Sorry Sorry

The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

Hey will you come to me now
I feel like going to really go crazy yeah

I want to only love you
I will never think of looking at anyone else hey

Rather than a lover, a friend
Is what I’d rather like to be.

~Sorry Sorry, Super Junior

"What are you doing here?" Kangin asked Leeteuk.

Leeteuk smiled. "I wanted to see you so I got a job here."

Kangin gaped. "Are you crazy? Can't you just visit me like a normal person?"

Leeteuk pouted. "But you're always busy. So I decided to be busy with you!"

Kangin glared at him. "You don't see me for a week and now you up like this!"

"I'm sorry! I was trying to get in touch with the people who run this place." Leeteuk said solemnly. " You know so I could apply...I didn't know I meant so much to you..."

Kangin blushed for a second then cleared his throat. "Um...well we're--friends right?"

Leeteuk smiled. "Right!"

Kibum came back with boxes of pizza. "Alright love birds we have work to do."

Kangin bristled. "We're not love birds!"

Kibum shrugged. "Whatever."

Kangin sighed and he and Leeteuk went outside.

"Where's your motorcycle?" Kangin asked as he loaded the basket behind his motorcycle with the boxes.

"I don't have a--"

"What?" Kangin turned to him. "How are you supposed to deliver..."

Leeteuk smiled innocently.

Kangin shook his head. "No! No way! That'll look"

Leeteuk frowned. "Nothing wrong with being gay!"

"I know that! I have a friend who's gay!"

"Is it Siwon?"

Kangin widened his eyes. "How did you know?"

"He came in when I came and he talked to Kibum...seemed more like flirting to me but Kibum denied it." Leeteuk grinned.

Kangin laughed. "Yeah, he's in love with manager hyung." He then looked at his digital watch."We need to go."

"Does this mean--"

"Yes." Kangin nodded defeated. He got on and Leeteuk eagerly got on behind him."Here." He handed the older man a helmet.

Leeteuk put it on and nodded. "Let's go!"

Kangin smiled at the man's energy and he the bike and took off. Immediately, there were hands around his waist.

"Hey! Don't do that!"

"But-- I've never ridden one of these! I'm nervous!" Leeteuk yelled over the loud engine.

"What?! Why not?" Kangin shouted back. They made a fast turn making Leeteuk yell.

"I'm an heir remember? I can't do anything that will cost me my life."

An heir...Oh yeah Leeteuk was a rich boy...with the overprotective mother. Kangin thought.

"So, why did you take this job? Won't your mom find out?" Kangin asked.

Leeteuk shook his head."She doesn't really concern herself with me. Well, not what I do with my free time anyways."

"Free time? This is your idea of free time?" Kangin laughed.

"Why not?"

Kangin continued laughing. Rich people were so naive!

He contiuned speeding through several blocks until they came to their first house. They got off and went up to a old looking house.

Leeteuk rang the doorbell. He whispered to Kangin. "I'm nervous."

Kangin patted his head affectionately. "You'll be fine."

The door opened and a small pretty girl came out. "Hello."

"Hello." Leeteuk bowed. He looked at Kangin.

Kangin caught his gaze and bowed too. Inside he was freaking out. Why aren't I getting flustered?! She's so pretty! Why am I not nervous?!

He glanced at Leeteuk. Is it because of him?

"That'll be $9.45!" Leeteuk said sweetly to the girl.

The girl smiled and handed him the money.

"Kangin-ah!" Leeteuk hissed. Kangin jumped form his thoughts.

"Ah! Sorry! Here you go." He handed the girl the pizza. She took it with a flutter of eyelashes.

Kangin didn't even blink.

"Goodbye!" Leeteuk called as they left towards the motorcycle.

"Bye." She called.

"Well that went well!" Leeteuk said happily as he and Kangin got on the motorcycle once again.

"Yeah." Kangin replied. Why wasn't I nervous?! Why?!!

"Kangin-ah?" Leeteuk said in his ear. Kangin cried out and almost crashed into a nearby van. He stopped in a parking lot and turned to Leeteuk.

"Don't do that!" He yelled.

Leeteuk laughed. "Okay! No need to be so scared!"

Kangin glared. "Who's scared?"

Leeteuk smiled in reponse.

They took off when Kangin's face retained its normal color and went to the next house.

