
The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

When tonight passes, will I be able to forget you?
I don’t know anything now... I want to forget, even if I get hit in the face
When tonight passes, will I be able to erase you?
What is all this? These mixed up feelings, but just like that I’m following you

~Monster, Super Junior


(lol sorry but the part where "even if I get hit in the face" makes me laugh :D)

The next two days went by quickly. Everyone had gone to the malls and stores and bought tuxedoes. Eunhyuk, Donghae, Zhou Mi and Henry had stayed at Kangin's apartment. Including himself, Sungmin and Sungmin's evil boyfrined Kyuhyun-- things were pretty crowded.

Kangin was sleeping in his bed with Sungmin when Zhou Mi entered his room the third morning.

"Kangin-ah?" He called softly. He approached him and petted his face gently. Kangin, meanwhile, was caught up in a dream involving himself and Leeteuk.

Leeteuk had reached to touch his face.



Leeteuk leaned forward into his ear.


Kangin moaned. He couldn't help himself. Leeteuk's voice sounded full of desire.

Leeteuk then leaned forward and Kangin kissed him.

"Ew! Kangin-ah!!" SMACK!

Kangin's eyes opened and he saw Zhou Mi wiping his mouth with disgust. Sungmin had woken up as well and looked around confused.

"What's going on?"

"This idiot kissed me!" Zhou Mi exclaimed.

Sungmin gasped. "Hyung! I thought you loved Leeteuk!"

"I do!" Kangin protested. He then grew embarrassed. "I mean not love--exactly but--- I didn't mean to Zhou Mi! I was dreaming..."

Zhou Mi quit his dramatics and grinned at him. " Was it about Leeteuk?"

Kangin grew red. "Um...yeah..."

Sungmin pushed him teasingly. "I knew you loved hyung!"

Kangin shook his head. "Anyways, why are you in here?"

"Oh, Ryeowook wants to take you somewhere. So get ready. I recommend you wear a tux."

"The one you guys bought? Isn't that for the wedding?"

Zhou Mi shrugged. "Just wear it." He then skipped out of the room.

Kangin and Sungmin exchanged glances. What was that about?

When Kangin went into the living room where Ryeowook was waiting everyone cheered.

"You look good!"

"You clean up nice hyung!"


Kangin smiled. "Thanks."

Eunhyuk and Donghae bounced around him.

"Are you going to a fancy dinner?"

Donghae laughed. "It's 11:30 Monkey!" He corrected.

"Oh right. Are you going to a fancy breakfast?"

Kangin shrugged.

"Sorry we can't tell." Ryeowook spoke up standing up and motioning for Kangin to follow him out the door.

Once the two left, much to Yesung's abandonment feelings, they went into a limo.

Kangin was stunned at the interior and design of it. It must have costed more than his whole college savings.

"This is so cool!" He commented as the limo took off.

Ryeowook smiled modestly. "Thank you."

"So, where are we going?" Kangin asked.

Ryeowook served him some wine in a glass. Kangin declined and Ryeowook drank it himself. When he finished he looked at Kangin seriously.

"We're going to Leeteuk's house."

Kangin was thankful he hadn't drank the wine or else he would have spit it all over the limo seats.


 This was happening too soon! Kangin panicked.

The limo reached Leeteuk's house and parked outside the gate. Kangin got out relucantly and looked up at it. Leeteuk's house was HUGE. Completely diffrent from his apartment.

The house was a manison, in fact. It walls were royal white colored with a gold outline. It stood proud and cocky on a hill. The driveway to it stretched to at least 3 miles.

Ryeowook went to the gate and pressed a buzzer.

"Hello?" A gruff manly voice answered it.

"Hello. It's Kim Ryeowook, I'm here to see Park Jungsoo?"

"Ah...come in." The voice said after a couple of seconds.

The gate opened by itself and Ryeowook and Kangin got back into the limo. It drove up the driveway and parked at the circle drive. The driver of the limo opened the car door.

Ryeowook nodded to him and walked up the mansion's steps. Kangin nodded to the driver and awkwardly followed him. Up the steps, butlers were awaitng for their arrival. They opened the glossy wooden doors and the two entered.

