Like, Hate, Love


"Plan A: Failed" Myungsoo sighed in disappointment.

He kept fiddling with his phone to kill boredom while they were getting back to their dom by  van.

Infinite exchanged eye contact then all nodded in agreement "Let they solve their own problem"


"I need an other plan. A perfect one" He thought 

"AHHHHHHHH" Myungsoo stood up abruptly. Everyone turned to him with weird look

"What's wrong?" Hoya blinked in surprise

Myungsoo realized he was being weird. He scratched his neck then sat down, smiling victoriously.

"Myungsoo. Why haven't you slept yet?" Sunggyu shouted at over 3 in the morning

"I'm almost done" He shouted back

"Keep silent, please" His voice showed a little bit annoying.

"Ne" Myungsoo rolled his eyes then continued with his work

"She doesn't want to see my face, right? Then i hope this will work" He smiled happily

*5 in the morning*
"Jajjang~~~~ I'm done" Myungsoo proudly looked at his 'masterpiece'. He put it into his backpack

"Haaaaaa. I will sleep now" He walked to his bed yawning. He pulled the blanket over his dead-like body. He took a glance at the empty spot next to him then sighed "I miss you sleeping next to me"

He turned away then closed his eyes

Suddenly the door opened

"Myungsoo ya! Wake up. We have to go in 10 minutes. Get yourself ready" His manager informed

He shot up then whined "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

"I haven't slept yet" He mumbled then angrily when to the bathroom.

"Where is she?" Myungsoo wondered. He looked around to find her.

"If you're finding your beautiful wife, then there she is" Dongwoo pointed to the stage where she was standing with Daehyun

"She didn't have her bag with her now" Myungsoo laughed silently "Okay, i will just place 'this' on her bag and everything will be fine" He thought

"Hyung, i will go to the waiting room first" He told s then left.

"Her bag is here" He silently claimed

He put his backpack down then took out that 'thing'. He took a look at it one more time then opened her bag

"She will b-" "What are you doing?"

The door opened. Myungsoo shockedly turned back






He sighed in relief

"Phew~ Hyung, you made me shocked"

Woohyun titled his head in confusion "What are you doing Myungsoo?"
Infinite were standing behind him. Sungyeol added "And what is the Ipod you're holding, dude?"

Hoya mischievously laughed 

"Ahhhhh~~~~" He teasingly nodded "I got it, got it"

"Hyung, are you trying to say sorry to her?" Sungjong innocently asked

"No, i'm not" Myungsoo felt ashamed. He had never done these kind of things before.

"AHHHH~~~~~" Infinite said in unison

"Haha, you're so cute" Sunggyu patted Myungsoo's head then winked at him

"Told you i'm not"

"Then what's that Ipod?" Dongwoo teased

"Nothing. She borrowed it from me, now i took it back" He lied.


"Yes" He nodded "Aish~ You wreckers" He screamed in his head

They laughed for a while. Myungsoo put the Ipod back to his backpack

"I have to stay all night to make this" He thought pouting

"Honestly, Myungsoo ya, Jihyun is easy type to persuade" Woohyun stated "All you need to do is to sincerely talk to her"

"Yeah, explain everything and she'll forgive you" Hoya added.

Myungsoo was ashamed enough, he barked

"Who care about her???" He annoyedly turned back and was about to leave the room.

"Ehhh?" His mouth hung open. He was frozen.

Jihyun walked past him like she didn't hear anything

Infinite looked at him with sorry eyes

Myungsoo pulled out his hair angrily then slammed the door behind him.

"Okay. Just continue like this" Jihyun bitterly thought "You don't care about me anything more. Me either".

Infinite didn't dare to say anything to Jihyun. It seemed like her eyes could shot fire. Woohyun gulped then turned his attention back to his phone

"My poor Myungsoo..." He mumbled.

"Do you want coffee?" Jihyun suddenly asked. Infinite didn't feel thirsty yet they all immediately said Yes

She nodded "Okay" She stood up then left the room


"Hyung. She's scary" Sungjong was wry

"I know" Woohyun gulped "Better not say anything to her"

"Hyung!!!!" She heard someone saying "Please"
She turned her head in confusion to find Myungsoo getting on his knee in front of Daehyun. Daehyun looked kind of pissed.

