himchan will be by her side to raise it. Hope you guys understand and respect their decision and continue supporting us like a true BABIES you are." the filming had ended and you feel much more better to finally lets the fans know about this.

Himchan came up to you and hug you tight "RaeHee..let's get marry soon" Himchan and you both smiled "Yah, don't even think about it yet" Yongguk interrupted "We still don't know about the BABIES responses" "But Hyung~" "Oppa~" both Himchan and you whines "Just listen this time" Yongguk beg.



IF any of you readers is reading my other story, Don't Call Me Your BrotherSorry that I havem't update for couple days, I was busy thinking about this story 

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im gona start working on a one shot sequel for this story now...idk i will it will come out good tho :)


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Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwweeeeeeee! The ending was so cute! <3 Loved the story but everytime HimChan hurt I was like OMFG! Again! I was so going to come into the story and kick HimChan's .... ! Loved the ending the most wig the twins! Sorry for writing so much :)
kawaii_girl21 #2
Chapter 14: Awww, they're so cute together! I wish there was more to this. Like a oneshot of their family life. <3 I LOVE IT ~
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
omg they're such a cute little family :3
but now i'm sad because this story has come to an end :'(
i'll miss it!^^
lileewd #4
Awww they seem sooo cute..I still absolutely love this story even though its done ^_^
HECK YEAH! u should i love this story! PWEASE continue it! <3
Luv u authornim! ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
:'( now it's over
i'll miss your story
the end was so cute
lileewd #7
Yayyyy!!! The couple is NOW a happy family :) You should make a sequel, that would be soo soo awesome..but, you don't have to do it now because you might be preocupied....I really loved this story eventhough it was short because a lot of things happened....KUDOS & THANK YOU for this magnificent story w/ B.A.P ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
they should marry someday in the futur!
haha yongguk at the end^^
update soon ;)
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
OMG OMG OMG OMG... OMG... i don't know what to say :D
but i liked the chap^^
update soon :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
drama baby, drama :D
i hate Sunja!! but now she's hopefully gone
OMG what will Himchan say?!
can't wait for the next chap^^