y, Free, & Single

The Pizza Boy Who Fell in Love

Don’t give up saying it’s heavy, it’s heavy. It’s the real thing from now on na na na na na na
It’s just something everyone would experience once. We fail, We lose, To win. Don’t be afraid

~ y, Free, & Single, Super Junior

"This place is such a downer." Donghae complained as he and the others sat in the livingroom.

The others agreed. It was a new day and Kangin had yet to come out.

"We need to lure him out...what does he like?" Zhou Mi spoke up.

Eunhyuk grinned. "Barbeque!"

"Yeah! He loves barbeque." Yesung nodded.

Zhou Mi clapped his hands. "Okay! You!" He pointed at Henry."Go get some!"

Henry looked startled at the thought. "Me?"

"Yes." Zhou Mi rolled his eyes.

"O-okay..." Henry looked at someone to give him a ride and Zhou Mi sighed.

"I'll be back." He told the others.

He stood up from the couch and he and Henry left the apartment.

Donghae looked to the others, seconds later. "Any other ideas?"

Ryeowook stood up and went over to the bedroom. "Kangin hyung!" He whined.

No response.

"Kangin-ah! I'm dying!" Yesung made a choking noise and slowly crumpled to the ground. The others smiled.

"Kangin I'm not using honorifics!" Kyuhyun shouted. "I'm your hyung now!"

Still no response.

"Kangin, we ate all your food and clogged your toliet." Shindong, the new comer to the group, said.

Donghae high fived him.

"Kangin-ah...I slept with Teukie before you two got together!" Kibum said.

"...What?" A calm reply was heard.

"Good job!"

"Manager! Good job!"

"That's my honey."

"Ew Siwon..."

"Yeah. He was lonely." Kibum lied.

"Kibum-ah, you're a terrible liar and I seriously don't know why I decided to answer you." Kangin said.

"Just come out already! AISH!" Eunhyuk complained.


"Not even for food?" Sungmin coaxed.


"But you have to eat or you'll die!" Sungmin cried.

"Good. Maybe then you'll leave me alone!"

The man flinched. This was not the answer he had hoped for.

"Kangin-ah, you know I sometimes look to the lord in time of need. If you could just open the door I'll hand you some verses you can rec--"


Siwon eyed the door with a mean look.

"Siwon..." Kibum pulled him away gently. The two went back to the couch.

"Kangin hyung, I know how you feel. When I liked Donghae, I was so sure Donghae didn't like me. He would flirt with girls...I was sad." Eunhyuk told him sincerely.

Donghae gave him a soft smile.


The door suddenly flew open. Eunhyuk fell back in surprise and Kangin loomed over him.

"You and Donghae are a couple?!"

"I thought you knew?" Donghae said.

Kangin growled to himself. He then glared at the two."Why must you guys always do this! You didn't tell me about Siwon or Kibum and...where the hell is Heechul?"

"He went to China." Yesung informed. Kangin fumed.

"That's it!" He turned to go back in.

"Get him!" Kyuhyun ordered and he and the others grabbed several reachable Kangin body parts with all their might. Kangin struggled but Siwon and Kibum came in and Siwon jumped on him causing all of them to land in a dog pile on the floor.

"Get off!!" Kangin choked out.

Sungmin had it worse. He was at the bottom. Shindong on top of him.

"Please!!" Sungmin cried.

"No! Not until hyung says he goes!" Kyuhyun insisted.

"No!" Kangin snapped.

"Please hyung!' Sungmin begged. His face was starting to turn red.

The others looked at Kangin as he stared at something far away. After a couple of seconds which stretched out for hours to Sungmin he finally said. "Maybe..."

"Good enough." Kyuhyun shrugged and got up. Everyone stood up and Kyuhyun helped a half unconcious Sungmin to the couch.

"I thought I was going to die!" Sungmin said scared.

Kyuhyun chuckled.

Kangin followed them all into the living room where they sat and waited for Zhou Mi and Henry.

"I'm so glad you're finally back on track." Ryeowook said happily.  

"Yeah..." Kangin replied.

He and the others had finished up the barbeque and were resting in the livingroom.

Kangin eyed Donghae and Eunhyuk who were curled up together.

"I can't believe you guys were gay!"

"Yeah since the fifth grade." Eunhyuk said.

"Is Heechul..."

"Yup with Hangeng." Donghae answered.

Everyone is gay!

"Please, everyone no more secrets. And Henry you don;t have to mop my floors!" Kangin said to the young boy in the kitchen.

Henry paused. "Sorry hyung, habit."

"No leave him." Zhou Mi said.

Kangin made a face as Henry continued mopping and Zhou Mi continued to eye Henry's as it moved.

Yesung and Kyuhyun had managed to start the karaoke machine Kangin had gotten for his 16th birthday and began to play with it.

"Let's choose a good song." Yesung said. "Oh! 'One Man'!"

"No let's play...'Happiness'."

"One Man!"


"One Man!"


"Yah!" Kangin glared at them."Here I'll choose a song." He flipped through the options and settled on 'Sunny'.

