Early Gamer's Life

Every Little Thing

I remember how I used to play with my cousins—all of my cousins are girls, well most of them that are my age are girls. We usually play some ‘role-playing games’ like my sister sometimes pretends she was a doctor and make us drink some tablet-shaped candies which is the ‘medicines’, sometimes she pretends to be a teacher and we are all her students. I was actually having a girl crush with one of my cousin—this is funny. I didn’t tell anyone, I keep it a secret.

How wouldn’t you have a crush on her—since I always play to be her ‘knight’ and she was my princess. She always wears a crown and like I wear my knight helmet toy, and my sword was tucked into my shorts. We always play like that—not until I was on my last year of my kindergarten—I actually repeated one year because I was so slow in learning how to read. How dumb can I be. Ts.

I think I changed interest, and I don’t play those games anymore—although I usually play with my sister with those ‘role-playing games’, but my mom bought me a bike, and after getting that bike I really wanted—I lost my interest in playing with my cousins, instead I play with myself on my bike.

When it’s nearing christmas—my mom fetched me in school which is a miracle. She doesn’t fetch me at school before, but like I have the mind to think of those things right? I didn’t had any idea what we’ll be doing that day. We went to the mall, and had a stroll. We ate on a restaurant as usual, and we went to the toy section. That was odd, but I felt excited.

My eyes widened out of amusement—I was so happy that I can’t keep calm but to skip and jump out of joy. My mom just bought a PLAYSTATION 1. When we were on a reunion, a kid there had a playstation and like I tried to play it. I played it for the first time—and it was fun actually! I tried that game with the dance pad, and like pressing the keys with my feet that stepped on the pad itself. It was fun, I liked it. If only it was mine, I would’ve end up playing the game whole day.

I guess my mom noticed how I like playing it—so she decided to give me one. It was my dream to have that console ever since I tried that stepping dance game, and guess what! The playstation also comes with 36 free games. WOW! DEFINITELY WOW! And my mom bought that dance pad, omg. I could cry out of excitement, I can’t wait to finally go home and try it.

As we arrived home, I run up to my dad, giving him the box of the console, dragging his hand to the living room to set it up. He did set it up, and I was just sitting on the couch, tapping my feet as I can’t hide my excitement. “Will it take longer?” I asked, as I just can’t help but to be impatient already even though it’s just—after 5 minutes.

“It’s done.” He stood up before turning the television on. I turned the console on—and I tried that dancing game. It was Dance Dance Revolution 2nd mix, and I remember that song I played before. It was entitled “Hero”, and “Butterfly”

So I read the manual to the dance pad, and connected it without any problems. Good thing the song I was looking for was in the game. OMG! I could play this game for years, so I started to play the game, and I ended up playing the game all day. Wow.

After I got my playstation, I didn’t played with my cousins anymore, and my crush on her—finally faded, well like I cared. I got my playstation, and I’m happy with it. I played everything, you name it. My sister even play it, she liked playing ‘Tenchu’.

I always play it, it’s like my hobby now. Not like my first time, since before I have my family computer. The game I always play was ‘Harvest Moon: Back to nature’, although I at that game, I can’t even try getting a girl—or even getting that gold milk which I don’t know how to get. I also play other games, one of my favorites, and my mom’s favorite was Pacman. Yeah, my mom actually played that game for god knows how many times already, she finished the game for so many times and she still play it all over again. I play other games too, like ‘Tomba’. Oh and my other favorite was ‘Spyro’. I actually have 3 spyros, I just like collecting gems even though it sounds boring to many.

I have so many games I play at Playstation 1, it would be a LONG list if I were to name everything. So I spend my free time playing Playstation 1, especially when my boy cousins also have one. If I’m bored, I always go to them and watch them play something—RPG. I don’t even know what RPG is, but I really like how they play it. They were playing that final fantasy game? I don’t understand it at all, but I find it amusing, and they tried playing that clock tower. IT WAS HELLA SCARY! I was actually hiding behind a pillow while watching them.

I usually hang with my boy cousins now, since we have the same interests. Although I have a playstation, I still—get bored some times, and that’s when my father bought me a new toy.

I was just walking with him in the mall that time, until I saw this HUGE LEGO. A very huge box of lego, it was something like—you can build a spaceship with it? I played lego before, but not this huge, or this complicated (since you will be the one who would build the spaceship) Sounds interesting, right? I had my eyes on the lego all the time, I don’t know it seems like my dad knew I had my eyes on it, next thing I knew, the next day I woke up, I found the lego on the living room. I am definitely a lucky kid blessed with such parents.

After I got into middle school, I started to play—that lego, and I usually ask my mom to buy me some action figures I saw on the stores. I have so many action figures, and like play with them. I don’t even have that much of a social life after I got into middle school since I got into playing playstation and playing action figures or lego—alone.

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amhar03 #1
Chapter 12: 2023 now...
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 12: No more updates! Already 7 years!?
batbts #3
Chapter 12: Update more author nim ;)
Rizzkai #4
Chapter 12: Up date more authore... :)
NeZuMiLiU #5
Chapter 12: OMG!!! this fic is amazing!!! Plz update soon! <3
silviakpopfan #6
Chapter 12: I want more \(^_^)/
santaemin #7
Chapter 12: ohhh come on, dont leave me hangging so much~~ u said u just take a while tho~~ update author, palli~~~
Chapter 12: hurry up and update.... u got me hanging for long because you rewrote everything and i'm dying to know what's going to happen to their secret affair
santaemin #9
Chapter 12: please make a krystal POV too, and update more soon author..~~~
Bo-Remi #10
Chapter 12: I want to see Krystal's POV.