
Every Little Thing

Okay so middle school, it was one of the worst day of my life—what the . You’re telling me I have to go to school the whole day—I wasn’t used to this at all. So yeah, I usually sleep all the time. What I mean by all the time is that when I was taking a bath I was sleeping—or even getting dressed. Our maid usually just dress me up and bath me. To be honest, I don’t even know what happens in the morning, I usually just wake up and there—we already arrive at school. How clever.

I haven’t adjusted yet—until after 3 months I think. Time flies by so fast—until I reached 3rd grade, and that’s the time I first got my TAMAGOTCHI! Yes, you heard it right. I got that tamagotchi which like almost every kid on my damn street have. I felt so happy, I don’t even forget to bring it anywhere I go.

I grew up so fast right? I don’t even play that much on my playstation anymore, I guess I grew tired with it—I found a new hobby. I usually go to this place called wonderland. It’s just a place filled with balls and slides and I don’t know how to call it but It’s pretty much more like a toyland to me—it’s like heaven, I could spend the whole day there.

That one day I was having a walk around the mall, because my mom was playing bingo. Yeah, this is my week end scenario. She’s usually at the bingo station playing and I’m just casually lurking around, playing in wonderland, but today was different. I discovered a new hobby, not really ‘new’, but somewhat it is new to me?

I walked inside the arcade and a new machine caught my eye. ‘Dance Dance Revolution, 3rd mix” I read it aloud, and saw a dance pad—it was very different from what I have in the house. My eyes lit, and there were sparkles all over my sight. I decided to give it a try—so I bought a token and tried it out. DEFINITELY BETTER, the pad wasn’t moving at all compared to the pad I have. I think I’m gonna be addicted to this, and probably this will be my new—toy.

Screw that wonderland, I usually go to the arcade, and play DDR. Well I played ‘difficult’ level as time passes by, and does a few tricks. I knew some people were amused by my skills, so I’m just like having my chin up while playing. Heh, I’m proud!

There was one time—the most unforgettable day.. it was funny—but it did happened.

That was a Thursday evening, me and my older cousins were going to walmart, well not like I have money to buy anything—I just wanted to have a look. (I always do that). So when we arrived, they were doing some shopping with food and some baking stuffs or I don’t even know—but mostly food. I went to my favorite place, the toy section—I was having a look around until I saw this BARBIE. My eyes didn’t left it, and so—I decided to tell my cousin.

I heard her dial a number from her cellphone, and probably—it was my mom.

“Hey auntie, Amber likes to buy this Barbie she saw on walmart, would you want me to buy it for her?’

“Yeah yeah.”

“Yeah. It was a Barbie. You heard it right.”

“Are you sure?”

“Okay. Thank you. Bye.”

She hung up, and bent her knees down to match my height, I was biting my lower lip hard—waiting for her answer.

“She said, we can get it.” She smiled, and I clasped my hands. I can’t wait to finally play it.

We got home after a few hours—and I was so excited, with the Barbie on a paperbag I went inside the house. I walked over to our room, and I can saw my parents getting excited. “So where’s the Barbie?” they asked in unison, they looked more excited than me. Why are they getting excited anyway? I was actually expecting they were mad at me for buying an expensive toy.

I pulled it out excitedly, “TADAAAH!” I yelled out, smiling over to both of them as I showed my toy, their grin suddenly faded—they both frowned before looking at each other. What? Why are they frowning? But soon—they broke into laughter. “What’s so funny?” I asked them, pouting as I was dumbfounded.

“Nevermind.” I heard my mom chuckled as she shook her head before turning her gaze upon the television, I looked at my dad and he did the same. What’s wrong? Are they mad? I don’t know—what happened, but I just shrugged it off—all I know is I’m excited! I finally get to play with my friends who owns a Barbie, and probably I’m gonna be their prince. That’s why I bought Ken!

Time really flies by so fast—it was already 4th grade, and I finally found my two best friends, they were my close friends and we got really closed that I declare them as my best friends. It was—Nicole and Eunji. Actually, Nicole was very pretty—and I kind of have a crush on her since 3rd grade. I just didn’t told anyone—nor I’m planning to tell.

I didn’t really had any idea I have a crush on her—until I saw this show that I really like, and that girl kind of reminds me of Nicole. That’s pretty weird and odd, and I realized I have a crush on her. I like seeing her face, her smile and the reason I come to school so early—is because she’s always an early bird and I get to talk to her. Weird isn’t it? So yeah, we became close, very close.

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amhar03 #1
Chapter 12: 2023 now...
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 12: No more updates! Already 7 years!?
batbts #3
Chapter 12: Update more author nim ;)
Rizzkai #4
Chapter 12: Up date more authore... :)
NeZuMiLiU #5
Chapter 12: OMG!!! this fic is amazing!!! Plz update soon! <3
silviakpopfan #6
Chapter 12: I want more \(^_^)/
santaemin #7
Chapter 12: ohhh come on, dont leave me hangging so much~~ u said u just take a while tho~~ update author, palli~~~
Chapter 12: hurry up and update.... u got me hanging for long because you rewrote everything and i'm dying to know what's going to happen to their secret affair
santaemin #9
Chapter 12: please make a krystal POV too, and update more soon author..~~~
Bo-Remi #10
Chapter 12: I want to see Krystal's POV.