"Sunny?" Kyuhyun and Yesung both said with disappointment.

"It's a good song." Ryeowook defended.

Yesung and Kyuhyun traded glances.

"Here." Ryewook took Yesung's mic.

The song began.

"Where are you off to today? 

I'm curious, so very curious.

Couldn't you go off somewhere without those boys?

Sunny!~ Yes I love you!"

Siwon laughed and grabbed Kyuhyun's mic.

"It's the truth that anyone knows.

She's so pretty, so very pretty that-

there's more than one guy waiting on his knees!" Siwon got on his knees.

Everyone by now had gotten caught up in it. Even Kangin who had still felt depressed by Leeteuk's sudden marriage felt the happiness of the others seep into him.

He even joined in when everyone sang.

"I won't allow that!

Sunny, Sunny, Sunny

I love you!

I need you ( I need you)!" 

Kangin took Ryeowook's mic. "Ah girl, only have eyes for me!"

"I'm willing to be your slave!

Sunny, Sunny, Sunny.

I love you!

I want you (I want you)! " Everyone sang.

Yesung then reclaimed his mic back. " I can't take anymore. Only have eyes for me! I'm your sweet honeypot!"

 Eunhyuk then began rapping and everyone cheered. After that everyone contiuned singing and even attempting to dance. When the song ended everyone clapped.

"That was so much fun!" Donghae exclaimed.

"Yesung your voice is amazing!" Henry complimented.

Yesung smiled. "I think Ryeowook's and Kyuhyun's are better."

"I liked Kangin hyung's." Ryeowook said.

"Thank you." Kangin patted the younger man's head. "You all sound good. Mayb we should all start a band." Kangin joked.

"Wow! That's an awesome idea!" Eunhyuk shouted. He jumped. "We can be called...Rockstars! The New Generation!" He made exploding noises.

The others laughed.

"Super men!" Donghae tried.

"More like Super Kids." Zhou Mi teased.

Donghae and Eunhyuk stuck out their tongues at him.

"Super...Junior?" Ryewook suggested.

"Super Junior?" Shindong repeated.

"I like it." Donghae nodded.

"Super Junior!" Eunhyuk shouted then made exploding noises.

"Let's call that S.M. company and tell them!" Siwon stood up.

"Whoa! Wait I was only kidding!" Kangin said waving his hands.

"But hyung!" Eunhyuk pouted.

"Not right now! I thought we had a wedding to stop!" Kibum added.

Donghae sighed. "Fine but after this blows over...prepare to be famous!"

 Kangin shook his head. Him famous? Highly unlikely...

 "Ryeowook and Yesung are sure taking a long time." Sungmin said worried.

"They're probably making out." Donghae muttered.

"Are they going out?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Their living together." Donghae shrugged.

"Yeah but-" Eunhyuk was cut off by Kangin.

"Can someone just call them already--"

Zhou Mi's phone went off. He picked it up.

"Hello? Wookie? What? Hold on." His face was a look of worry and fear.

He placed the phone on speaker.

"Okay, Ryeowook where are you?"

"HELP ME!! Yesung...we... were in the store and..." Ryeowook began sobbing.

"Calm down!" Kangin called.

"Sorry hyung..." Breathing was heard. "They...they beat Yesung. Oh my god!!He's bleeding!!"

Ryeowook began screaming again.

"Where are you?"

"In the back of the alley from the store! Come hurry!"

"Okay, call 119 and stay where you are." Kangin ordered.


He hung up. They all piled into Kyuhyun's starcraft themed van and took off.

Kangin's thoughts began to get ugly.

What if Yesung was dead by the time they got there? Why had people beat him? What were they after? Had it been Leeteuk's mom again?

Don't worry Yesung I'm coming...

I know this isn't as dramatic as it should have been

Get off my back :P

lol anyways, this story is almost over y'all!! Thanks for those who keep reading and commenting :D

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guys in Mexico they have internet but i have to pay and I only have a little amount of time sorry I havent updated the story is so close to being done! hang on!


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MrSimple0508 #1
IAmToastFood #2
I really enjoyed this and an Eunhae prequel would be just fantastic~!! :)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #3
Yes.. Do it!! :D :D

kekek^^ excited... :))
MrSimple0508 #4
Do it!!!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Awww.. It's so sad that's this story have to end.. But I'm happy that their ending is happy!! Nice Ending you got there!! :D

Super Junior!!! Hwaiting!! ^^
IAmToastFood #6
Omo! Teukie has no idea that his mother thinks it's Yesung :O !! And as for Gulliver, I'm obsessed with it!! It's just so cool! And Kangin ghiayhfuhrufakh!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies*
Update soon author-nim :)
hebteuk #8
can't wait...i luv daydream so much and kangteuk's pic too...i really missed their moments ~ <3...about Gulliver i didn't listen to it yet,but my sis did and said it's amazing.
...i hate kyu and teukie's mother >:/...i'm waiting for the happy ending :DDD
yes teukie kangin is yours!!! ahaha...up date soon dear author-nim^^