Dancing Out

The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

Wake up early in the morning
Even though I worked late last night
This isn’t the first time I’ve wanted to rest

Even with my feet firmly on the ground
Sometimes I wanted to fly like a bird
On a trip of liberation

~Dancing Out, Super Junior

Sorry I took so long to update!


Kangin awoke on his couch the next morning answering the phone.

"Hi! Kangin-ah!"

"Ah hello Yesung." Kangin sat up and blinked unitl his eyes got accustomed to the light.

"Me and the others were going to the beach. Wanna come?"

Kangin stood up and stretched. "Of course!" He smiled. The beach sounded so relaxing after a whole week's worth of deliveries and pizza making.

"Okay we'll pick you up at 11:00!" Yesung said then hanged up.

Kangin hung up as well and ran to his room to get changed. Very eager for today.

When Kangin and his friends arrived to the beach they were very amped.

"WOOO!!!" Donghae yelled.

Eunhyuk, Donghae's cloest friend cheered along with him.

Heechul, the hyung of all of them smacked them in the back of the head then ran off. He wasn't very mature. Kangin decided.

They then made their way through the sand, trying to find a perfect spot to sit down.

"Leeteuk want something to drink?"

Kangin jumped at the name. Leeteuk...?

He turned to look at a tall man who seemed to move with the grace of a model.  His heart nearly jumped out of his chest as he spotted his new "friend" not that far away. He was smiling and talking with a group of men.

Kangin then turned back. As long as he didn't see me...

"Kangin take off your hoodie and let's go swimming!" Siwon said.

"Eh-- you go ahead."

Siwon shrugged and pulled off his shirt with a dramatic whoosh. Some girls nearby oogled Siwon's clean cut abs as he strolled to the ocean confidently.

Humble Christian my ... Kangin thought as Siwon left. He then turned to check if Leeteuk was still close by. Nope! He quickly took off his sweater and in a white T-shirt raced down after Siwon and the others.

"Kangin!" Eunhyuk laughed and splashed at him.

"Hey!" Kangin laughed and tried to get him back.

He and the others then began a water fight. The war ended after Yesung forfeited and the game got tiring.

"I have some watermelon packed." Siwon said as they walked back to shore.

"Ooh!" Heechul pressed against Siwon. "That would be lovely dear."

Siwon pushed him away, making a face.

Heechul, Eunhyuk, and Donghae laughed.

"He's saving himself for his manager oppa." Yesung joked.

Siwon turned bright red surprsingly. "Yah!"

Heechul grinned."Ah! So you are saving yourself for Kibum-ah!"

Kangin gaped. Kibum? Manager hyung? His manager?

"Siwon-ah do you like my manager?" He asked, shocked.

Heechul laughed at Siwon's stutters."You didn't know? Everyday he goes in and orders pizza but all he does is sit and stare at him!"

Kangin was stunned. Siwon was...gay?

Siwon hit Heechul."Enough hyung! Kangin-ah it's not like that!"

"No no...I think it's okay... I mean one can't help who they like..."

Siwon looked at him in surprise. "Really?"

"Yeah I mean...look at Donghae he likes Eunhyuk--"

Donghae smacked his arm. "Shut up!"

They all laughed.

Eunhyuk fake gasped."Fishy! I never knew you!"

Donghae just smiled."I love you Monkey!"

He threw himself at the man dramtically. Heechul and the others rolled their eyes.

 "I guess you're right." Siwon smiled.

They walked back to their spot and ate Siwon's watermelon slices. As they finished up and sat enjoying the warm sunny day, a volleyball rolled over.

"Ah! Sorry!"

Kangin gaped as Leeteuk came up to them. He was shirtless, his abs glistening with sweat. Of course, Kangin couldn't help but notice.

Leeteuk then spotted him and grinned.


"Sunbae!" Kangin made an effort to smile back.

"Do you know him?" Heechul said looking Leeteuk up and down.

"Yeah I met him a while ago."

"He's Kangin's new boyfriend." Yesung added taking off his sunglasses.

Kangin gave him a glare which Yesung ignored.

"Hi Yesung!" Leeteuk waved.


"Hi I'm Donghae!" Donghae extended a hand. Leeteuk happily shook it.

