A Pig Mistake

A/N: Are my chaps too short? if it is, please tell me! 



As Chanyeol drove to the town's newest amusement park, Chanyeol became more excited. He couldn't help but grin as he saw the amusement park looming in the horizon. He was practically bouncing in his seat, but he had to control himself. Grace was here. He had to give her a good impression. She had given him directions while he was driving since she knew everything about the town. Chanyeol turned the wheel towards the parking lot and found a vacant space. He stopped the engine and stepped out of the car. Grace opened the door and climbed out. The amusement park was huge! The rides were scary and long. Even from a distance they could hear the loud screams and cries of people from the rides. Grace chuckled. I can't wait, she thought.


“Woow,” Chanyeol whispered beside Grace. That looks awesome! Chanyeol thought, breaking into another smile. Grace glanced at Chanyeol and silently laughed at his expression. I feel a bit sad to eat him, she mused, frowning. Chanyeol felt Grace stare at him and turned his head. He noticed her frown.


“What's wrong? Do you wanna go somewhere else?” Chanyeol hurriedly asked. Grace snapped awake and smiled tightly at him.


“No, I was just distracted,” Grace answered.


“From the screams?” Chanyeol chuckled.


“As if,” Grace scoffed.


Suddenly, Grace had an idea. “I bet twenty bucks that you're gonna scream first,” Grace said, smirking at Chanyeol. He returned the smirk.


“Bet on then,” Chanyeol replied and grabbed Grace's hand. They walked together towards the entrance and got the ride-all ticket. Grace couldn't wait to go on the rides. As they walked around, they heard ear-shattering screams. They looked up and saw the biggest ride out of all of the rides in the amusement park. Chanyeol and Grace looked at each other and grinned. I'll make you regret ever agreeing to this bet, Chanyeol, Grace thought, hiding her evil smirk. You'll come crying to me after this, Grace, thought Chanyeol.


They both walked towards the booth and went in line. They waited patiently and hid their excitement. Both were eager to humiliate the other one, even though it was supposed to be a date. People were starting to be scared from Chanyeol's huge smile. By the time the ride was over, only eight people, excluding Chanyeol and Grace, were left. The person working there looked at Chanyeol disdainfully. He sighed and let Chanyeol, Grace, and the remaining people in. Chanyeol and Grace both chose to sit in the front seats. They grinned at each other and pushed down the bar. Grace bit her lip in anticipation as the ride started to move slowly. She gripped the bar and looked at Chanyeol. He was also smiling. She scoffed. You won't be smiling later, Chanyeol, Grace thought.


The ride started to accelerate as it went up. The roller coaster was reaching the top of one of the ride's biggest mountains. Grace tightly closed as the car reached the point and stopped. She couldn't scream or open . She didn't want to lose twenty dollars. Then it tilted forward and suddenly, the roller coaster went screeching down the hill. The people behind them screamed their lives off while the two in the front just grinned at each other. Chanyeol was impressed. Usually girls were scared and terrified of rides like these. But Grace was the opposite of that. Brave and fearless. Chanyeol was getting more and more intrigued by her.


They went over more hills, but they were small and short. Chanyeol had almost screamed when they went over a really big hill. Grace had noticed it and chuckled.


Another hill was approaching them as they zoomed towards it. Grace held her breath as the roller coaster paused again before pushing forward and going down the long mountain. Grace shut her eyes as the wind slapped her in the face. Chanyeol also closed his eyes because the wind stung his eyes. They could hear more screams from the people behind them. Grace smirked to herself. Humans, she thought.


Finally the ride ended. The people sighed in relief and left the place. Grace was disappointed that Chanyeol didn't scream. She sighed in sadness and walked outside. Chanyeol, however, was falling deeper in love with Grace. He followed her outside with love and tenderness in his eyes. He clutched his heart. So this is what it feels like? Chanyeol thought dreamily. Love. He sighed happily and skipped out of the booth. He caught up with Grace and grabbed her hand. She looked up at him with confusion in her eyes. When Chanyeol looked down at her with the most sweetest and caring look in his face, Grace's heart stopped beating for one second. Her face dropped and a shock expression crossed her face. What . . . is this? Grace thought. Her hand crept up to where her heart is and grasped it. What is this feeling? Grace thought again.


The wind suddenly picked up and ruffled Grace's hair, sending it flying to every direction. Grace cursed in her mind and started fixing her hair. The wind died down as soon as it started. A stray piece of hair was still on her face, and Grace tried to push it aside when Chanyeol stopped her hand. He gently tucked the hair behind her ear, touching her cheek in the process. Grace held her breath. Now, her heart was beating faster. She could feel her face heat up as Chanyeol stared at her lovingly. She looked down and stared at the floor. What's wrong with me? Grace thought. I can't be—no, impossible. Never. Grace forced herself to cool down and looked at Chanyeol. She smiled at him and poked his arm.


“Let's go play more,” Grace suggested. Chanyeol nodded excitedly and led Grace to a shooting booth. Her smile disappeared as soon as Chanyeol's stare left hers. As they reached the booth, Chanyeol paid the worker and gave a gun to Grace. She accepted it with a small smile and started shooting. After five minutes, she didn't hit anything. Chanyeol was able to take out the toys with all of his bullets. Grace lowered her gun. Her mind had been focused on something else. Am I in love?



Is Grace really in love? Will she finally change?

If you wanna know then wait for the next chapter! 

Double update!

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3rd chapter is up! read read read!


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candyapplez #1
Chapter 14: update soon! exo~
exokpoplover #2
@Catherine: sorry about that next chapter will be the or if its too long then I will split it in 2 chaps.

@dubumints: i love ur user name. onew! but im amazing at writing ? really? i thot i was average. thank you though! your comment gave me strength :D. And next chap will be .

@sorrowlicher: LOL. ur so funny. she wiiiiiiil eat someone! Muahahahaha....

@L_O_U_N: sorry about that. *accepts your big hugs and kisses*
When I saw this chapter was rated I was all like, "OMG!!! Did Grace and Chanyeol....*gasp, excitedly bouncing*"
Then I read it and was like "Oh it's just her and Taeyang again....I wonder what she will do with Chanyeol *smirk and chuckle*"
Teehee Can't to read the next chappie!!!!
*BIG hugs and kisses to you too*
You are so amazing at . Seriously. I hope you do one of grace with the exo boys as well! It will be worth reading, I'm sure. Thanks for the update!
I'm waiting for with the EXO boys. XD
exokpoplover #7
@L_O_U_N: Lulu is cute :). I will update on thursday btw. i love you too subscriber. *throws hugs and kisses*.
@Azza_Dee: Thank you for commenting!
@dino-nerd525: thank you!!! I know me too but Chanyeol must be eaten! *raises fist in the air* Lol jk.
New reader! I LOVE your story!!!
Ahhhhhh, I don't want her to eat him!!! DX
Please update soon!
Lol!!! I can't wait for another update!!!
Lol little lulu trying to see who it is
Chanyeol and Grace are so cute together!!!
Don't do it Grace!!! Don't do it!!!!!
I love you author-nim!!!!
And maybe she is a rapper...I, too, must do research!!!!
Update soon-ish!!