This is Just the Start

Every Little Thing


Then Saturday came, the day I’ve been waiting for the whole week. If only I could fast forward the time, I would probably have skipped the whole weekdays, it was boring. Except the fact that I get to spend time with Soojung and the gang, but other than that – I wish time would really skip, or maybe move fast. I had some noodles and some snacks that they asked me to bring, as I went inside Sulli’s house, her parents already know me so they just told me to go up to her room, I went in and all three of them were there. Where’s Luna anyway?

“She said she’ll hang out with Onew.” Victoria finally spoke up as she saw the obvious questioning expression I was having, I shrugged. Sure I was a bit sad that Luna wasn’t here, but I guess I just have to deal with it that she won’t be spending more time with us like we used to do. I sat next to Soojung who was just staring at the television screen, and the two girls chit chatting like they have their own world.

So we were settled to our position, from left to right – ssul, vic, me and soojung. We were all lying in bed, while the movie played after Sulli had entered the CD, today we’re watching shutter. I haven’t watched it yet to be honest, and we kind of talked about it the other day so we decided to watch it today.

There was a pillow she was hugging, and somewhat it seperates us from each other – but I can still feel her legs on mine, I don’t know why but my hands felt like it has a life on it’s own as I just find my hands creeping under the pillow and crept where her hands are, resting my hand on the top of her right hand, I tried glancing at her face, and she just looked at me blankly, she didn’t looked annoyed or pissed so I assumed it was okay? I tried closing the gap, holding her hand from the top, I felt her fingers closed as she held the tip of my left hand, I feel like my insides are screaming right now or maybe squealing.

I tried calming my nerves, but it really feels like heaven, I felt so happy. I know it’s just our hands intertwining at each other, but I really felt contented, imagine your crush, and you were holding hands with her, what would you feel? Probably overjoyed, that’s what I’m feeling right now. I glanced back to the television, trying to watch and focus on the movie itself, I suddenly felt her hands playing on mine, tapping the tip of my fingers. I find it cute actually, I suddenly chuckled, but not really loud as I didn’t want the other two girls to think I’m a weird that we’re watching a horror film and I was chuckling, I felt her hand tugging mine and like pulling me, does she want me to lean closer? I don’t know.

But anyway, I did. I moved closer to her, our hands were still intertwined below the pillow. I turned my attention back to the movie but I feel like Soojung was looking at me, or maybe it was just me, I tried glancing at her from the side of my eyes, I can see she was glancing at me but suddenly looks away. Is she bored? Or maybe she wanted to say something to me? I don’t really know.

About 45 minutes had passed and the movie was already on its half time, I can feel my stomach grumbling already, but I wasn’t complaining and all, maybe because I was holding Soojung’s hands and we’re really close to each other that nothing matters most than whatever skinship we’re doing… I don’t really care about anything anymore, I feel so contented with the distance we’re having.

“Should we cook something guys?” Finally Victoria opened the topic up as she sat up straight, both of our hands broke from the interlaced we’re having in surprise. I glanced at her, and we just had an eye contact, no conversation were shared as we both looked over to Victoria.

“Maybe we should, I’ll cook something for you guys.” She suddenly stood up, but Sulli stood up as well. “I’ll help you.” The two went out of the room leaving me and Krystal behind.

I suddenly looked at her, surprisingly she was looking at me as well, we still haven’t said anything yet. I don’t really know what to say, there was an awkward silence barrier between us. She suddenly stood up. “Where are you going?” I looked at her, dumbfounded.

“Nothing, I just want to sit on the floor.” She did sat on the floor beside bed.

Did she really think I’d believe that? Hmpf.  I moved closer to her, so I’m lying on the side of the bed where she was sitting, my chest lying on the mattress as I tried focusing on the movie, but I was too distracted by Krystal who was texting, I can actually see it from the side of my eyes.

“Why do you keep on texting? Are you that bored?”

Well, I should’ve kept quiet I guess, I think I’ve gone overboard, didn’t i?

“I already saw that movie.” She shrugged, she was still texting.

“Then why did you come over and watched it with us again?”

“Nothing, I just wanna spend time with you guys, is that such a big deal?”

Well, her reasoning wasn’t enough actually – or maybe I was just expecting a different answer from , which clearly I wouldn’t hear in any way. Sigh.

She suddenly looked at me, more like she was waiting for something.. Well that’s how it looks to me.

“What?” I blinked for a few times. She suddenly smiled – more like a teasing smile.

“You are such a bad kisser.” She suddenly opened up the topic. Wow, I wasn’t prepared for this.

“I am not, I was just – surprised.”

“Whatever Amber”

“I’m serious – do you wanna know how good kisser I am?”

She didn’t answer but she let out somewhat a taunting smile, she was staring at me, her phone was still on her hand. We had an eye contact at first, before I leaned closer, she did the same.

My heart actually beat faster than usual. Badum badum. What is this – I never felt such nervousness before, Our eyes were still staring at each other’s, I closed mine and leaned in for a kiss, tilting my head to the side for better access. I moved my lips, softly kissing her lower lip, and moved again – now kissing her upper lip, as it goes on repeat, I suddenly inserted my tongue into .

