It's All Lies [Secret Love~ Sequel]

That night Himchan didn't came home, you thought he must have went to Sunja's house. She the only person he knows in the U.S.


Your mom entered your room and tried to comfort you "RaeHee, you know first love always have that special connection" she your back "Don't you remember your first love?". "Mom..I saw my first love today at the reunion and you know what I did? I talked to him as a friend, unlike that Sunja girl who flirt with Himchan." you continue to cry. 


"Sweetheart, you are stronger than this. Please don't cry anymore" she patted your head "I'll leave you alone, okay?" she got up from beside you and left the room. You fall flat on your bed "...Himchan.." you closed your eyes "You said you loved me and you won't hurt me but...I guess I fell for your lies again".


It was late in the afternoon when you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. You look at the caller ID, it was SangRi "Hello?"

SR: RaeHee, you okay? You sound...


RH: Don't try to insult me this early in the morning


SR: Oh you just woke up. Ahaha. And it's afternoon now.


RH: the reason you called?


SR: Himchan didn't went to Sunja' place.


RH: I care, why?


SR: oh shut up, I know you cried last night over him and I know this cuz he also cried....and still depress... He's at my house.


You hang up the phone, you were relief that he didn't went with Sunja "Maybe..maybe he doesn't love her anymore" you suddenly smirk and dial SangRi number.


SR: Yah why you hang up on me?!


RH: Shh. Calm down. SangRi? Wanna do something fun?


SR: What kind of crazy you wanna do now?


RH: Are you in a different room then Himchan?


SR: Yeah


RH: Good. So here the plan. First, Tell him that I'm mad and say that it's over. Second, tell him to not come see me till it time for us to go back to Korea. Third, let him stay at your house for this time.


SR: RaeHee....he really love you and you want him to go throught that?


RH: you should know that he hurt me a lot, I getting my pay back, Kay? 


SR: Fine


RH: bye~


You walk down to the kitchen, to find your mom "Mom guess what?" you happily say "What is it?". "Himchan love me not that girl." your mom turn and give you the attention "He didn't went with her last night, he went with SangRi, SangRi said that Himchan was crying and depress". 


"So now you will shut up and stop crying, right?" your mom said "Yup and I'm also pulling a prank on him for pay back". "RaeHee you should know that revenge is not the right choice" you laugh "Come on, mom let me have some fun".


You spent your three weeks in America with your mom and old friends without Himchan. SangRi keep giving you update on Himchan, He was still depress over the 'break up' and even tried to come see you but SangRi stopped him. But something different will happen today.


"Mom...I don't feel good, I threw up this morning" you told your mom when you and her are having breakfast. "RaeHee, you do know we are eating and you are talking about throw up" your mom give you a look "Sorry mom but can you come with me to the hospital later?" you asked "Sure". You were worried that you can be seriously sick or something.


The whole car ride your mom keep giving you weird looks and you were worried at why she giving you those looks. When you step your foot on the hospital ground your mom suddenly asked something.


"RaeHee, that day when you arrived from the airport..." she hesitated "...Did you and Himchan used protection?" you thought for a minute, the first time you and Himchan did in Korea you didn't use protection and the second you didn't use it either. "Mom I think I'm pregnant..." you were scared "We will find out now, come on" Your mom drag you in the hospital.


"Mom, I'm scared" you suddenly said, while waiting for the doctor to call you to hear the result. "It will be okay, I'm here with you" you always wanted to get married first and have kids but this is not going well. "Miss Kang RaeHee?" the nurse called "Right here" you stood up and follow the nurse with your mom beside you.


"Well Miss RaeHee, good news" you heard the doctor say good news so you thought you were not pregnant but you remember getting pregnant was a good news for most women "You're about 4 weeks along" you were in shock, your mom was also in shock and without knowing you cried.




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im gona start working on a one shot sequel for this story now...idk i will it will come out good tho :)


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Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwweeeeeeee! The ending was so cute! <3 Loved the story but everytime HimChan hurt I was like OMFG! Again! I was so going to come into the story and kick HimChan's .... ! Loved the ending the most wig the twins! Sorry for writing so much :)
kawaii_girl21 #2
Chapter 14: Awww, they're so cute together! I wish there was more to this. Like a oneshot of their family life. <3 I LOVE IT ~
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
omg they're such a cute little family :3
but now i'm sad because this story has come to an end :'(
i'll miss it!^^
lileewd #4
Awww they seem sooo cute..I still absolutely love this story even though its done ^_^
HECK YEAH! u should i love this story! PWEASE continue it! <3
Luv u authornim! ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
:'( now it's over
i'll miss your story
the end was so cute
lileewd #7
Yayyyy!!! The couple is NOW a happy family :) You should make a sequel, that would be soo soo awesome..but, you don't have to do it now because you might be preocupied....I really loved this story eventhough it was short because a lot of things happened....KUDOS & THANK YOU for this magnificent story w/ B.A.P ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
they should marry someday in the futur!
haha yongguk at the end^^
update soon ;)
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
OMG OMG OMG OMG... OMG... i don't know what to say :D
but i liked the chap^^
update soon :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
drama baby, drama :D
i hate Sunja!! but now she's hopefully gone
OMG what will Himchan say?!
can't wait for the next chap^^