They Are All Jealous

I Still Believe In Love

The next day, Ella still can’t forget what had happened last night. She buried her face on her pillow and screamed out loud. She wanted to punch Chun for kissing her, but she can’t deny the fact that she liked it. The feeling was different when she kisses a girl. When she kisses a girl, love isn’t present but infatuation is.

“It would not happen again, Ella. Never,” she told herself while holding the picture of Selina. She still isn’t sure about her feelings towards Selina. She wanted to move on, but every time she sees Selina’s face, happy times keep flashing back to her mind. She returned into reality when her cell phone rang.

‘Are you free today? Let’s meet at the coffee shop.’ It was a message from Chun. She wanted to ignore his offer but she thought that she might regret it in the future. So she reply to him and said, ‘Yes,’ one word that would change a lot of things in her life. She prepared for the day and she heard the sound of a car engine outside her condominium.

Meanwhile, Selina was doing some sketches and she planned to invite Hebe for lunch. Hebe, who was fixing her things, shifted her attention to Selina. “Do you want to have lunch with me?” Hebe quickly agreed and gave Selina a childish grin.

So Ella and Chun went to the coffee shop. Again, Ella recalled the face of Selina. The difference is she didn’t only remember Selina, but also Hebe. Chun held Ella’s hand and dragged her to the nearest table. She reached for the menu but before she could open , Chun was already able to order. “Don’t worry, they serve good food here.” Of course Ella knows that. She has been here for a couple of times.

Chun felt the awkwardness between them so he tried to open a topic. He couldn’t think of a good thing to discuss and he ended up apologizing for what had happened the night before. “I’m sorry,” he said while sipping a cup of coffee.

“For what?”

“For what had happened last night. It’s my fault.” Chun’s eyes captured Ella’s heart for a moment. She can’t deny that she enjoyed it. Even a kiss was enough for her.

“You don’t have to be sorry. It was nothing,” Ella nervously said. She didn’t know why those words came out from . Her mind was blown for a moment that those were the only words left in her vocabulary.

“Nothing?” he told himself. He wanted to tell her that he liked the feeling. But when he looked at Ella’s face, he could clearly tell that it was nothing to her. If only he knew that Ella liked the feeling also, he would surely scream his heart out. “Oh, that’s good to hear. I thought that you got offended.” And he gave Ella a weak smile.

They just stared at each other for minutes. No one even dared to start another topic thinking that they would feel uncomfortable again. Chun was about to eat a piece of cake when he saw a familiar face entering the café.

“Is that Selina?” he murmured to himself. He didn’t want Ella to see Selina because she will definitely think about her all over again. Ella was able to read Chun’s worried expression that’s why she turned around but didn’t see anyone.

“Are you okay?” she asked Chun who was still searching for someone.

“Ella, I think…”

“What?” she worriedly asked.

“I think Selina and Hebe are here,” and he sighed.

“Where? Maybe they can join us.” She looked around but didn’t even see their shadows. Honestly, she wanted to spend time with Selina. And she hopes that Chun didn’t get her point for inviting them over. Chun, on the other hand, was silently wishing that Selina and Hebe would not appear in front of them. This is his moment to know Ella more. And he will not allow anything or anyone to ruin his plan.

In contrast, Selina and Hebe saw Ella but didn’t tell each other about it. Selina was the only one who saw Chun and she felt bad about it. “Why is she with Chun? They only met each other last night and now they’re having lunch together?” she said to herself.

Hebe was also confused with what’s happening right now. She wanted to tell Selina about it but she was puzzled by her thoughts. She doesn’t want Selina to get hurt that’s why she asked her if they could just eat lunch at the mall. “Oh, sure!” Selina didn’t have second thoughts on agreeing to her offer. They ran as fast as they could just to get out of the coffee shop.

Ella just stared at the two ladies who were running outside the coffee shop. She wished to talk to Selina even for a moment but she believed that it would not help her move on.

“Ella, I hope you don’t mind but can you come with me to the meeting later?” he nervously asked. Chun? Asking Ella to accompany him to the meeting? Isn’t that too aggressive?

“Later? Sure!” This is her chance to see Selina. But wait, why didn’t Chun invite Selina to come with him? She is the vice president of the company and she is responsible for those kinds of events.

So afternoon came and Ella joined Chun during the meeting. She sat beside him and people just stared at her. She was wondering what their reactions were but still tried her best to give each one of them a smile.

Selina entered the room and saw Ella seated beside the president. Ella immediately stood up and offered the chair to Selina but Chun held her hand and asked her to stay. She didn’t have a choice but to take away her eyes from Selina.

“Good afternoon, everyone! We are here for another meeting about the Human Resource department.” Selina started her speech with a smile. Ella just watched Selina talk the whole time. Even Chun couldn’t grab Ella’s attention. He called her name twice, but Ella was still eyeing on Selina.

“So, what can you suggest?” Chun asked with a loud voice just to get Ella’s mind. Ella almost jumped off the chair because of nervousness. “Hey, why did you shout?” she whispered to Chun.

“Simply because you were ignoring me. I kept on calling you but you seem to be distracted by,” and he pointed to Selina. “Her,” he continued. Ella just laughed at him and she looked at Selina again. Hours have passed and everything was settled already. Chun called it a day and all of the workers got back to work.

“Selina!” Chun called for her. She looked back but instead of looking at Chun, her eyes landed on Ella. Chun again called for her and finally, she got back to her senses.


“I just want to thank you for that wonderful presentation. That’s all. Goodbye!” and he grabbed Ella’s hand. They went out of the room together leaving Selina with a fuming reaction.

“Why did he do that? Is he trying to test me?” and tears started flowing from her eyes.

Ella looked back at Selina and saw her crying. She removed her hands from Chun’s tight grip and rushed back to hug Selina. She hugged her back and continued crying.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you,” and she kissed her on the forehead. They both lost their weight and fell flat on the floor. Chun saw everything and decided to leave them alone. He wanted Ella to realize that she needs to move on. And this is the last time she would spent time with Selina.

Ella rapidly stood up and apologized to Selina. Selina silently left the room and Ella didn’t stop her. A few seconds after, Ella made her way to Chun’s office. Soon, she reached his office and entered the room confidently.

“You should have knocked first,” he told her while signing some papers. She sat down and let out a heavy sigh. Chun looked at her and restlessly asked, “What’s wrong, Ella?”

She just looked at him with her puffy eyes. She wanted to punch him for making Selina cry. But she chose to hold her grudges and stay still. “I can’t see Selina cry,” and she wiped the tears from her eyes. Chun hugged her and she gently placed her head on his chest.

“I can’t see you cry. I don’t want you to cry.” Ella immediately removed her head and looked at him. He repeated what he said, “I don’t want you to cry, Ella.” That line kept on playing in Ella’s mind.

“Whaat?” she was stuttering.

“I… I like you. And I don’t want you to get hurt,” he hugged her tightly. Ella, on the other hand, couldn’t believe what Chun has said.

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