It's You

The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

I dont need anyone else, its only you to me
Even if you ask again, its only you to me
Even if you have another love already
I cant forget you, i cant turn back
Right when my glare was sharp
Right when i was nailing a nail deep inside my heart
I chose you without any regrets
Yes , its you

~It's You, Super Junior

(OMG guys! This is my song right here!! ^^)

Leeteuk didn't show the next day.

Or the next day.

Or the next day.

Kangin was beginning to grow worried. He tried not to think about it, but after the fifth day...

"Manager hyung?"

Kibum looked up from placing pepperoni slices on a pizza. "Hm?"

"Where is...uh..." Kangin then grew embarrassed.


"Y-yeah! Shindong!" Kangin said.

"In the back folding boxes. Why?" Kibum raised an eyebrow.

"I...forget." Kangin replied and continued mopping.

"Hey Kangin..."


"Did I scar him?" Kibum asked.


"Did I scar Leeteuk with my...Siwon...? He quit his job two days ago." Kibum said worriedly.

Kangin gaped. "WHAT?! HYUNG!" He ran to him and pulled his shirt  with his fists. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

Kibum tried to push him away. "Yah! I thought you already knew! You guys are friends right?"

Kangin let go of his shirt. "Yeah...well I thought we were."

Kibum shook his head. " Rich people sure are mysterious."

"Hm." Kangn agreed. Inside he was furious though.

"What the hell am I doing here..." Kangin muttered to himself.

"Yeah. And why did you bring me?" Yesung asked.

"Shush!" Kangin ducked down on his motorcycle. He looked at Yesung. "Why the hell are you wearing that wig?"

Yesung flattened his red girl wig. "You're the one who dragged me here! This is so people won't call us gay when I leave on the bike with you. Do you know how suggestive that is?"

Kangin glared. "Whatever." He peeked over his bike again to duck down. "You see him?"

Yesung looked over. "Oh!"

Kangin looked up quickly. Leeteuk?... to see a trash man. He turned to glare at Yesung.

Yesung laughed. "I thought you meant the garbage man!"

Kangin sighed. "This is stupid."

Yesung nodded.

Kangin snapped. "You're not supposed to agree! What kind of friend are you?!"

"An honest one." Yesung replied.  "Oh such a ronery wordd!! Everyone is so untrrurrr!!" He then began singing loudly in English.

"Shut up!" Kangin smacked him in the wig causing it to fall off.

A man passing nearby looked at the two men with a what-the-hell-did -I-just-see face. Kangin made a face right back as Yesung tried to put his wig back on.

"Why are you singing that anyways?"

Yesung hesitated. "A guy--some guy...sang it and I got it stuck in my head."


"Can we go now?" Yesung changed the subject.


"But he's not coming out! If you miss Leeteuk so bad go tell him!" Yesung motioned to the apartment.

"I can't just---I don't miss him!"

Yesung frowned. -__-.

Kangin groaned, feeling very defeated. "Fine. Let's go."

They got on the motorcycle and Yesung chuckled.

"Are you going to take me out now?"

"Shut up."

"Aish you're really a bother!"


"No! No word of him! You're lucky I'm even asking his friends!" Heechul exclaimed.

Kangin leaned his head  back against the wall of his bedroom. It had been another week. Kangin wasn't letting this go. He contacted Heechul everyday since the man was taking dance classes with Hangeng--one of Leeteuk's friends.

"I sorry Kangin!" Hangeng called from the background of the cellphone.

"It's okay." Kangin replied.

He hung up and threw the phone against another wall in frustration.

Sungmin came in. "Hyung!"

He saw the phone and Kangin's expression. "Oh no! Did your boyfriend break up with you?"

"He's not my boyfriend!" Kangin yelled.  At least...not anymore...He found himself thinking.

Sungmin patted his shoulder. "Come on hyung, let's go to the park."

Kangin grumbled as he was forced out the door and into Sungmin's car. they made it to the park and Kangin was tugged to the bench from before.

"What the hell are we doing here!" He muttered. Sungmin ignored him.

The younger one smiled. "See? The day's so pretty...feeling better?"

Kangin managed a smile. "Yeah..." Sungmin's cheerfulness was affecting him.


They sat there for a while until Sungmin suggested they go walking. They went down the path and talked about Sungmin's school drama.

"I mean I don't even like Minkang. He's so..." Sungmin trailed off.

Kangin looked at him. "What?"

Sungmin looked at something far away then turned back to Kangin. "Nothing...I thought I saw someone I knew..."

Kangin stared where he was looking, near a tree there was a figure sitting in the grass. It was hard to tell who it was.

"You want to go make sure?"