Kangin stared open mouthed at the sight of the spacious ceiling and walls. This was too rich for him!

A servant walked up to them and bowed. He led them down a hallway and into a room. Kangin tensed as he saw an old woman standing by a desk. She looked like the evil stepmother from the Cinderella stories Heechul would tell him about.

The woman stared at Ryeowook and gave him an approving nod. She then turned her piercing eyes on Kangin.

He shivered in response.

"Who's this?" Her voice as sharp as a knife.

"This is my new bodyguard." Ryeowook replied without hesitation.

"Are you sure he's not made out of fat then muscle?"

Ryeowook managed a chuckle as Kangin began fuming on the inside. HOW DARE SHE?! Oh, guess what old I did your son last week! What now...

Ryeowook gave him a warning glance sensing his ugly thoughts.

"May I see Leeteuk?" He asked diverting the attention from Kangin.

The woman nodded and motioned to the right of the room where there was a door. Ryeowook and Kangin went through it and saw Leeteuk in a white suit with a woman on his shoulder.

Kangin stiffened at the sight of the couple.

Leeteuk smiled at Ryeowook. "Hey long time no see!"

Ryeowook smiled back. He nodded to the woman beside the older man. "Taeyon."

Taeyon nodded back. Kangin let otu a growl.

"Oh? Who's that?"

Kangin looked up at Leeteuk. His expression was stone-like. What is he thinking?

"That's my new bodyguard." Ryeowook explained to the woman.

The woman came up to Kangin and patted his cheeks. " He's so handsome."

Kangin managed a smile even though he wanted to slap her away with all his might.

"Ah, yes." Ryeowook moved her hand much to Kangin's relief.

"Not as handsome as Leeteukie though!" Taeyon went back to cuddle Leeteuk's arms.

Kangin clenched his fists and looked at the ground. He didn't think he could handle anymore of this.

Ryeowook must have sensed this and cleared his throat. "We need to go. Still have things to do for the wedding."

"Aww...can't you stay longer?" Taeyon pouted. Kangin wanted to gag.

"No. Sorry. Bye Leeteuk, Taeyon." he bowed and left without looking back. Kangin stole a glance at Leeteuk who was looking away, still expressionless.

He and Ryeowook then left the mansion quickly and took off to Kangin's apartment.

Kangin broke down in the limo.

"AISHHH!!" He yelled and pounded the seat. "What the HELL!! What was with him!! Why didn't he say anything? He could have told her to buzz off! He liked her clinging all over him!"

Ryeowook shook his head. "Leeteuk's not like that...He loves you--I know. He's just acting. If he tried to break off the marriage his mother would come after you. They already "destroyed" your house."

Kangin shuddered at the thought of anything worse.

"That's why you need to crash the wedding and not Leeteuk." He continued.

Kangin sighed. "I'm not going."

"Why not?" Ryeowook demanded.

"He has her!"

"I told you it's fake acting!"

"I don't care! I'm not going and that's final!" Kangin said firmly.

He ignored Ryeowook the rest of the ride home and when they arrived back at the apartment he ran into his room ignoring all the others' questions and locked himself in.

He hates me! Leeteuk thought in despair. He hates me so much!

Leeteuk couldn't believe Ryeowook had brought him here. His heart seemed to jump out of his chest at the sight of Kangin. All he wanted was to run and embrace him but Taeyon was there.

Why couldn't I do something! Why couldn't I just push her away and...

"Leeteuk?" Taeyon knocked on the bathroom door. Leeteuk glanced at himself in the mirror and wiped at his eyes before opening the door.

"You okay?" Taeyon asked inspecting him closely.

Leeteuk nodded and left to his room ignoring her looks.

I'm doing the right thing...I mean I wouldn't be able to have babies with him...

Sungmin was your baby...Kyuhyun was your baby...


Or adopt! You don't even care!

Leeteuk shook his head. It's not that easy...


So yeah Leeteuk's having an internal battle with himself :P

And Aff is being stupid and not letting me put pics! Sorry...



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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^