A Pig Mistake


Chanyeol and Grace continued to play various games, well more like Chanyeol continued playing. He was too focused on the games instead of Grace. It seemed like it was his first time in a amusement park. Grace was too preoccupied in thinking that she was barely playing. Her mind kept repeating the phrase 'am I in love?'. It couldn't be true, right? Grace thought.


She shook her head for the millionth time and resumed playing the milk bottle game. Chanyeol had managed to knock down all six milk bottles. Grace lifelessly grabbed a ball and threw it. The ball never made it. It dropped a feet from the milk bottle and rolled away. Grace turned around and walked over to Chanyeol with a blank face. Chanyeol bowed to the worker and dragged Grace somewhere else. He could sense something was wrong with her. Ever since the roller coaster ride, Grace seemed empty and distracted.


“Hey, are you okay?” Chanyeol asked. Grace diverted her attention from the ground to Chanyeol and smiled.


“I'm fine,” she answered. Chanyeol frowned. He could tell that she was lying.


“Did I do something wrong? Is it boring?” Chanyeol asked. Grace sighed. She didn't wanna ruin this for him, and she still had her mission. She took a deep breath and pushed all of her thoughts to the back of her mind but reminded herself to think about it later. My mission is more important, she thought. She beamed at Chanyeol and grabbed his hand.


“Nah. I'm fine. Let's go play more!” Grace said eagerly. Chanyeol grinned. Her smile was genuine, not fake. They both stood up and went to a basketball booth. Chanyeol paid the worker and the game started. Grace grabbed a ball and started shooting. She glanced at Chanyeol and gasped at how good he was. He seemed to make it every single time. Grace huffed and decided she couldn't lose. She went faster and shot every single ball. At the end, Chanyeol beat Grace.


“Not fair. It's because you're so tall,” Grace whined, pouting. Chanyeol chuckled and ruffled her hair. Her eyes widened when she felt her heart beat faster. Grace clenched her fists and willed herself to calm down. It's just nothing. It's just nothing, Grace thought.


“You only got two points less than me. That's still good,” Chanyeol argued. Grace smiled.


“Thanks,” Grace mumbled. Grace looked around and spotted a ice cream cart. She beamed brightly and tugged Chanyeol's shirt. He looked at her, and Grace pointed to the cart.


“Let's eat ice cream!” Grace said. Chanyeol smiled and nodded, leading Grace to the ice cream cart.


They both stared at the multiple flavors through the glass. Grace her lips as she looked back and forth between the flavors. I wanna eat them all, Grace thought hungrily. Chanyeol's flickered from strawberry to cookies n' cream. He gazed longingly at the ice cream. Both decided to get the double scoop ice cream.


“Mister, I want fudge brownie and strawberry, please,” Grace said. The man grabbed a cone and scooped the strawberry and fudge brownie. He gave it to Grace while she paid him.


“I want cookies n' cream and coffee,” ordered Chanyeol. The worker gave the ice cream to Chanyeol while he took out money. He handed it to the man and left. Grace her ice cream and savored the flavor. I love ice cream, she thought dreamily.


Chanyeol glanced at Grace and smiled. He took a huge bite out of the coffee ice cream and grinned. It tastes so good! Chanyeol screamed in his head. They walked to a bench and sat down. Grace ate her ice cream silently while looking around. It was past noon but she wasn't hungry. She still wanted to play more. She finished eating her cone and looked at Chanyeol. He was almost done. Grace nudged his side.


“Where do you wanna go next?” she asked. Chanyeol shrugged. Suddenly he had an idea. He straightened up and pointed at something. Grace followed his arm and saw a water gun booth. She grinned and stood up. Chanyeol followed her, and the couple walked over to the empty booth. They paid the worker and loaded their guns. If they were able to hit their targets, they would pick a huge stuffed toy. Grace had her eye on a panda.


A whistle was blown and Grace started shooting at the moving targets. The time limit was thirty seconds and fifteen targets to shoot down. Grace aimed and fired. She shot down ten of the targets and loaded her gun. There was only ten seconds left. She aimed again and shot down three more. Five seconds left. She shot down the last one and smiled in victory. She looked over at Chanyeol and was impressed. He shot every single one of the targets.


