A Pig Mistake


Grace checked her watch. It was already three. The sun was beating down on them. She fanned herself as sweat dripped down her forehead. Chanyeol was doing the same. They went under a small tree that luckily provided them shade.


“It's so hot,” Grace said.


“Yeah. We should rest here first,” Chanyeol answered. They stood there in silence until the white clouds covered the sun. Grace smiled. Now we can look around more, she thought. They had put their prizes in the car so they didn't have to carry anything. Chanyeol took Grace's hand and led her to a cotton candy machine. Chanyeol paid the man and gave Grace a pink cotton candy. She took a bite and smiled, savoring the flavor. Chanyeol had gotten the blue one and ate it happily. They finished eating their cotton candy and walked around again. Chanyeol spotted a stall selling stuffed toys. He left Grace and looked at the toys. He scanned the items and picked a medium-sized blue teddy bear holding a heart. He smiled at the toy and paid the man. Chanyeol went back to Grace, who sat down.


Grace looked up as a shadow blocked her view. She furrowed her eyebrows as Chanyeol gave her a suspicious smile. She noticed that his hands were behind his back and questioningly raised her eyebrow.


“What are you hiding?” Grace asked. Chanyeol didn't answer and rocked back and forth on his feet.


He slowly put out his hands and yelled, “Ta-dah!”


Grace's mouth formed an 'O' and grabbed the teddy bear. “Wah! So cute!” she cried, squeezing the teddy bear. Chanyeol laughed at her reaction and ruffled her hair.


“Do you like it?” Chanyeol shyly asked.


Grace beamed. “I love it!”


Chanyeol grinned wider. Thank god she likes it, he thought. Chanyeol sat down beside Grace and watched her play with the bear. Chanyeol is so sweet, Grace thought. It's making me regret my my decision.


No, you must eat him.


Grace looked up, startled by the unknown voice in her head.


Who are you?


Let's just say I'm your conscience.


I thought most consciences were nice, not evil, Grace countered.


That's because you are different, Grace. You're not human, the voice said.


Grace's eye twitched. That was a bit harsh. Whatever. I don't need you to tell me what to do.


Think before you talk. Your heart is wavering. If you fall in love with one of your meals, you will starve and die.


Grace sighed. I know that but . . .


Love is not option for your species. Unless you fall in love with your kind, then that's fine.


I'm not in love with Chanyeol. I will eat him, sooner or later, Grace thought.


Then I hope you don't mess it up because of your personal feelings.


The voice in her disappeared, as if it was never there. She looked at the teddy bear and sighed. In the past, she was ruthless and cruel. She was passive and stiff. She never let her emotions get to her. But now . . . Grace didn't know what happened, what changed her. Was it because she was too easy on her preys? Was it because she was living with humans and was exposed to their lifestyle and culture? She didn't know. But she knew that she needed to survive in this world. Love or not, she was going to eat Chanyeol and his brothers.


“Grace?” Chanyeol waved his big hand in front of her face until she snapped awake from her trance. “You okay?”


Grace looked at him and smiled. “Yeah, I'm fine.”


Chanyeol was unsure but dropped the subject. He didn't want to ruin this. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up.


“Let's go to the Ferris wheel,” Chanyeol suggested. Grace nodded. They both walked to the giant Ferris wheel, swinging their hands back and forth. They arrived at their destination and showed their tickets. They climbed inside and sat down on the benches. Grace looked outside excitedly. Chanyeol watched her and smiled tenderly. The car slightly moved as the Ferris wheel started.


“It's so pretty,” Grace whispered. Outside of the car was the town they lived in. She could see houses, buildings, shopping centers, and people. They looked like tiny ants crawling between boxes. Chanyeol sat down beside Grace and looked outside the window. It was almost nighttime and the lights made the town shine brightly. The car was almost to the top. The people and houses were becoming more tinier.


“I never knew it was this beautiful,” Chanyeol murmured. Grace smiled.


“Yeah. From up here, it really looks nice,” Grace said. She kept gazing out the window, her lips forming a frown. She kept thinking about what her conscience said. Was she really in love? She couldn't believe it. All this time, she was able to close her heart and not let any emotion get to her, especially feelings like love. She sighed softly and continued staring at the wonderful view below her. Chanyeol watched her sigh. He felt his heart tug seeing her troubled expression. What's wrong, Grace? Chanyeol thought. Even though they were sitting right beside each other, it seemed as if they were distant and far from each other.


“The ride is over. Please step outside,” the intercom said. Both Grace and Chanyeol jumped as they heard the loud voice pierce through their ears. They looked at each awkwardly and stood up. Chanyeol let Grace go out first like the gentleman he is and followed Grace to a bench. She plopped down and hugged the teddy bear. Chanyeol thought it was cute how she was squeezing the teddy bear and turning side to side. He leaned against the pole beside the bench and looked at his watch.


