It Started with a Kiss

Every Little Thing


Another day had passed—and here I am hoping we would have another hang out after class. To be honest, if it was possible to be with Krystal 24/7 I would’ve done it—I really was addicted to her now. I don’t know why or how or is it because of her scent. Everything about her is addictive, if I don’t look like a creep with sniffing her hair—I would’ve done it every day or maybe sniffing her clothes. Her scent is just—smells like heaven. I remember one time she told me to hold her jacket for me, and like I was sniffing it the whole time. I look crazy so I pretend I smell something bad that’s why I’m covering my nose with the jacket—but she really smelled so nice.

So same things happened; the usual stuff. Right now, it’s our lunch break. We ate some snacks since we’re not really those heavy meal eaters. Usually, we eat heavy meal breakfast during the first recess and during lunch break; we just buy some snacks and some iced tea and talk about anything under the sun.

Luna asked me and Krystal to accompany her to the bathroom, so we did go with her. The two were fixing their hair and putting some make up while I was just leaning at the wall, watching them to their thing. I don’t put make-ups or do my hair like that. My hair isn’t that long anyway, and I’m just too lazy to fix my hair every minute unlike those typical girls in my school that doesn’t live without a comb on their pocket. I’m just too lazy that I just comb my hair once a day, every morning.

Someone suddenly barged inside—it was Sulli.

“Where have you—“ I didn’t even managed to finish my sentence as I felt a pair of lips touched mine.

“What the—“ my jaw nearly dropped as I left my mouth wide opened, clearly surprised with what happened.

“YAH SSUL WHY DID YOU KISSED ME!?” I yelled out, but I saw her dashed out of the bathroom. I saw Victoria suddenly barged in and she pulled Luna and planted a soft kiss, however Luna doesn’t seemed surprised. What the hell is going on.

Krystal laughed, I think she can already read my mind.

“They were doing that since earlier, you were late that’s why you didn’t know. They were having a contest, whoever have the most number of girls that they kissed wins. I think it was something like that.” She shrugged, before continuing putting on her make up.

“That’s pretty dumb.” I shrugged, I mean who the hell started it anyway, that’s just childish.

As soon as they finished doing their usual girl stuffs, we went out of the bathroom all together and went inside the room. I decided to just sit beside Krystal because the professor isn’t still and I don’t have anything to do, I think she was doing that Math homework that we had.

“Hmm. What are you doing?” I asked, as I dragged the armchair a little closer to her, while glancing at the homework.

“Math homework.” She frowned, as she looked at me and then shifted her sight to the homework again.

“Hmm. It’s pretty easy. The x should be transferred to the other side so you’d get the right answer.” I explained, I glanced at her face. Not really visible since her hair’s covering it a little, I think she can clearly read my mind as she shoved it away, into the other side so I can clearly see her face now, and her bare neck. I gulped.

“Like this?” she tilted her head, and looked at me, asking if she did the right thing. 

I nodded in response and smiled, “Yeah.”

She smiled back, before continuing doing the homework, I think she can already answer the others since it’s just—similar to the first question.

“Hey Amber, Krystal.” We turned our heads to Victoria who suddenly called us. I saw Sulli behind her.

“YAH SULLI YOU OWE ME! YOU JUST STOLE MY FIRST KISS!” I yelled at her, she then laughed.

“Are you kidding me, Hyung? That was not definitely your first kiss. I don’t believe you.” She rolled her eyes playfully, crossing her both arms on her chest. She was actually right, it wasn’t my first kiss. I just want to make fun of her right now, I just laughed in return before shifting my sight to Krystal to see if she was done.

“We should go to this café near our school. They said it’s really good. We should check it out, it opened a few days ago.” Victoria said as she sat on a random armchair infront of us. I glanced at Krystal to see if she’ll say yes, because if she’ll go. I’ll go. She nodded, I felt my lips curved into a smile.

“Are you coming too, Amber?” I nodded in response to Victoria.

“Alright It’s settled.” She stood up and walked away.

“Guys, I just have to remind you, I don’t have money—so I’ll just come with you.” Krystal suddenly spoke, but her attention was still on that math homework.

Victoria just nodded, and started to walk away with Sulli. I decided to go back to my seat, as I felt like our professor is coming any time soon, and I was right—after 5 minutes she came in and we started our boring lesson, Economics.


After the class—I was glad it was over, and I get to spend this day with Krystal after class. Well not really, Krystal alone but who cares—I wanted to really spend my free time with her after class anyway.

“Is luna coming with us?” I asked at Victoria who was putting her things back on her bag.

“No, she isn’t. She have a date with Onew.” Sulli pouted.

Well, since Onew and Luna were dating, we didn’t have time to spend with her anymore. This is sad—but I guess I don’t have a choice, and well, if Luna’s happy with him, I don’t want to say anything about them. I wanted Luna to be happy.

“I’m done. Let’s just put these things on my locker.” Krystal said as she walked up to us, and we went to the lockers. I put my other books inside the locker, and the other did too.

“Are you done?” Victoria asked, I nodded and Krystal did. We all started to walk out of the campus.

Everyone seemed so happy with dismissal, some people were playing at the grounds, some were chit-chatting and eating. Well, we’re not really that typical type of students who stays in school after class. It seldom happens, but most of the time we go home early or we hang out outside the school. Krystal, me, Victoria and Sulli does that all the time, we even go somewhere during Saturdays if we don’t have any homeworks, but Krystal’s parents is so strict—she don’t come with us that often, it’s just sad if she’s not there with us, it feels so empty.