Leeteuk had never had so much fun. He and Kangin returned to Pizza World after a day's worth of delivering. He glanced at Kangin who looked very exhausted.

He works so hard...Leeteuk admired.

They entered and let out sighs of relief. The store was air conditioned after being in the sun all day it was a gift from Heaven.

"Hey guys." Kibum smiled. "You can go on break now. You too Shindong, Henry."

The two other employees, who had been cleaning the whole day, cheered and ran outside.

Leeteuk sat down on a stool and laid his head down on the counter.

"Had fun?" Kangin took a seat beside him.

"Oh yeah." Leeteuk rasped.

Kangin chuckled.

"Can't believe a fellow like you never worked a day in your life!" Kibum commented.

"Well, I am rich. Money was always handed to me when I wanted it."

"What are you going to do with the money you earn then?" Kangin asked. He handed a dollar to Kibum who in response gave him a water bottle.

"I'm not earning money."

"What?!" Kangin nearly spit out the water he swallowed.

"He told me not to pay him." Kibum said. "He said he already had money."

"Well yeah...but come on!'

Leeteuk smiled. "As long as I get to spend time with you it's worth it."

Kangin felt his stomach flutter. He ignored it and continued drinking water.

Leeteuk looked up at Kibum. "Manager hyung?"

Kibum handed him a water. "Yes?"

"How did you come to own this business? You're younger than me! Younger than Kangin. Didn't you just turn 18?"

Kibum smiled. "Yeah I'm 18. My birthday was August 21."

"Wait...that's not until tommorow!"

Kibum laughed. "Okay so I'm almost 18."

"You're so mature though..." Leeteuk said.

Kibum nodded. "That's just my personality. My father died last year so he made me inherit this."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

Kibum waved him off. "It's fine."

Leeteuk smiled. "You're my new role model Kibum!"

Kibum laughed." If you say so."

"More people should be like you!"

Kangin agreed.

Kibum then blushed shyly.

"Can we go out for a while?" Leeteuk asked.


"Come on Kangin-ah!"

Kangin followed after the older man with a sigh. He didn't want to go out into the sun.

"I'll treat you to ice cream." Leeteuk added as they exited Pizza World. Kangin brightened. His stomach was rumbling.

Then is ice cream...

"Ahhh!! I ate well." Kangin moaned as he and Leeteuk returned from a BBQ resturant. "Thanks." He added to Leeteuk.

"You're welcome."

Kangin patted his belly. He was surprised when Leeteuk grabbed his arm.


"Kangin-ah. I have something for you."

"More barbeque?" Kangin asked.

"No." Leeteuk laughed. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace.

Kangin stomach began to flutter again. And it wasn't hunger this time.


"It's like those necklaces girls wear with their best friends." Leeteuk explained.

Kangin took it. It was silver. Actual silver! And it had a custom made F on it.

"This is very--nice of you." Kangin said. What did f stand for?

"I have the other one on." Leeetuk showed him his B necklace.

BF? Best friends? Or...boyfriends? Kangin thought. He realized he didn't know.

"Thank you!" Kangin bowed.

Leeteuk gave him a dimple smile and he lead the way inside the resturant.

Kangin put it on deciding it was a kind gift despite the subliminal message behind it. Besides if a stranger asked, it was his girlfriend Fiona's....from Shrek.

After a hard day of work Kangin and Leeteuk left tired.

"Ahhhh!!!" Leeteuk yelled when the two were outside. People passing by stared at him like he was crazy.

"What was that?" Kangin asked.

"Tired-ness." The brown haired man said.

"Are you going home?" Kangin questioned casually. He hoped Leeteuk wasn't planning on following him.

Leeteuk nodded. "A nice bubble bath with aroma therapy for me! You?"

"The same...except for the aroma-thing and bubbles."

"Never had a bubblebath?" Leeteuk asked astonished.

"Uh no...not since I was like three." Kangin teased.

Leeteuk hit his arm in response. He then leaned forward and gave Kangin a swift kiss on the cheek.

"Hey! What was--"

"Go home safely." Leeteuk said kindly.

Kangin nodded, too shocked to speak. He watched Leeteuk leave down the street and then turned to his motorcycle.

What was that?!

He drove off his thoughts full of Leeteuk.

Leeteuk arrived at his apartment to find it invaded.

