A Pig Mistake


Chanyeol and Grace reached her car. They both climbed in, and Chanyeol started the engine. Grace told the directions of the supermarket to Chanyeol. He drove there and tried to park. There were so many people shopping and crossing the street that it was hard trying to get a parking space. He finally found a vacant spot after circling the place. They got out and looked around.


“Where should we start?” Chanyeol asked Grace.


“Let's get some vegetables first,” Grace suggested. They both walked together towards different vegetable stands, deciding which one was cheaper and better.


“Hey, Chanyeol. What's the price on that one?” Grace asked, holding up a small bag of onions.


“Three bucks. Yours?” Chanyeol answered, looking at the onions.


“Two for five bags. Let's get this one,” Grace decided. They finally bought a bunch of cabbages, broccoli, celery, garlic, onions, carrots, and potatoes. They hauled all the plastic bags to Grace's car and put them inside.


Next were the fruits. They checked out a few stalls before picking the cheapest one. They loaded plastic bags with apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes. They grabbed a watermelon and stuffed it in a plastic bag. They paid the woman and lugged it back to Grace's car. Both were exhausted from carrying the heavy things. They took a rest in the car for a few minutes with the AC on before going outside again. They walked towards the meat section of the market and looked around. Grace and Chanyeol kept an eye for any cheap meat. They both separated after splitting up the meat list. Grace found hers really quickly and paid for it. She waited outside for Chanyeol until he came out with four plastic bags. They walked back to their car again and put the bags in there.


“I'm so tired!” Grace cried, stretching her arms. Chanyeol nodded.


“Sorry. Do you want me to bring you home?” Chanyeol asked.


“Ah, no. That's not what I meant. It's fine. I can endure,” Grace answered.


“Thanks, Grace,” Chanyeol answered, smiling genuinely.


“You're welcome.”


“Let's get buy some fish then I'll treat you to lunch,” he said, holding her hand.


“Really? Are you sure?” Grace said, feigning uneasiness.


“Of course. Treating my girlfriend is what a boyfriend does,” Chanyeol said with a cheeky and mischievous smile. Grace laughed and bumped elbows with him.


“I'm not your girlfriend yet,” Grace answered, blushing.


“You will be,” he murmured. Grace smiled bitterly. If only you knew, she thought.


They went to a stall that Grace recommended and bought different kinds of fish. They carried it to their car and placed it in the backseat. They climbed in and strapped their seat belts. Chanyeol turned to Grace.


“So which restaurant should we go to?” he asked.


“I don't know. We should put the groceries in Lay's house first,” Grace answered.




Chanyeol drove away from the crowded and bustling supermarket and back to their house. They started taking out the groceries and putting them in Lay's house. Chanyeol had found the key beside a potted plant and went in. He put the meat and fish in the freezer and the fruits and vegetables in the fridge. After fifteen minutes, they finished and washed their hands, since some of the water from the meat leaked out from the plastic bag.


“So where should we go?” Chanyeol asked once they finished. Grace patted her wet hands on the towel. She racked her brain for any good places that were cheap but had good food and remembered about one.


“Let's go to Simply Delicious,” she offered.


“Okay!” said Chanyeol happily, linking hands with her. They both walked towards Grace's car and got in. Again, Grace gave the directions to the restaurant. They arrived and parked in a vacant spot and got out. Chanyeol was impressed. The restaurant was simple but had an elegant touch to it, like the mahogany door and black lamps. They went in and sat on a empty table. Grace gave Chanyeol the menu and scanned hers. Chanyeol was amazed at the menu. There were so many different kinds of foods. He his lips hungrily and browsed through it. He wanted to eat all of it. But he was on a tight budget. His mother only gave him a thousand dollars for food. He needed to get a job. Fast before he runs out of money.


A waiter came by their table and asked for their order. Grace closed her menu and set it down on the table. “I want one order of Chang's Mongolian Beef and medium Sprite.”


The waiter nodded and wrote down what she said. He turned to Chanyeol who was still busy reading the menu. “And what about you, sir?”


Chanyeol jumped and looked up. “Um . . . I want . . . chicken lettuce wraps and medium Sprite.”


“Thank you, sir. Please wait for your order,” he said, bowed, and left. Chanyeol put aside the menu and waited for their food. Grace glanced at him and cleared .


“So . . . do you have a job right now?” Grace asked bluntly. She bit her lip as Chanyeol looked at her in shock. Too forward, she thought, irritated with herself.


Chanyeol looked down and played with his shirt. “Sorry. I don't have one yet. But my mom gave me enough money to last two to three weeks.”


“I can help you find one!” Grace offered. “Since I know the town well.”


“Really?” Chanyeol grinned happily.