“Wow! You two are good!” the worker said, collecting their guns. Grace blushed and looked down. Chanyeol beamed and thanked the man. The worker let them pick their prizes. Grace got the panda that she wanted and Chanyeol got a black cat. They left the booth and looked around for more games. Grace decided to play the bumper cars. She loved that ride. She dragged Chanyeol to the ride and showed the worker their tickets. They entered the area. Grace looked around and surveyed the place. There were ten cars.


“Do you wanna sit with me, Chanyeol?” Grace asked. Chanyeol looked around and thought about it. Suddenly, he grinned evilly and shook his head.


“Nah, it's fine,” he calmly replied, walking to a blue car. Grace shrugged her shoulders. Oh well, she thought.


She went over to a red car and got in. Chanyeol climbed in his car and waited for the signal. It rang loudly in the area and everybody's cars started moving. Grace pushed the accelerator, and it moved forward. She smiled and turned the wheel. Suddenly, her car lurched forward as someone bumped into her. She looked behind and saw Chanyeol grinning at her. She glared at him and turned her car around. Chanyeol noticed what she was doing and frantically moved his car away from her. Grace successfully managed to turn her car and crashed into Chanyeol, sending him yelping and flying to the other side of the area. Grace watched as he bumped into another car and slid to the other side of the room. She laughed silently and smirked. That was hilarious! Grace thought happily.


She turned around and concentrated on maneuvering through the cars. Meanwhile, Chanyeol was plotting his revenge. That was embarrassing. I actually screamed. God, I totally ruined my image, Chanyeol thought sadly. Grace, you will get it from me. He pushed the accelerator and stalked after Grace, who was just mingling with the cars. He smirked and went faster. As he was about to crash into her car, Grace turned the wheel, going to the left. Chanyeol's eyes widened as he slammed into the wall, the impact sending him to the other wall. Grace whipped her head as she heard a noise. She saw Chanyeol's car flying to the other side of the room. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped to the floor. She snickered and suppressed her laughter. Chanyeol's face had been hilarious.


Serves you right, Grace thought and got off the car as the signal rang. Everybody piled out of the area and walked to the exit. Grace stretched her legs. She looked behind her and spotted Chanyeol behind some people. She stopped and waited for him. As soon as he was near, Grace grabbed his arm and linked it with hers. She smiled up at him. He smiled back and pulled her closer. This has been the best day of my life, the couple thought.



Updated! Their date is almost over. Planning how to write it right now!

Wait for more! AAAANDDD---


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3rd chapter is up! read read read!


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candyapplez #1
Chapter 14: update soon! exo~
exokpoplover #2
@Catherine: sorry about that next chapter will be the or if its too long then I will split it in 2 chaps.

@dubumints: i love ur user name. onew! but im amazing at writing ? really? i thot i was average. thank you though! your comment gave me strength :D. And next chap will be .

@sorrowlicher: LOL. ur so funny. she wiiiiiiil eat someone! Muahahahaha....

@L_O_U_N: sorry about that. *accepts your big hugs and kisses*
When I saw this chapter was rated I was all like, "OMG!!! Did Grace and Chanyeol....*gasp, excitedly bouncing*"
Then I read it and was like "Oh it's just her and Taeyang again....I wonder what she will do with Chanyeol *smirk and chuckle*"
Teehee Can't to read the next chappie!!!!
*BIG hugs and kisses to you too*
You are so amazing at . Seriously. I hope you do one of grace with the exo boys as well! It will be worth reading, I'm sure. Thanks for the update!
I'm waiting for with the EXO boys. XD
exokpoplover #7
@L_O_U_N: Lulu is cute :). I will update on thursday btw. i love you too subscriber. *throws hugs and kisses*.
@Azza_Dee: Thank you for commenting!
@dino-nerd525: thank you!!! I know me too but Chanyeol must be eaten! *raises fist in the air* Lol jk.
New reader! I LOVE your story!!!
Ahhhhhh, I don't want her to eat him!!! DX
Please update soon!
Lol!!! I can't wait for another update!!!
Lol little lulu trying to see who it is
Chanyeol and Grace are so cute together!!!
Don't do it Grace!!! Don't do it!!!!!
I love you author-nim!!!!
And maybe she is a rapper...I, too, must do research!!!!
Update soon-ish!!