"Finally home?" Leeteuk's mother raised an eyebrow. was set in a line and her eyes were ablazed.

She was not happy.

"Yeah." He replied.

"You're finance was looking for you again."

Leeteuk went over to his bar. "Yeah?"

He served himself some alcohol. He needed some help in facing his mother.

"When are you going to start taking responsibilty?" She demanded.

Leeteuk turned. He offered her some. She shoook her head stiffly.

"Answer me."

Leeteuk sighed. He sat on a chair and stared at her. "What do you want?"

"Spend some time with your fiance instead of your friends!"


"Good." His mother sniffed. She then took her pinched face and left.

Leeteuk was then left alone in thought. No matter how much he tried to think about his upcoming marriage his mind was diverted to Kangin.

Was love with the man?

Kangin stepped inside his house to find a boy passed out on the couch.

"What the hell?!" He yelled.

The boy sat up. He looked up half awake. "Hyung?"


Sungmin, with a cute aegyo face, smiled. "Hello!"

"Sungmin! What the hell are you doing here?!" Kangin demanded. Sungmin was one of his former employee friends. The two still kept in touch Sungmin was taking summer school classes at a nearby college which led him to quit Pizza World. He was the last person he expected to see here.

Sungmin smiled. " see my apartment was very expensive and you live right next to the"

Kangin shook his head. He couldn't believe this! Why were people showing up where they weren't supposed to?!

Sungmin meanwhile pressed up against him. "Can I? Pleeeeaase?"

Kangin managed a smile. "Sure. But you should really call before you come here! And who let you in?"

Sungmin laughed. "Yay! Oh and the door was open. Hyung needs to lock his doors! There could be predators!"

"Yeah I should." Kangin agreed. He then went to the bathroom. "I'm taking a bath."

"Okay! I'll have dinner ready!"

Kangin gave him a thumbs up and stepped inside. Sungmin moving in so abruptly had distracted him from Leeteuk but now alone the older man flooded his thoughts.

Gah! I need to stop this! It's turning into an obsession!


Kangin opened his eyes to see Sungmin's face inches away from his own. In surprise he fell back and yelled. He landed on his with a hard THUMP!


"I'm okay..." Kangin called standing up stiffly.

Sungmin jumped of his bed and bounced around. "Let's go to the park! Park, hyung!"

Kangin groaned. "It's so early!"


Kangin muttered under his breath but nontheless got dressed.

He and Sungmin then ate the leftover Kimichi soup and headed to the park. After a stop to the local market to buy lots of bread.

Sungmin practically ran when they arrived.

"What are you five?" Kangin teased.

"No!" Sungmin pouted. "I've just been dying to feed the ducks since...forever!"

Kangin laughed and caught up to him. He and Sungmin then fed the ducks until some geese showed up.

"Ew!" Sungmin cried grabbing Kangin's shirt.

"What is it?"

"I hate geese!"

Kangin frowned. -_- "You hate geese but you wanted to feed ducks?"

Sungmin protested. "I didn't know this park had geese!"

The geese meanwhile advanced with a loud HONK HONKKK!!

Kangin threw them a piece of bread which they ate faster than humanly possible. "Oh wow. You guys were hungry--"


Kangin threw a whole slice.


Kangin threw two more slices, which they ate really quickly again.



The honks grew more demanding. Kangin backed away and the geese followed.

"RUN HYUNG!!" Sungmin screamed and he and Kangin took off. The geese chased them but quit when Kangin dropped the loaf. They ate it up greedily then looked around for more people with bread.

"Ohmygod!" Kangin panted when he and Sungmin were on the other side of the park. "Those things aren't geese! They're monsters!"

Sungmin gasped. "I told you!"

Kangin then laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation. Sungmin joined in.

The two then made it back to a bench.

They sat in silence until Kangin glanced to his left over Sungmin's head.

Leeteuk?! What the hell is he doing here?! Has he seen me? ...why hasn't he seen me?

Indeed. Leeteuk was sitting on the grass with the young evil maknae kid Kyuhyun. He seemed to be having fun and Kangin suddenly felt jealous. Why was he here with him?! It was my day off too! Maybe I want to hang out with him!

Kangin then looked away self conciously touching the necklace Leeteuk gave him.

"Who gave you that?" Sungmin spoke up.

Kangin looked at him. "Hm?" He then realised what he said. "No one!" He said hotly.

