The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

Eventually you’ll be saying a-cha
A-cha. why’re you the only one who doesn’t know

My breathing is getting rough, rough, rougher
Don’t turn away, don’t get further away

Eventually you’ll be saying a-cha
A-cha. don’t leave

~A-CHa, Super Junior

"Ah! Kangin-sshi!"

"Yes manager hyung!" A chubby 18 year old man by the name of Kangin replied.

"Two more." The old man said.

Kangin nodded and ran a hand through his spiky-ish black hair. Two more and I'm out of here! He thought happily. He bowed to his elder then grabbed the pizza boxes and ran outside. 

"Ahhhh." He sighed aloud, breathing in the warm summer-like air. Today seemed like a good day. A day where nothing could go wrong. WIth a smile he mounted his motorcycle and loaded the boxes into a basket in the back of the bike and took off.

Downtown was very crowded during the afternooon so as soon as Kangin took off he had to come to a halt.

"Aish! Come on!" Kangin whined as traffic inched along like a pack of snails.

It wasn't until 10 minutes later did he finally arrive to the house. He knocked on the door loudly. An old woman opened it and gave him the stink eye.

"What do you want?" She sneered revealing yellowed teeth.

Kangin moved away slightly. "Uh-ma'am your pizza is here!" He showed her the box.

The old woman looked down at it then at him. "You're late."

"Well--yes you see there was bad traff--"

The woman left to go get money interrupting the man.

Kangin fought the urge to call her out on her rude behavior. He waited patiently as the woman slowly returned with as much enthusiasm as a teenager had when they find out they have a pop quiz.

"Here you go use it to buy some soap."

Kangin snatched it and narrowed his eyes. "Yes ma'am." He muttered and quickly took off.

On the way to the next customer he cursed. "Stupid witch! Thinks she can-" Kangin stopped himself and told himself to breathe. Only one more customer.

He got off at an apartment building. He knocked on the one with a 13 on it.

"Hello? Pizza World?" Kangin called.

The door opened. A slim pretty girl smiled at him. Kangin gaped.

"Are you the pizza man?" She asked.

Kangin flustered. "Um...yes yes!" He handed the pizza over. "$10.92 please!" He cringed when his voice cracked.

The girl on the other hand laughed. "Okay." She handed him the money.

Kangin rubbed the back of his neck. "Okay then...bye! Enjoy your pizza!"

The girl smiled and waved as Kangin slowly backed away and got on his motorbike. He waved back then drove off. Idiot! Kangin scolded himself. He always seemed to act like a fool in front of girls. He really needed to get over it.

With a sigh of relief he went back to Pizza World glad he was done with deliveries for the day.

"Manager hyung!" Kangin boomed as he came back into the dough and tomato smelling resturant.

The manager stared hard at him. "What?"

Kangin smiled, despite the attitude."I'm done!"

The manager shook his head. Kangin raised his eyebrows.

"You have one more surprise delivery!" He snapped.

Kangin shook his head. "No! No, you know I'm not one for surprises..." The manager gave him a mean mugging look. "On the other hand...if it pays..."

The older man nodded. "Good." He sniffed.

Kangin grabbed the pizza box on the counter and took off.

"AISH!" Kangin kicked a random trash can sitting on the curb. It toppled over and spewed garbage. Kangin annoyed ignore the mess and got on his bike and sped off.

"Where is this place?" Kangin wondered as he drove down the streets. "3809 S Belledonni?"

Kangin almost crashed into a pole.

He stopped to a halt and stared at the address. Belledonni? Ri...Ri...RICH!! That was where all the rich people resided in. Who the hell wanted pizza from there?

 Kangin shook his head deciding peple were crazy and took off to the rich part of town.



"I'm not going to ask you again. You're going to meet up with your fiance! The poor woman came from Toyoko just to see you-"

Leeteuk, a rich 21 year old boy, said in a dry voice. "Well then that's her own fault."

The old woman that had been yelling from afar approached her son. "What?"

Leeteuk shook his head and went into the living room of his home. With a sigh he plopped himself on his mother's victorian age couch and wondered when he could abandon this house. He had finally relaxed when a loud knocking was heard.

"Someone's knocking on the door Leeteuk!" His mother called.

Leeteuk didn't move. "So?"

"So?! Answer it!"

Leeteuk grumbled to himself and got up and opened the door. It better not be my fiance!

"Acha!" Kangin slipped out. He was surprised when a young man opened the door. He had been expecting a butler.

The man seemed to look at him like he was crazy.

"Oh is the butler not in?"


Kangin shook his head. "Nothing." He handed the man the box. "Ta-dah! That'll be $9.23 please."

The man blinked. Realization finally kicked in and he smiled."Okay let me just--" he gave the box back to Kangin and rummaged around in his pockets.

Kangin meanwhile took a look around. Everything in the house screamed snob. The walls and furniture and floors were all white and prestigous.

"It must hurt your eyes."

"Huh?" The brown haired man handed him the money.

Kangin smiled. "You know all the white." He motioned dramatically.

The man stared at him and smiled. "Yeah-- sometimes..."

Kangin nodded he turned to leave then looked back. "Hey may I ask you something?"

The man shrugged. "Sure."

"Why would you want our pizza? I mean couldn't you order some fancy one?"

The man smiled again and Kangin noticed a dimple prominent on the left corner of his mouth. "Yeah i could but-- it wouldn't be the same would it?"

Kangin smiled."Hm." Okay...?

He then bowed again and took off. What a weirdo...

Leeteuk watched the chubby guy walk away then closed the door. He set the pizza box on the kitchen table and stared at the box. He couldn't help smile at the thought of the pizza boy.

He seemed so innocent and hard working. Like a loyal person, the kind that would never betray you.

Leeteuk smiled to himself in amusement and took a pizza slice and beagn to eat it.

"Leeteuk what the hell are you eating?"

Leeteuk looked up to see his mother, an old and worn out woman, with her hands on her hips.

"Pizza." he replied and took another bite of the gooey cheese slice. "Want some?"

His mother's eye seemingly twitched.

Leeteuk smiled. "Is that a no?"

She let out a huff and stormed off.

Leeteuk chuckled.

Sorry this is short. I'm trying to make Leeteuk's mom a bish is it working? No? :(  Aww...don't worry I'll work on it.

Also sorry for the lame city name :P What the hell is Belledonni? Sounds French--let's go with that.

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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^