Sungmin shook his head. "No. It's fine."

They continued walking and Kangin froze as they approached a water fountain.

Leeteuk was poised over it drinking. He looked fine. Healthy. So he wasn't sick or any excuses like that.

He's fine...why doesn't he call me then....?

Kangin stood frozen in thought.

"Kangin hyung?" Sungmin called.

Leeteuk looked up. His face not showing any emotion. Kangin held his breath.

"Kangin hyung..." Sungmin pulled his arm. He looked at Leeteuk who stared at Kangin.


Leeteuk then blinked and turned away heading towards the figure in the trees.

"Kangin...who was that guy..." Sungmin looked up at Kangin who finally breathed again.

" one." Kangin continued walking. He headed towards the car without another word. Sungmin followed.


"I said no one!" Kangin cried. He then got into the passenger side and buried his face in his hands.

Sungmin drove them home. Kangin refused to talk for the rest of the day. Sungmin found the necklace he always seemed to be wearing in the toliet .

Later on in the night, he heard the man crying.

The day afterward was a work day. Kangin concentrated on the job at hand. When it was time for his break he got on his motorcycle and drove to calm his thoughts.

Leeteuk...why is he ignoring me? What did I do? Was it something I said?

Kangin repeated these questions over and over again. He couldn't stop.

He then turned the corner and braked when he spotted the person of his thoughts walking casually down the street.


He sped towards him. The man walking calmly  with no expression looked up and spotted Kangin's bike coming towards him. Kangin didn't stop.

"Ah!" Leeteuk turned and ran into a nearby alley as Kangin chased after. "Kangin-ah! Stop! Wait!

Kangin braked and got off of the motorcycle.  Kangin's body was on fire from anger. It seemed all he wanted was to beat the older man. Instead he pushed him against the alley wall.

"Kangin-ah!" Leeteuk waved his hands in surrender.

"Oh so now you see me?" Kangin demanded.

Leeteuk flinched as Kangin's smoldering eyes met his.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!"


"You can't just do that to people! Didn't you learn any manners?! Huh?" Kangin bunched the brown haired man's shirt with his hands.


"Why don't you see me--or call me--I thought we were friends!" Kangin yelled. His eyes began watering but he blinked the droplets away.

"We are!" Leeteuk blurted out.

"Then what--"

"Friends need space right?" Leeteuk said.

"That's never stopped you before..." Kangin replied hotly.

"Well yeah but that's because..." Leetek trailed off and looked away.

Kangin growled in annoyance. He grabbed Leeteuk's face and made him look at him. "What?!"

Leeteuk's eyes went wide. "Kangin-ah..."

Kangin flustered for a second. What is that look...he...

He let him go and backed away.

"Kangin-ah." Leeteuk approached him.

"What?" Kangin said his voice normal again. His anger faded away to be replaced with a new feeling.

"It's because...the real" No. No! This...this isn't what I think it is. No way...Kangin thought desperately.

"Leeteuk hyung..." He tried to intervene. "I think we're too hopped up on our feelings that you're saying--"

"No Kangin! I know what I'm saying!" Leeteuk retorted. "And I'm going to say it!"

"Hyung!" Kangin protested. I can't...I can't hear this...

" Kangin-ah! I'm in love with you!"

Kangin's face went red, his skin prickled, and his stomach exploded with butterflies. "E-eh?"

Leeteuk grabbed the man's hand gently. He placed it on his chest. "You're in here...And--I can't help it."

Kangin frozen could only gape. What?! What?! WHAT?!

"Love at first is blind...all those things are true." Leeteuk went on.

"Sunbae..." Kangin said quietly. He pulled his hand away. Leeteuk leaned forward.

"I'm sorry." He whispered and kissed him softly.

Kangin's eyes nearly popped from his head. Why aren't I pulling away?! Did I like this? Why am I so confused?!!

Leeteuk then pulled away and before Kangin could register what had just happened he was running out of the alley.


Kangin covered his mouth with his hand.

I think I...feel the same way...

Do I fail in sad and dramatic moments? Yes?  :'( I know.  Well hoep you enjoyed anyways.... Eeee! Kangin likes Leeteuk! *sings* Kangin likes Leeteuk! Kangin likes Leeteuk! *stops* Sorry that was...immature...

Oh the song Yesung was singing was Honesty  Yesung lied when he said some guy sang it. It's actually Ryeowook's English solo. Keke Yewook!

Oh also Hanchul! Heechul and Hangeng are hanging put a lot now at the dance studio.

Oh and also when Leeteuk said You're in here and grabbed Kangin's hand and put it on his chest that was from the Mini Drama.

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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^