“It really is not that far, Vic?” I asked Victoria, she nodded.

It really isn’t that far—we arrived at the place after 5 minutes, it seemed so cozy, and cool.

“Let’s just sit there.” Sulli pointed at the available seats near the window. We all went there, and sit. So me and Krystal are sitting at the opposite side, and the other side was Ssul and Vic’s.

The two suddenly stood up and went to the cashier to buy their snacks, I glanced at the display from afar, and as I looked at Krystal, she was doing the same. I smiled when she pouted.

“Amber, I want that pie.” She pouted, as she pointed. I actually knew she would say that, she just can’t say no to food, and she always make me buy her stuffs when she doesn’t have money—I’m more of a servant of her than being a friend, to be honest.

“Hmmm, but I don’t have money.” I said to her, smirking a little.

I think she knew I was kidding, as she started to do that ‘bbuing bbuing’ to me. Who could even resist that cute bbuing..

“Please, Amber.. I’ll do anything.” She pouted again.

I suddenly remembered that kissing game earlier—and a sudden idea hit my head. I felt a little excited with my own idea.

“That pie is worth a peck on the lips.” I said, smiling confidently at her.  I wonder if she’ll say yes, this is getting exciting.

“Okay. That’s easy. Fine.” She nodded excitedly as she clasped her hands. She really does anything for food, seriously.

I stood up and started to walk towards the cashier. I ordered that pie Krystal wanted, and a frappe, the large one so I could share it with Krystal.

I gave Krystal the pie, and sat beside her.  I offered her my frappe too, and she took a sip on it. We actually just talked about random stuffs—and there we came to the topic about Luna and Onew.

“What do you guys think about Onew?” Victoria asked.

“Well—I’m pretty.. disappointed that Luna doesn’t spend time with us now but I’m okay with him, he seemed such a nice guy.” I shrugged, shifting my position on the chair. Krystal had her poker face expression, and Sulli seemed so serious.

“Ah you guys, we should be happy for her—let her be.” I shrugged, they seemed to have such a sad atmosphere, and I don’t want to talk about it anymore, so I just shut my mouth after. Victoria seemed to have noticed the awkward silence so she decided to change the topic.

After finishing our drink, Victoria glanced at her watch. It’s already 5:30.

“Let’s go home guys, it’s getting late.”

I suddenly looked at Krystal. “We’re not going home until I get my kiss.” I smirked at her, she glanced at me and rolled her eyes playfully. I faced her, and leaned closer.

“Where’s my kiss?”

“Here!?” she had this shocked expression on her face.

“You kids—just make things fast so we can go home.” Victoria sighed, clearly she was getting impatient. Not like she care since it’s normal for us to have a peck on the lips, they even had a contest earlier, remember?

“I—I’ll just do it in the bathroom. I don’t wanna get caught having a PDA with you since we’re wearing uniforms.” She suddenly stood up, holding my hand as she dragged me into the bathroom. She locked the door, and we were standing to block the door. Well. This is awkward, but I can feel my heart beats fast—and I can’t help but to feel excited about this. So this will be my first kiss—with Krystal. I think I’m gonna—faint. Tell me about it, having to kiss your crush is just the best thing ever.

“Okay. Let’s just get this thing over.” She said, and pushed me into the door—hold . I think I’m blushing like hell. She closed her eyes as she leaned closer. I can’t help but to grin widely, I glanced at her face before I closed my eyes. I think—this will be the best day of my life, I can feel my forehead started to produce some cold sweats. I leaned closer—it was like on slow motion, everything was like on slow motion.

I leaned closer and closer until there were a few inches apart—and after a few seconds my lips connected with hers. It feels so right, I don’t know. It feels different with my previous kisses—like with Hyuna. She was my first kiss, it feels so different and so right like I can’t explain, but I feel so happy right now that I can fly. We stayed like that for god knows how long.

A minute had passed…. She still didn’t moved. Why are we not moving or breaking the kiss. It was a soft kiss, and we stayed like this, not moving an inch.


And suddenly I felt opened, w-w-what—what’s happening. I felt her tongue slowly intruding on my mouth. I was stunned, petrified. I don’t know what to do—should I do the same thing. I didn’t moved an inch nor did I allowed her tongue to access my mouth. I was so confused on what to do—she was my friend. This was bad—this is so wrong, but it feels so right. I was so lost on my own thoughts, that I nearly jumped out of surprised with a sudden knock. We broke the kiss.

She was staring at me, and I was staring at her, not even saying anything or moving.

“I—I’ll go out first.” She said, as she walked to the door, unlocking it and walked out. I was so—confused. What the hell just happened.

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amhar03 #1
Chapter 12: 2023 now...
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 12: No more updates! Already 7 years!?
batbts #3
Chapter 12: Update more author nim ;)
Rizzkai #4
Chapter 12: Up date more authore... :)
NeZuMiLiU #5
Chapter 12: OMG!!! this fic is amazing!!! Plz update soon! <3
silviakpopfan #6
Chapter 12: I want more \(^_^)/
santaemin #7
Chapter 12: ohhh come on, dont leave me hangging so much~~ u said u just take a while tho~~ update author, palli~~~
Chapter 12: hurry up and update.... u got me hanging for long because you rewrote everything and i'm dying to know what's going to happen to their secret affair
santaemin #9
Chapter 12: please make a krystal POV too, and update more soon author..~~~
Bo-Remi #10
Chapter 12: I want to see Krystal's POV.