Like, Hate, Love


"What did she say to you?" Myungsoo lowered his head to her ear then asked
Jihyun turned to him. His lips incidentally touched her forehead. She frowned a bit then angrily shot Jinhee a disgusting look.
Myungsoo followed her look then sighed
"Don't care about her"
She bit her bottom lip "But..."
"No but" He gently hugged her "I know it's all because of me. But can you please deal with her for a while?"
Jihyun wrapped her arms around his waist
"Tell me then i will try to deal with her"
"Tell what?" He innocently asked
"You don't know?"
"Uhm. What are you talking about?"
"Tell me you like me, you hate me, or you love you" She chuckled "Any of that. Just tell me"
"Ehh uhmm" He cleared his throat "You already know, so i don't have to say it" He shyly released her arms then turned away
"But i don't know" She frowned
"You're a fool then" He giggled.
"Weirdo" She mumbled

Jinhee opened her cell phone. The background was the picture of Myungsoo, Moonsoo and her together. Myungsoo slightly placed his hand on her shoulder while gently smiling. Moonsoo hugged her from behind while her head rested on his shoulder.

"it was all my fault. I didn't really it earlier" A tear escaped her eye... "Myungsoo.." She whispered.
"Oppa, Myungsoo is sick, i guess" Jihyun informed Infinite
"Huh? He was still ok yesterday" Sunggyu tilted his head thinking
"What did you do to our Myungsoo, Jihyun ah" Hoya whined making others laugh
"Stop your dirty thought" Jihyun glared at him.
"We still have to practice" Woohyun sighed. "Let Myungsoo rest today"
They all nodded
"I will stay at home with Myungsoo to take care of him. I will drop by your practice room later to bring you food. Okay?" Jihyun winked
"Okay" Then they left the house.


"Okay" Jihyun clapped her hand together after closing the door. "I will cook porridge for Myungsoo" Then she went to the kitchen and looked through the cupboard

Finally, she found all the ingredients then started cooking.

Myungsoo felt a bit dizzy. He didn't know why he would be sick so easily like this. Yesterday he was still fine.
He woke up on smelling the food. He touched his stomach feeling it growl "Urghh i'm hungry"
Just then Jihyun came in with a tray of food on her hands. She was surprised a bit to see Myungsoo sitting up, but a small smile immediately formed on her lips
"How do you feel?" She asked
Myungsoo nodded slightly "A bit dizzy" She put the tray down on the nightstand then touched his forehead 
"You're burning" She pouted "I can even boil eggs here. Wanna try?" 
Her joke made him chuckle slightly
"Okay. It's time to eat. Here" She brought the bowl in front of him, motioning him to eat
"Humm. I'm tired. Feed me"
She rolled her eyes "How old are you again?"
"I'm only 20"
"I'm 18 for your information" She laughed
"Don't care... AHHHH" He opened his mouth. She shook her head smiling but still held up the spoon and started feeding him.
"Is it good?" She shyly asked
"The worst thing i have ever eaten" He stuck his tongue with a fake disgusting look.
She frowned ...
"But i like it because you made it for me" He continued then smile "Thank you, wifey"
She giggled not saying anything.
"Okay, take your medicine then sleep. You'll soon feel better"
He nodded like a little boy "Hyunie, what are you going to do after that?" He asked all of the sudden
She shrugged "I will clean up"
"I don't know. Why do you ask?" She narrowed her eyes
"Humm. Stay here with me. I feel cold" He said casually
"Cold? Are you kidding me? It's now summer yet you feel cold?"
"I'm sick, don't you remember?" He sadly said making her sigh "Okay. But i have to clean up first"
He did a little victorious dance in his head "I'm a genius" He thought

"Where is Myungsoo?" Jinhee curiously asked when she saw only 6 of them walking in
"He's sick so we let him stay at home today" Sunggyu informed her
"Sick? He was still fine yesterday. What's wrong?"
Sunggyu shrugged "Who knows? We'll just practice without him today then"
"Jihyun stayed with him today?"
"She is at home" Woohyun answered. 
"I wonder how he was now" Jinhee bit her lips worriedly 

"What are you thinking?" She came back after about 15 minutes to find Myungsoo keep staring at the ceiling. She touched his forehead "Did you feel any better?" She worriedly asked.
He nodded "Better" He lifted the blanket up then said "Come here. I'm cold"
She rolled her eyes then jumped to the bed. She lyed down. He pulled her closer "Much better" He mumbled.
"Now close you eyes and rest" She whispered
"Thank you" 
"It's nothing" She smiled
She turned to his side and started doing those casual things almost all people in love did when they slept next to their lovers: checking his face.
Although she had been doing this a lot of times, but she still loved doing so. Blame it all on Myungsoo for having such a perfect face..
He looked pale today since he was sick. But his face was still as gorgeous as usual
She touched his smooth cheek. It was warm.
She slightly pinched his straight nose making him mumble some inaudible things.
She continued with his kissable lips. Myungsoo sightly bit her finger with his eyes still shut close.
She laughed a bit. Then she fixed his bang to get a better view of his face. While doing so, her hand accidentally touched his forehead. It was still burning. She bit her lips worriedly.
Myungsoo opened his eyes just in time to catch the sight of her biting her lips. He thought she wanted something... FR~~OM HI~~~M. He smirked then traced his finger up to her face.
He caressed her cheek slightly and watched her face slowly turn red.
"Ehhh. My wife is so cute" He thought
He snuggled close to her then played with her hair while humming to a song
Jihyun could feel his usual scent. It made her feel calm. She looked up then shyly asked "Can i... kiss you now?" It was almost like a whisper because she said so softly
He grinned "Sorry baby but not now" He pinched her nose while looking at her with apologetic look
"Why?" She pouted
"Because i'm sick. I don't want my little wife to be sick, too" He kissed her forehead instead "Be patient" He teased
"I get itttt" She whined "I will sleep now".
He smiled then closed his eyes again.

I finished the next chapter~~~ keke. But i won't update now *mehrong* Comment a lot and i will post once i get home, promise *wink*


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GT2012 #1
Chapter 39: UPDATE SOON LOVE IT ^^
Absolutely love it!!
RangerDita #3
Chapter 39: update soon authornim?? :D
Omg tears droped//awesome story omg :'''(
Chapter 39: He's so naughty!!!! And i meant Myungsoo
Chapter 39: who's Myungsoo Granma ?! im so curius, jebal update soon authornim !!!
levina #7
Chapter 38: update soon :3
HyunJane #8
Chapter 38: wait? what?! O.O
PJ-Yang #9
Chapter 38: No!!!!!!!!!!!!