
It's All Lies [Secret Love~ Sequel]

The couple been going out for couple of months, everything been great so far.

RaeHee P.O.V

"Oppa, Are you guys busy today?" I spoke through the phone. "Well, we just finish with our last performing of Power so I think the company is throwing us a party.." Himchan answered "Right Hyung?!" I heard YongGuk yell "Yeah!" on the other line. "Oppa, I should hang up now cuz you're busy" I was disappointed and upset but I can't let him know "Plus I have to work early in the morning so bye" We haven't really met for a while, only when B.A.P come to the salon. "I'm sorry Rae, I promise I'll make it up to you" he makes too many empty promises "It's okay, really oppa just spent time with B.A.P and do your best. Fighting!" I just want to hang up already, I can't keep holding my tears "I'll do my best Bae, goodnight and sweet dream" he sounded worried "You too, oppa...I love you"...did I pause too long that he hang up before I said I love him?


Himchan P.O.V

"Dude why not go hang out with her? You guys didn't see her for a while and why did i even went along with your lies" YongGuk asked "No I'm tired, I want to sleep plus I see her everyday" I lied to her, we finished with the party long ago but I don't want to go meet her today "You only see her at the salon, when was the last time you went on a date with her?" he is so nosy ever since RaeHee and I started dating "Why are all up on my business!?" I walked into my room but I heard him say "Why are you acting like an nowadays, RaeHee is a nice girl. Don't hurt her!".

I honestly don't care about anyone right now. I need rest, performing Power is more tiring than Warrior, maybe I'm just getting older but RaeHee is too much. She became to attach, it's annoying. She looked like a independent girl when I first met her and she was attractive that way. Its different now, she wants too much attention."Himchannie-hyung, did you take my iPad?" Youngjae asked through the door "Of course i didn't" I yelled back at the door. "Well goodnight, hyung".

YongGuk P.O.V

"YongGuk-hyung, I want to see RaeHee-noona" Zelo whined "Tell that to Himchan, I don't go out with RaeHee" Zelo became to attach to RaeHee, in just 3 months she became really important to us. "Can we go see her? She told us she doesn't mind" "Yah, Pabo, Himchan-hyung won't like that" Youngjae smacked Zelo on the head. "Forget you hyung, I want to go see her cuz she might be crying or something cuz Himchan-hyung didn't go see her! Aren't you guys worried!?" Zelo threw a fuss, "Zelo, shut the up!!" Himchan came out off the room and yelled at everyone "I want to sleep and if RaeHee is crying or whatever then she should learn to stop and stop being attach to us. We are idol who is always busy so she should learn to understand" the room was now tensed "We are not busy right now so why don't you go see her, put effect into this relationship" I can't stand them argue anymore "I swear there should be a camera filming us all the time so you can be the nice Himchan not the real jerk you are!" I yelled "I'm leaving!" Himchan went to grabs his coat "Where are you going?" I questioned. "Party at a club so it won't be like I'm lying to RaeHee right?" Himchan slams the door shut. "You kids should just go rest, don't bother with this problem anymore" I walked in my room and others did too.


RaeHee P.O.V

"Why am i even bothering to cry, I know he's a idol of course he will be busy" RaeHee mumbled through her tears wiping them away "But I haven't seen him for 3 months"..I've been too attach, I should be myself again. I have to learn to live without him, yeah I should. There was a knock at the door, why now? I'm all red and my mucus is coming down my nose "EW'. I opened the door to see JongUp? "Hi noona, are you okay?" I didn't expect to see JongUp at all "I'm fine JongUp, noona was just crying cuz of a drama" I said while still wiping my face, i had to lie to him. I don't want him to tell Himchan that i cried because of him.


JongUp P.O.V

While the hyungs were fighting, i left and went to see RaeHee-noona and if Zelo wanted to see her then he should just see her without telling the hyungs. I honestly liked noona since i first met her at the salon but of course those feeling changed into a love for a older sister. Himchan-hyung didn't deserve noona, she is too special. When she opened the door i saw her red eyes and thought she was crying over Himchan-hyung but she claimed that she creid because of a drama, when did she became so sensitive to cry over a drama? "Noona, you cried over a drama?" I asked suspiciously "Well you know when girls have their monthly thing, they became too sesitive" she is definitely lying "Well noona lets watch some funny movie so you would feel better till you do, I'll leave, Okay?" "Sure!" she smiled and went to put the DVD in the player.


Himchan P.O.V

I'm surprise that no one notice me yet, is it because i have no make up and my hair is no longer blonde? The club here is amazing and the girls when did i turn into a player? "Oppa, what are you doing here alone, want to drink with me?" some girl came up to me and asked for a drink "Sure thing" I smirked, no one will know about this...not even RaeHee or B.A.P.


I will also like to Thank AriyaForever for reviewing this chapter for me

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im gona start working on a one shot sequel for this story now...idk i will it will come out good tho :)


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Chapter 14: Awwwwwwwwweeeeeeee! The ending was so cute! <3 Loved the story but everytime HimChan hurt I was like OMFG! Again! I was so going to come into the story and kick HimChan's .... ! Loved the ending the most wig the twins! Sorry for writing so much :)
kawaii_girl21 #2
Chapter 14: Awww, they're so cute together! I wish there was more to this. Like a oneshot of their family life. <3 I LOVE IT ~
YoongiholicAnonymous #3
omg they're such a cute little family :3
but now i'm sad because this story has come to an end :'(
i'll miss it!^^
lileewd #4
Awww they seem sooo cute..I still absolutely love this story even though its done ^_^
HECK YEAH! u should i love this story! PWEASE continue it! <3
Luv u authornim! ^^
YoongiholicAnonymous #6
:'( now it's over
i'll miss your story
the end was so cute
lileewd #7
Yayyyy!!! The couple is NOW a happy family :) You should make a sequel, that would be soo soo awesome..but, you don't have to do it now because you might be preocupied....I really loved this story eventhough it was short because a lot of things happened....KUDOS & THANK YOU for this magnificent story w/ B.A.P ^_^
YoongiholicAnonymous #8
they should marry someday in the futur!
haha yongguk at the end^^
update soon ;)
YoongiholicAnonymous #9
OMG OMG OMG OMG... OMG... i don't know what to say :D
but i liked the chap^^
update soon :)
YoongiholicAnonymous #10
drama baby, drama :D
i hate Sunja!! but now she's hopefully gone
OMG what will Himchan say?!
can't wait for the next chap^^