"I'm Eunhyuk." Eunhyuk called. He gave Kangin a smug grin afterwards.

"Heechul." Heechul said acknowlegding him.

"Hello I'm Siwon." Siwon smiled politely. Leeteuk seemed to be swayed.

"Ah hello, I saw you at the club you played at-- you're very attract--"

"Ah! Leeteuk hyung!" Kangin interfered before he could say more. "Do you want watermelon?"

Siwon looked at him confused. What was he going to say? Kangin just shook his head.

Leeteuk smiled. "Sure."

He sat beside Kangin and beamed as the chubby man handed him a slice. He ate it slowly the excess juice making Kangin stare intently. He then snapped out of it when he realised what he was thinking.

I don't like him like that I just find it distracting...yeah not sensual at all...

"Hyung!" The man from before ran up to Leeteuk followed by another one with spikey black hair.

"You no playing?" The other man talked with a accent.

Leeteuk looked up from his watermelon. "Oh! Yeah!"

"Who's this?" The tall one motioned.

"Heechul, Eunhyuk. Donghae, Kangin, and Yesung. Oh and Siwon." Leeteuk pointed each one out.

They all looked at him in amazement. He had remembered all their names!

"Oh sorry! I'm good with names." Leeteuk explained as he got a look at their faces.

"Ah!" Everyone said.

Heechul then eyed the one with the accent."And who are you?"

"Hangeng." Hangeng said. He then turned back to Leeteuk. "Are we going to play or not?"

Leeteuk stood up swallowing the rest. "Yeah." He turned to Kangin's friends. "Want to play?"

"Yeah!" They all said except for Kangin.

"How about us against your friends." Heechul told Leeteuk. Leeteuk nodded.

"Sounds fair."

"Uh wait..." Kangin said but they ignored him. Aish! He then stood up and followed the others to the net. He guessed he could play....

"Dude did you see the tall one's shoes? Rich people shoes..." Eunhyuk muttered to them as they took their spots.

"Whoa yeah..." Donghae then stared at Kangin. "Dude! Is your boyfriend loaded?"

"He's not my--"

"Yeah he is." Yesung nodded.

Donghae and Eunhyuk's eyes went wide.

Kangin sighed.

"If they are rich I bet they've never played this game before." Heechul smirked. "We're sure to win."

"We should make them bet money!" Donghae said.

"No! Mooching is not what the lord wants!" Siwon intervened.

Eunhyuk and Heechul rolled their eyes.

"He shouldn't have invented gambling then." Donghae muttered.

"What?" Siwon demanded. "What was that?"

"I said...get into position." Donghae smiled.

Siwon narrowed his eyes but did as he was told.

Kangin looked towards Leeteuk he was talking with his friends. Besides Hangeng the one with the wierd name and accent there was the tall one a small shy looking one with reddish hair and another who looked slightly younger than the rest but something seemed evil about him.

Kangin laughed in his head. How can someone look evil?

Then settled into their places and Leeteuk went up to them. "We'll start...that okay?"

Kangin nodded. Leeteuk smiled at him. "Good luck."

He then left to the other side.

"Oooh!!!" Heechul and Eunhyuk and Donghae made kissy noises at Kangin.

"Shut up." He muttered.

And so the game began with Hangeng serving.

The "poor" team were surprised at the "rich" team's strength and had to work twice as hard to score. Everytime "rich" team scored "poor" team scored right back until the final round commenced.

Zhou Mi was the server. He threw the ball and shot it at the other team. Kangin surprised at the force stood still. Heechul jumped and smacked it to Donghae who smacked it over the net. Leeteuk who was in front ran to get it but collided with Hangeng who hadn't quite understood Kyuhyun's call of "Leave it alone!"

The ball landed beside the two men and the "rich" team lost. The "poor" team cheered as if they had won the lottery.

"Good game!" The tall model one called as the game finished.

Heechul gave him a thumbs up. They all then went over to the pinic area in the shade the rich people had occupied.

"Anyone old enough to drink?" Hangeng asked looking at Kangin.

"I am." Heechul said.

"I might be..." Donghae said which earned a glare from Siwon. He wasn't about to let underage drinking occur.

"Just Heechul." Kangin replied.

"Heechul?" The tall one asked.

Leeteuk pointed at Heechul who glared at the tall guy.