“Wanna go home?” asked Chanyeol. Grace thought about it and cocked her head.


“Do you want to?” Grace answered.


Chanyeol shrugged. “Your decision.”


“Hmm. Let's just go home. I think we're both tired anyways,” she replied, standing up and smoothing out her outfit.


Chanyeol smiled and held her hand, walking towards their car. Grace put the teddy bear alongside the big panda that she won. She climbed in the passenger's seat and Chanyeol started the engine. They drove back to Chanyeol's house. Chanyeol got out and opened the car door for Grace. She grinned. Chanyeol was really nice and perfect boyfriend material, but she remembered her conscience's words. Love is not option for your species. Unless you fall in love with your kind, then that's fine. She sighed mentally. She got out and followed Chanyeol to his house after he shut the car door. She stepped inside as Chanyeol walked towards the kitchen, grabbing cups from the cabinet.


“Wanna stay for dinner?” Chanyeol asked, looking at her. Grace hesitated before nodding. She needed to go with the plan. Chanyeol grinned and poured Sprite for both of them. He added three ice cubes and gave one cup to Grace.


“Thanks,” she said, accepting the cup. She drank half of it and sighed blissfully. She was tired and sweaty and haven't drank water since this morning, but the soda helped a lot.


Chanyeol drank his cup and also sighed. He was so thirsty and forgot to buy some water at the carnival. He put down the cup and said, “Let's just order take-out.”


Grace nodded, putting down her cup. “Sure. I'll call.”


She rummaged through her purse and opened her phone. One missed call and a text message. She opened the message first and raised her eyebrow because it was Taeyang. Are you not coming home? Text me if you're not.


Grace started typing. Yeah, I'm staying over at my meal's house. Maybe I can eat him today.


She sent the text and opened the missed calls box. Taeyang. Of course, she thought, smirking.


She turned to Chanyeol. “Hey, should we order Panda Express?” Grace asked.

“Sure,” he answered. Grace went back to her phone and looked for the number. She pressed the call button and ordered the food as the worker answered the call. She grabbed her soda and sat on the comfy couch, Chanyeol doing the same. He snuggled closer to Grace and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Grace looked at him.


“What?” he asked, giving her a confused look.


Grace laughed. “Never mind.”


Chanyeol smiled and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV.


“What do you wanna watch?” Chanyeol asked.


“Disney channel,” she answered, resting her head on Chanyeol's shoulder. He went to the Disney channel and surprisingly, it was showing one of its old classics, Three Little Pigs. Grace raised an eyebrow but didn't complain about it. Chanyeol leaned back on the couch and watched it intently. It had been a long time since he watched fairy tales. 


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3rd chapter is up! read read read!


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candyapplez #1
Chapter 14: update soon! exo~
exokpoplover #2
@Catherine: sorry about that next chapter will be the or if its too long then I will split it in 2 chaps.

@dubumints: i love ur user name. onew! but im amazing at writing ? really? i thot i was average. thank you though! your comment gave me strength :D. And next chap will be .

@sorrowlicher: LOL. ur so funny. she wiiiiiiil eat someone! Muahahahaha....

@L_O_U_N: sorry about that. *accepts your big hugs and kisses*
When I saw this chapter was rated I was all like, "OMG!!! Did Grace and Chanyeol....*gasp, excitedly bouncing*"
Then I read it and was like "Oh it's just her and Taeyang again....I wonder what she will do with Chanyeol *smirk and chuckle*"
Teehee Can't to read the next chappie!!!!
*BIG hugs and kisses to you too*
You are so amazing at . Seriously. I hope you do one of grace with the exo boys as well! It will be worth reading, I'm sure. Thanks for the update!
I'm waiting for with the EXO boys. XD
exokpoplover #7
@L_O_U_N: Lulu is cute :). I will update on thursday btw. i love you too subscriber. *throws hugs and kisses*.
@Azza_Dee: Thank you for commenting!
@dino-nerd525: thank you!!! I know me too but Chanyeol must be eaten! *raises fist in the air* Lol jk.
New reader! I LOVE your story!!!
Ahhhhhh, I don't want her to eat him!!! DX
Please update soon!
Lol!!! I can't wait for another update!!!
Lol little lulu trying to see who it is
Chanyeol and Grace are so cute together!!!
Don't do it Grace!!! Don't do it!!!!!
I love you author-nim!!!!
And maybe she is a rapper...I, too, must do research!!!!
Update soon-ish!!