A Pig Mistake


Grace was impressed. Chanyeol was really good at beat-boxing. And it was actually fun. They finished eating their lunch and Chanyeol paid for the food. Grace insisted to pay half but he had said no. For my girlfriend, he had said. Thinking about it, Grace blushed. It's been a long time since she was treated this nicely. They went out and enjoyed the warm sunshine.


“So what should we do next?” Chanyeol asked.


Grace shrugged and put her finger on her chin. “I wanna go shopping.”


“Okay, then. Let's go!”


Chanyeol pulled Grace to her car and went inside the passenger's seat. This time, Grace was driving. She drove to one of the biggest malls and got out. Chanyeol followed her and walked inside. He was impressed. He held hands with Grace as they passed my stores. Some girls noticed him and stared at him. Chanyeol felt uncomfortable and nudged Grace.


“They're staring at me,” he whispered.


Grace laughed. “That's because you're hot.”


Chanyeol blushed. “R-really?”


Grace nodded. “Of course.”


Chanyeol happily smiled. Grace led Chanyeol to a store and went to pick clothes. She grabbed a handful and told Chanyeol to wait. She went inside the fitting rooms while he sat down on one of the chairs. Grace tried it one by one and decided to buy only two of the shirts. She went out and looked for Chanyeol. Chanyeol, seeing Grace, stood up.


“Done?” Chanyeol asked. Grace nodded. “That was fast.”


“Yeah, I should stop spending so much money,” Grace answered. She paid for the clothes and exited the store. She turned to Chanyeol and trailed her eyes up and down.


“I'm getting you new clothes,” Grace said. Chanyeol gaped at her. He managed to choke out, “W-what?”


“Let's go,” she said before pulling him to a men's store. She grabbed a bunch of skinny jeans and t-shirts and pushed him to a fitting room. She sat down and waited for him to come out. The first one wasn't bad. The second was terrible. The third was good. The fourth one was great. Fifth one was not so great. She decided to get him the the first one, which was gray skinny jeans with a blue v-neck shirt, the third one, which was black skinny jeans and a white buttoned shirt, and the fourth one, which was dark blue shorts and a gray wife beater. Grace ignored the protests of Chanyeol and presented her card to the cashier. He sighed as the transaction was done. Grace walked out of the store, Chanyeol trailing behind her like a dog. Once they got out, Grace gave the bags to Chanyeol with a huge grin.


“You shouldn't have,” Chanyeol said, reluctantly taking the shopping bags.


“For my boyfriend,” she said, emphasizing the word 'boyfriend', and winked at him. Chanyeol blushed and looked down.


“Let's go home,” Grace said, linking hands with Chanyeol. He grinned and they both walked out of the shopping mall.


Grace drove Chanyeol home. There was silence in the car but it was comfortable. She stopped the car as she saw the three houses. Chanyeol unbuckled his seat belt and grabbed the shopping bags.


“Thank you,” Chanyeol said.


“You're welcome,” Grace said, smiling. Chanyeol leaned in and kissed Grace, molding their lips together. Grace closed her eyes and moved her lips against him. They parted and Chanyeol smiled one last time. He got out and walked towards his house. Grace backed out from the area and went home. She got out and grabbed her shopping bags. Putting the key in the lock, she opened the door and dropped the bags by the couch.


She looked around the dark house and called out, “Taeyang?”


Silence. She went up to the second floor and knocked on his door. “Taeyang?” she called again. No one responded. She opened the door slightly and saw a bump under the covers. Guess he's sleeping, she thought, closing the door. She went upstairs and walked inside her room. As she jumped on the bed, she could feel sleep coming to her and in minutes, she was snoring lightly.




Ugh,” Grace groaned as someone shook her. “Five more minutes.”


“Wake up. You need to eat,” Taeyang said.


“Five more minutes,” she mumbled.


“Get up or I'll bite your neck,” Taeyang threatened her.


“Nooooooo,” she grumbled, turning over. With no choice but the one he mentioned, he crawled on top of her and leaned down. He quickly bit her neck, earning a whimper from Grace, and that spot. He moved on to another part of neck and bit it.


“Get up or I'll do more than just biting your neck,” Taeyang murmured. Grace sighed and pushed Taeyang off of her, sitting up. She ruffled her messy hair and glared at Taeyang. He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. Grace got off the bed and went through her closet for an outfit. She picked out a pair of blue shorts and a pink v-neck. She went inside the bathroom and showered. After putting on her clothes, she trudged downstairs and plopped on her seat. She looked at the spaghetti and was awed. It looked delicious. Taeyang sat down opposite her and motioned for her to eat. She twirled her fork and picked up the spaghetti. She put it in and chewed slowly.


“It's good,” Grace commented.


“I've been taking cooking classes,” answered Taeyang.




“Did you eat him?” he asked.


“Not yet. I'm having second thoughts,” Grace admitted. Taeyang dropped his fork, making a loud noise. Grace cringed.


“Second thoughts?” he asked.


Grace shrugged. “He's different from other guys. But don't worry, I won't die over a guy.”




“Really. If you're so worried, then I'll eat him tomorrow. Here at this house. You should go somewhere,” Grace said.


“Fine. Book me a hotel,” Taeyang said.


“It's coming out of your paycheck though,” Grace said, smirking.




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3rd chapter is up! read read read!


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candyapplez #1
Chapter 14: update soon! exo~
exokpoplover #2
@Catherine: sorry about that next chapter will be the or if its too long then I will split it in 2 chaps.

@dubumints: i love ur user name. onew! but im amazing at writing ? really? i thot i was average. thank you though! your comment gave me strength :D. And next chap will be .

@sorrowlicher: LOL. ur so funny. she wiiiiiiil eat someone! Muahahahaha....

@L_O_U_N: sorry about that. *accepts your big hugs and kisses*
When I saw this chapter was rated I was all like, "OMG!!! Did Grace and Chanyeol....*gasp, excitedly bouncing*"
Then I read it and was like "Oh it's just her and Taeyang again....I wonder what she will do with Chanyeol *smirk and chuckle*"
Teehee Can't to read the next chappie!!!!
*BIG hugs and kisses to you too*
You are so amazing at . Seriously. I hope you do one of grace with the exo boys as well! It will be worth reading, I'm sure. Thanks for the update!
I'm waiting for with the EXO boys. XD
exokpoplover #7
@L_O_U_N: Lulu is cute :). I will update on thursday btw. i love you too subscriber. *throws hugs and kisses*.
@Azza_Dee: Thank you for commenting!
@dino-nerd525: thank you!!! I know me too but Chanyeol must be eaten! *raises fist in the air* Lol jk.
New reader! I LOVE your story!!!
Ahhhhhh, I don't want her to eat him!!! DX
Please update soon!
Lol!!! I can't wait for another update!!!
Lol little lulu trying to see who it is
Chanyeol and Grace are so cute together!!!
Don't do it Grace!!! Don't do it!!!!!
I love you author-nim!!!!
And maybe she is a rapper...I, too, must do research!!!!
Update soon-ish!!