"My name is Heechul yes. What's yours?" Heechul retorted.

"Zhou Mi."

"Zhou Mi?"

"Yeah I'm from China."

"Oh!" Eunhyuk came up to him. "Hello! I'm Eunhyuk. What are you doing here in Korea?"

Zhou Mi smiled and patted the man's head. "I came on a business trip."

"Cool so Kangin's boy---" Kangin whacked Eunhyuk's head.

"OW!" Eunhyuk rubbed it and glared at him.

"What Eunhyuk meant to say is your all wealthy here?" Kangin smiled.

Leeteuk nodded. "Hangeng and Zhou Mi are from China but Hangeng reccently moved here and Zhou Mi just visits when he's bored."

"When he's bored?" Heechul muttered to Kangin.

"That's Ryeowook, his father owned a couple of fast food places. And he's going to inherit them...when he's old enough." Leeteuk pointed to the shy man.

"Hello." Yesung bowed.

Ryeowook smiled as he wiped his sweat off into a fluffy white towel. "Hi."

"Do you own the K -Town burgers?" Yesung pressed. "I love those!"

Ryeowook nodded. Yesung and him then started a conversation on their own.

"And that's Kyuhyun, he's a young evil brat who has rich parents that buy him any video game he wants because they ARE video game makers." Zhou Mi said.

Kyuhyun turned and glared at the tall man as he fried a marshmallow over a barbeque pit.

Zhou Mi made a face back at him.

 Kangin had to admire Zhou Mi's bravery. The maknae's evil look was a bit frightening.

They talked to each other for a while longer but as the sun began to get lower in the sky did Siwon speak up.

"I have to go."

"What?" Zhou Mi and Leeteuk said. The two who had been the most attentive to his speech of Christianity.

"Sorry, I have mass."

"It's Saturday!" Heechul protested.

"Yeah. Exactly. You should come with me--"

"Nah, you do this on your own buddy." Heechul waved him off.

Siwon frowned. -_- "Alright then..."

Yesung sat up from his seat beside Ryeowook. "I might as well go too..."

"Yeah." Heechul and Kangin agreed.

Donghae and Eunhyuk pouted. "But--"

"We don't want to go!" Eunhyuk finished.

Kangin shrugged. "Then you two stay here."

"No. we'll go." Donghae said tired.

The two best friends then ran to the car to wait without saying goodbye.

"God I'm sorry they're like children! What they meant is thank you." Heechul said it for them then bowed. "Thank you for letting me drink as well." He smirked.

"You welcome." Hangeng replied smiling.

Siwon bowed too much to Zhou Mi's delight.

Kangin then bowed too, avoiding Leeteuk's gaze as he took off with the others.

As they left Leeteuk called him back.


Kangin flinched. He looked at Heechul who smiled.

"Your boyfriend's calling."

"Shut up!" Kangin snapped and turned around. "Leeteuk sunbae!" He smiled.

Leeteuk smiled back. "Are you really leaving me so soon? Don't you want to spend time with me?"

Kangin scratched his head. "Ah...I need to...go shower and...you know...do other things and plus I have work--"

"You're busy with work..." Leeteuk nodded. "I understand."

Kangin glanced at him. Was Leeteuk--disappointed? No...he was just seeing things.

"Okay well bye sunbae." Kangin, feeling regretful, said.

Leeteuk gave him a half hearted smile in return. Kangin then waved and turned back around to catch up to the others. He felt Leeteuk's stare from behind but he tried to ignore it.

Leeteuk understood right? They were just friends-- and friends needed space...

I think he understood too well...Kangin thought to himself as he made his way to Pizza World.

Leeteuk hadn't come to pester him for a week now. Seven days! That was too long. Even though he thought the man was annoying
Kangin kept wondering when he'd show up.

He sighed. I can't believe I care so much!

He dismounted his motorcycle and went inside the resturant.

"Hey Kibum-ah sorry I'm late I---"

He froze. No...

Kibum beamed at him. "Look Kangin-ah! Meet your new fellow employee!!"

"S-sunbae?" Kangin's eyes nearly popped from his head.

Leeteuk smiled his dimple smile. "Hello Kangin-ah!" He bowed in his uniform. "Please take care of me."

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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^