She hid herself then continued eavesdropping their conversation

"Don't you think it's so unfair to Jihyun?" Daehyun asked

"What? They're talking about me" She thought

"I don't care, hyung. Just let me do that" Myungsoo lowered his head "I know i'm selfish, but i don't want her to get hurt in this secret relationship anymore"

Jihyun covered "What is he talking about? Does he want to get divorced and ask Daehyun to keep it as a secret because he doesn't want to ruin his career?"

Daehyun sighed "I will think about it"

"Thank you, hyung" Myungsoo smiled.

Jihyun quickly walked away...

She came back to the waiting room to find only Myungsoo there. She walked straigh to the table and placed the drinks there without looking at him. 

Myungsoo sighed

"Jihyun, fix my make up" He commanded

She rolled her eyes then walked to him. She was just doing her work, nothing more, nothing less.

He closed his eyes, waiting for her.

She lovingly looked at his peaceful face

"I will miss you" She thought.

She touched his long eyelashes then his eyes.

She fixed his bang and admired his flawless face.

A tear escaped her eye then fell on his hand.

Myungsoo opened his eyes to find a crying Jihyun.

He immediately cupped her cheeks "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

It made her cry even louder. Myungsoo didn't know what to do. He kept patting her head

"Stop crying. I'm here"

"You're not" She barked

"What are you saying? I'm right in front of you"

He pulled her closer then hugged her tightly

"You don't care about me anymore" She sulked

"What? Who told you that?"

"You!!!" She punched him. He sighed "Okay, i'm sorry. Stop crying. It hurts me, baby" He pouted.

She looked up at him with watery eyes.

He sighed then reached for his Ipod then plugged the earphones to her ears. 


"Jihyun ah" He started. 

"I know you're mad at me. I'm so sorry for hurting you again and again. It was my fault. I don't know what i could do for you to forgive me... So  i think this will work

His voice was full of sincerity.

"Please listen to this song. I dedicate it for you"

Listen: I promise you - Frankie J

i promise that you'll never be alone
this house will always be your home
and our hearts will always beat as one
as long as i can breathe i swear
i promise that i will never let you down
be strong for you, i'll always be around
look into my eyes you'll see that we were meant to be together
this love of ours was sent from up above
together i know that we could touch the sky
nothing ever felt so right

girl i..

Jihyun covered in surprise. His voice was so sweet. She turned to him to find him shyly looking away

this i promise you, this i promise you, this i promise you
i promise all my life....

Myungsoo took out one of the earphones and started

"This song is all i want to say to you, Nam Jihyun. Do you understand my heart?"

He looked at her lovingly. She nodded her head then hugged him tight. Her arms wrapper around his neck.

"I'm sorry" She said why crying.

"it's not your fault" He caressed her back slightly then placed a small happy kiss on her head. "I was a little bit sad because you didn't believe me, but it's okay now"

Jihyun pulled back then smiled at him

"Now, want to hear my explaination?" He asked

She immediately shook her head then attacked his lips.

Myungsoo was shocked at first but he immediately smiled then responded to her kiss.

"I don't want to hear anything about Jinhee. I believe everything. You're mine. I will erase her trace on your lips" She laughed mischievously.

"Do it" He winked to challenge her.

She pulled his collar then started his lips.

Myungsoo plugged the earphone to his ear. They listened to the song while kissing....

there's something that you really gotta know
i'm with you til the end of the road (end of the road)
i'll never let you go
i swear i've never felt like this before
cos everyday i love you more and more
you lift me up so high, i look into your eyes i see forever
this love of ours was sent from up above
together i know that we could touch the sky
nothing ever felt so right
girl i, i, i..

This story is coming to an end :c We have about 3 or 4 chapters left...



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GT2012 #1
Chapter 39: UPDATE SOON LOVE IT ^^
Absolutely love it!!
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: update soon authornim?? :D
Omg tears droped//awesome story omg :'''(
Chapter 39: He's so naughty!!!! And i meant Myungsoo
Chapter 39: who's Myungsoo Granma ?! im so curius, jebal update soon authornim !!!
levina #7
Chapter 38: update soon :3
HyunJane #8
Chapter 38: wait? what?! O.O
PJ-Yang #9
Chapter 38: No!!!!!!!!!!!!