Yeah, Krystal Jung, you would know how good kisser I am not. Keke.

We were still in heat with our making out session, she even dropped her phone unconsciously on the floor as she wrapped her arm around my neck, pulling my head closer to her as if she was telling me to go deeper, wanting for more, I was literally like eating , she really taste good, I mean, I haven’t enjoyed a kiss like this before – her lips tasted something nice that I haven’t tasted before, I like the feeling.

We haven’t even finished yet as I heard some foot steps that was coming from the outside, so I immediately backed out, and lied normally on the bed, and she picked up her phone, continued her texting, and then the right tyming that Victoria and Sulli came with a bowl of Ramen.

“It’s done! You should taste it guys, Sulli was the one who made it.” Victoria put it down on a side table, and picked up the chopsticks, I was the one who started to eat, we were all sharing the same bowl, passing it from one to another until we finished it, it was indeed good for a first timer like Sulli.

“I’ll just head to the bathroom, excuse me.” Krystal stood up and went to the bathroom.

“So guys, what happened to the movie?” I suddenly became pale – . What would I say, I didn’t know anything and I wasn’t paying attention since we were busy kissing, .. I’m doomed.

“Uhm. Well…. Uhm.”

“Natre was by friends of Tun, so that’s why she was haunting Tun down. That’s the summary of what you’ve missed.” Krystal suddenly spoke out of nowhere as she sat on the bed again.

“Oh, I see.” The two continue to eat the remaining ramen,  before they put the bowl back on the desk, and lied down on the bed normally, we were back from our position earlier, the two were busy watching the film, of course, Krystal was still texting since she wasn’t even interested with the movie at all, I tried focusing but I just – ack, with our hands playing with each other’s, I can’t focus – damn I can’t help but to grin widely I was trying to hide it but I couldn’t

I didn’t even noticed she was eating a candy, probably she ate it after we finished the ramen, she looked at me, smiling sheepishly, I smiled back. She was just staring at me – why is she staring at me in the first place, I don’t know..

She rested her head on my shoulder, and whispered “Am..” I shifted my head as I looked at her – she suddenly leaned closer, stealing a peck on my lips, but afterwards she intruded my mouth forcefully, I was obviously surprised by her sudden act, she invaded my mouth with her tongue before she let go of the kiss, it didn’t even lasted for 5 seconds, it was too fast – too fast that I didn’t even realized that the candy she was eating was already in my mouth. She was smirking playfully, before turning to face the television, I don’t know how to act, but I really find it damn cute. I just find myself smiling at the thought.

Not long after, the movie finally finished, “Finally.” I heard Victoria mumbled as she stretched her arms. However, Soojung seemed so uneasy. “Guys I need to go, my mom’s already calling me.” So that’s why she was feeling uneasy, probably she’s worried about her getting scolded. I just watched her stood up, my lips suddenly curved into a frown, I don’t even know why but It kinda felt sad – knowing she was leaving.

“I’ll walk you home.” I swear it just slipped out of my tongue….. “Have it your way.” I saw her smile, damn that smile. I’m really a er for girls who have a nice smile, ugh. We bid goodbye to the two, “We’ll just clean this mess up. Yeah, you two could go now, till next time okay? We should watch another movie next time?” I saw Sulli smiled as she was cleaning up the whole room. “Don’t worry we will watch some more movies next time.” I waved goodbye before going out of the room.

There wasn’t any words spoken, it was a little awkward, but I didn’t mind – we weren’t holding hands or something since we’re in public, and probably her mother might see us. When we finally arrived outside her house, she bid goodbye to me. “Thanks for the… day” I just smiled and bid goodbye but before I knew it, she already run up to me and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. “You take care okay.” She smiled, before she ran inside her house, waving goodbye at me. I did the same, before I started to walk away.

Now…. I just find myself smiling, my hand caressing my cheek she had kissed. This is clearly the best day of my life.. An unexpected day, If only I can make the time stop, I wanted this day to not end. Really. 



Took me a while to update i'm sorry, school clearly taking over my life, and i had no muse for anything. I won't abandon this i promise, it just.. would take awhile to update. i'm really sorry. OTL Please be patient guys

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amhar03 #1
Chapter 12: 2023 now...
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 12: No more updates! Already 7 years!?
batbts #3
Chapter 12: Update more author nim ;)
Rizzkai #4
Chapter 12: Up date more authore... :)
NeZuMiLiU #5
Chapter 12: OMG!!! this fic is amazing!!! Plz update soon! <3
silviakpopfan #6
Chapter 12: I want more \(^_^)/
santaemin #7
Chapter 12: ohhh come on, dont leave me hangging so much~~ u said u just take a while tho~~ update author, palli~~~
Chapter 12: hurry up and update.... u got me hanging for long because you rewrote everything and i'm dying to know what's going to happen to their secret affair
santaemin #9
Chapter 12: please make a krystal POV too, and update more soon author..~~~
Bo-Remi #10
Chapter 12: I want to see Krystal's POV.