Sungmin grinned."Is that your boyfriend Yesung hyung talked about?"

"He told you?!" Kangin exclaimed.


Kangin glared at him. "Honesty isn't always such a good thing you know..."

The next day Kangin was back at work. When he came in Leeteuk was talking animatedly with Yesung.

"Oi!" Kangin shouted.

Yesung turned. "Hey Kangin-ah!"

"What the hell did you tell Sungmin?!"

Yesung smiled. "Nothing."

Kangin scoffed. He then began mopping while Leeteuk and Yesung talked some more.

The phitrum obsessed man finally left and Leeteuk turned to Kangin.


"Geez flirt much?" Kangin muttered.

Leeteuk looked at him in wonder. "What do you mean? He's your friend."

"So?" Kangin stopped mopping and put the cleaning utensils away. He avoided Leeteuk's gaze. First Kyuhyun now Yesung...

Leeteuk came up to him smiling. "You're jealous." It was a statement more than a question.

"No!" Kangin flustered.

Leeteuk leaned in and Kangin backed away.

"Okay then..." He replied softly. His voice invited Kangin to be honest and the chubby man found himself speaking.

"A little."

Leeteuk smiled."You're my friend first okay? Besides who's this Sungmin-ah?"

Kangin nodded. His stomach acting up again."Okay... And Sungmin is this dongsaeng who's rooming with me now. Just a friend."

"Okay..." Leeteuk then clapped his back. "Let's go deliver!"

"Wow this house looks nice." Leeteuk admired the house they had stopped at.

Kangin nodded in agreement. The lawn was well cut and everything was in it's place. It reminded him of Siwon, his religious freak of a friend.

He and Leeteuk went up to the steps and Kangin rang the doorbell.

The door opened.


"MANAGER HYUNG?!" Kangin and Leeteuk yelled in unision.

Kibum half dressed (meaning he had no pants on) in a big white shirt, blinked. "Oh...hello..."

"What the hell are you doing ordering pizza?" Kangin demanded.

"It's my birthday!" Kibum pouted. "Besides I thought Shindong and Henry had this shift!"

"Henry is scared of motorcycles and Shindong always eats the delivery before its made!" Kangin protested.

"Kibummie? What is it?" Siwon, in a pair of jeans, and no shirt came up to the front door.



Siwon gasped."OH!"

"I knew this house was too perfect! It could only be you!" Kangin exclaimed. Siwon looked at him like he was crazy.

Leeteuk smiled and interrupted. "Did you guys do it?"

The two men blushed, confirming it.

"Siwon you liar! You said you were saving yourself for marriage!" Kangin accused.

Siwon smiled weakly. "You is a funny thing it--"

Kangin frowned."Just take the pizza. -__-"

Kibum took it and paid, smiling at them before slamming the door shut.

"Happy Birthday!" Leeteuk called.

Leeteuk and Kangin went back to Pizza World after finishing the deliveries.

"Good for them." Leeteuk commented when they were on their break.

"Yeah I guess..."

"You want to get married?" Leeteuk asked.

Kangin looked at him.Why the sudden question? "Yeah..."

Leeteuk looked away, looking really lost in thought. Kangin left him alone to think and drank his water in silence until he spoke up again.

"Do you think love is blind?"

Kangin paused. "As long as no one gets hurt...I guess."

"What do you mean?" Leeteuk pressed.

"I mean like cheating on your wife or fiance or something. You should get out of your marriage first if you're so sure you're in love with another person."

Leeteuk suddenly looked very solemn which semi-scared Kangin. "What if you're not sure?"

He's bipolar! No one changes expressions so quickly!

Kangin laughed, trying to cheer Leeteuk up from this sudden depression."Why so serious? You in love with someone you're not supposed to be?" He joked.

Leeteuk managed a smile. "Hah. I hope not..."

Kangin looked away taking a sip of water. Why was he so nervous now?! Was it couldn't be him! He wasn't gay...What kind of thoughts were these!

Yet Kangin continued to think about.

Even more since the rest of work was done in complete silence. Both men were lost in their own minds.

The goose thing is based on a true story. Me and my dad were feeding ducks at the park and this HUGE! goose came up and ate all the bread. Then he chased me and my dad!  It was so scary! And that's why me and Sungmin hate geese...

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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^