“Yup. Because you've done so much for me,” Grace answered.


“Thank you, Grace,” he said, smiling. She smiled back, even though it was a bit fake.


Two waiters came back with their food. They laid it out on the table with their drinks. Chanyeol stared at it hungrily. Grace looked at his expression and giggled.


“Let's eat,” Grace said, picking up her knife and fork. Chanyeol nodded and took one of his lettuce wraps and stuffed it in his mouth. He chewed slowly and savored the flavor. It tasted awesome. Grace delicately cut the meat into tiny pieces and ate it. She chewed slowly and smiled. They've improved, she thought, eating more. Grace remembered something and looked at Chanyeol.


“Hey, I wanted to ask you this since I met you,” Grace started. Chanyeol looked at her to continue. “That piano in your house . . . Is it yours?”


“Piano?” Chanyeol asked. “Ah, no. That belongs to Lay. He said that he didn't have any room in his house so he put it there. Why?”


“Nothing. I was just wondering,” Grace answered. “So Lay can play piano?”


“Yup. He's really good. He can also play guitar and sing. My older brothers are really talented,” Chanyeol said, grinning.


“What about you?” Grace asked, putting her chin on her hand.


Chanyeol scratched the back of his hand nervously. “Uh, I don't really know. I was overshadowed by my brothers in high school.”


“Really? I think you stand out the most,” Grace said, leaning in. Chanyeol was surprised. That was the first time a girl ever said that to him. Usually, they would be over Lay and Luhan.


“R-really? Uh . . . thanks,” Chanyeol shyly said. Grace smiled.


“But do you have any talents?” Grace asked, sipping her drink. Chanyeol cocked his head as he thought back to his past.


“Beat-box and rapping,” he said.


Grace beamed. “You can beat-box?”


“Well, I used to but I don't know an—“


“Do it!”


Chanyeol, again, was appalled. “H-here?”


Grace eagerly nodded. “Yup!”


“Um, I'm not sure if I sh—“


“Please? For me?” Grace did her puppy-dog eyes and pouted cutely. Chanyeol couldn't help but give in.


“F-fine,” he said, sighing. He cleared his throat and moistened his lips. He was nervous. It had been a long time since he did it. He looked at Grace to protest but her eyes crushed his resolve. He put his hand in front of his mouth and started beat-boxing. He got into the rhythm and completely forgot that they were at a restaurant. Other people began to notice Chanyeol and tapped their feet and fingers to the beat. He finished and stared at the people who clapped for him. He bowed his head and said some thank-yous.


Grace grinned at Chanyeol and said, “See? That wasn't so bad. And everybody liked it.”


Chanyeol's cheeks reddened. “Y-yeah.”


Grace laughed. “You were awesome, Yeol. I really liked it.”


His cheeks grew more redder. “Thanks, Grace.”


“You're welcome.”



I don't own the restaurant name or food. Leave comments. Bye! *waves hand

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3rd chapter is up! read read read!


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candyapplez #1
Chapter 14: update soon! exo~
exokpoplover #2
@Catherine: sorry about that next chapter will be the or if its too long then I will split it in 2 chaps.

@dubumints: i love ur user name. onew! but im amazing at writing ? really? i thot i was average. thank you though! your comment gave me strength :D. And next chap will be .

@sorrowlicher: LOL. ur so funny. she wiiiiiiil eat someone! Muahahahaha....

@L_O_U_N: sorry about that. *accepts your big hugs and kisses*
When I saw this chapter was rated I was all like, "OMG!!! Did Grace and Chanyeol....*gasp, excitedly bouncing*"
Then I read it and was like "Oh it's just her and Taeyang again....I wonder what she will do with Chanyeol *smirk and chuckle*"
Teehee Can't to read the next chappie!!!!
*BIG hugs and kisses to you too*
You are so amazing at . Seriously. I hope you do one of grace with the exo boys as well! It will be worth reading, I'm sure. Thanks for the update!
I'm waiting for with the EXO boys. XD
exokpoplover #7
@L_O_U_N: Lulu is cute :). I will update on thursday btw. i love you too subscriber. *throws hugs and kisses*.
@Azza_Dee: Thank you for commenting!
@dino-nerd525: thank you!!! I know me too but Chanyeol must be eaten! *raises fist in the air* Lol jk.
New reader! I LOVE your story!!!
Ahhhhhh, I don't want her to eat him!!! DX
Please update soon!
Lol!!! I can't wait for another update!!!
Lol little lulu trying to see who it is
Chanyeol and Grace are so cute together!!!
Don't do it Grace!!! Don't do it!!!!!
I love you author-nim!!!!
And maybe she is a rapper...I, too, must do research!!!!
Update soon-ish!!